Chapter 211 Killing Seven Zuns in a Row!

"It's scary, what is the origin of this ring guard?"

"The black spear in his hand is really extraordinary. The swordsman in white must be finished now! Maybe he can't even beat the first defender."

"I think so too, haha, it looks like we're going to post it!"

"That's right, he's about to make a fortune soon! The third young master of the Ji family is really careless. For the sake of the so-called brotherhood, he has bet so many treasures. It's nothing more than being rich and willful."

"Hahaha, heartless? Don't say that, he is a man of temperament. Anyway, the Ji family has a lot of property for him to squander. It's good if we can take the opportunity to make a fortune."


Discussions continued to ring out from all directions. Thinking about the various treasures that were about to be obtained, the cultivators who bet on Lin Yi's failure felt a burst of excitement.

Of course, the faces of those powerful sects who supported Lin Yi are becoming more and more ugly now...

On the other side, Xiao Zhanmei narrowed his eyes and stared at the altar. He didn't know Lin Yi's identity, but what Lin Yi did today completely destroyed Yi Jianzong's dignity and prestige!
Beheading the leading elder and three or four sect powerhouses in public is tantamount to declaring war!

Therefore, no matter what, Xiao Zhanmei must get rid of the 'White Swordsman', only in this way can he go back to work.

"Senior Baimei, do you know the identity of the ring guard he is facing?" Xiao Zhanmei asked after thinking about it.

The white-browed half-sage replied: "It's clear, he is the guardian of the sword, have you seen that each of the seven guardians has a different weapon in their hands, so we named it after the weapon they used. !"

"The ring guard of the gun master? Is it very powerful? How is it compared to the ring guard of the sword master?" Xiao Zhan frowned and asked in doubt.

At this moment, Zongyun Daohuang said with a look of fear on his face: "The guardian of the sword is not inferior to the guardian of the sword at all. When those strong men fought against them before, we watched the battle at the corner of the altar. I was so frightened that I lost my courage, it was really terrifying!"

"That's right, definitely a ring guard no less than Dao Zun!" Heisha Martial King also nodded and said in agreement.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhan raised his eyebrows and smiled with satisfaction.

At first he thought that the ring guard with a spear was not as powerful as the sword guard, and if he was defeated by the 'white swordsman', wouldn't it be a disaster?
But now that he learned that it turns out that those who guard the ring with guns are no less than those who guard the ring with swords, he immediately showed a look of optimism.

And the cultivators around, after hearing the words of Zongyun Daohuang, Heisha Wuwang, and Baimei Half Saint, also showed various expressions.

Some excitement, anticipation, tension, joy, gloating.

Some are worried, worried, helpless...

It can be said that at this moment, everyone's thoughts were focused on the figure in white in the center of the altar!
Lin Yi stared at the huge figure in front of him, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said a word lightly: "All kinds of weapons and all kinds of methods are broken by my sword!"

Immediately afterwards, he moved!

The figure is like a hurricane, with a step of ten meters, the black sword in his hand is also instantly slashing towards the gun master guarding the ring!
The gun master's guard held his big hand, and the tip of the gun reached into the void, stabbing at Lin Yi with a blast, with overwhelming power, but in front of Lin Yi, there was no need to dodge.

At this time, Lin Yi directly urged the breaking sky sword technique, and directly killed him with the first move!

Immediately, I saw the sword light flashing across the body of the gun master guarding the ring!

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the gun lord and the extraordinary black spear in his hand were split into two in an instant!
The figure is disillusioned, and the defender of the gun is defeated!
The corner of the altar is directly dim...


After seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"Damn it, it must be his luck, I don't believe he can defeat all the ring defenders!" Xiao Zhanmei gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

There are not a few people who think the same as him, it can be said that most people think this way.

They wished that Lin Yi would fail, so that they could double the bet. If Lin Yi defeated the seven defenders, wouldn't they lose everything they lost?
But then, a scene that shocked them even more, the connection happened!
After the gun guard guards the ring, the sword guards the ring guard.

As soon as the sword guard appeared, it made everyone feel at ease, because they all knew that the sword guard was said to be the most powerful existence among the seven ring guards.

If he makes a move, the swordsman in white will definitely be finished!

The Dao Zun's guardian stepped forward with his saber in hand, and rushed directly at Lin Yi, slashing fiercely with his saber.

Immediately, a huge reflection fell from the sky, falling into the eyes of everyone, it was extremely terrifying, and directly split the altar into pieces!

But in Lin Yi's eyes, the altar is safe and he is safe, everything is just an illusion!
"One sword, wind and thunder!"

It was the first form of the Heaven Breaking Nine Swords again.

With a flash of sword light, the Dao Zun guard fell to the ground in response, and his body instantly turned into nothingness.

On the seven-cornered altar, only five directions are still shining, and the southeast and northeast directions have been completely dimmed.

Next, a ring guard with a long sword appeared on the stage, but as soon as he appeared on the stage, another ring guard beside him also appeared on the stage!
A keeper with a sledgehammer!
Hammer Master Sword Master!

It can be said that the two defenders shot together, which is unprecedented and unprecedented.


"One sword, wind and thunder roar, two swords, mountains and rivers collapse!"

The Heaven Breaking Nine Swords were cast out instantly, and the two sword beams were like arrows, without any explanation, they directly cut Hammer Master and Sword Master under the horse.

There are only three directions with bright lights left.


Everyone felt that Stepping Mountain was shaking for a while, and then saw the last three ring guards on the altar at the same time, one with a mace, one with an axe, and one with a spear!
The three ring guards had gray eyes and wore bronze battle armor. They charged towards Lin Yi aggressively. The terrifying coercion they exuded made everyone's hearts tremble and they were extremely afraid!

However, Lin Yi remained unchanged. A faint smile appeared on his face under the mask, and then he performed the first, second, and third moves of the Heaven-breaking Nine Swords in succession, instantly beheading the three guards. kill!

It took less than a minute to kill seven guardians in a row!
Each of them is considered an instant kill.

as if……

In front of Lin Yi, the body of the defender was as fragile as paper!
The entire Tiantian Mountain became extremely silent in an instant, and the world was silent!

Everyone's expressions have froze at this moment, and even their breathing has slowed down a lot. It can be clearly seen that everyone's eyes are filled with thick shock!
Looking at the white-clothed figure on the altar, everyone was in a dazed state.

I don't know how long it took before everyone came back to their senses, and immediately there was a small and unbelievable voice.

PS: I worked overtime today, and not long after I got off work, I obviously couldn’t code, so I had to post two chapters to save the manuscript. Please forgive me, it was originally scheduled to be updated 6 times a day in June, and occasionally 3 updates. That is to say, I owe 4 update today. Make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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