Chapter 234 Blood refining puppet

Xiao Zhanmei's corpse turned out to be a shell, and if one looked at the wound on the neck, one would find that there was nothing in it!
There are no bones, internal organs, or blood, and some are just a layer of flesh and blood!
In other words, it's just a substitute!
"It's actually a puppet clone made of blood refinement technique! So it seems that Xiao Zhanmei may have some connection with the people in the Demon Sect..."

Lin Yiping regained his composure, and then fell into deep thought.

To be honest, Xiao Zhanmei sent a puppet clone to follow Yi Jianzong's strongman to practice at the Nantian Ancient Site. Such a method was beyond everyone's expectations!
Lin Yi reckoned that there were not many people who knew about this matter, not even those strong Yijianzong knew that Young Master Xiao beside them was just a puppet clone!
No wonder he has always been so calm, it turns out he has nothing to fear!

"The art of blood refinement? You mean demon refinement?" Gu Xiao exclaimed after hearing the words, and then muttered to himself: "Yes, his method of refining puppet clones is extremely simple, and the threshold is not high. As long as you find a random body, you can refine it, and the effect is not low."

"Compared to your killing puppet technique, from a certain point of view, the two are evenly matched, but in the long run, the killing puppet technique is more dominant." Gu Xiao analyzed with a frown.

Lin Yi asked: "You also know the art of blood refining? What kind of demon refining? Is it also a method of refining puppets?"

"That's right, the art of blood refinement you know is collectively referred to as demon refinement in Zhongzhongtian and even Shangzhongtian, because the method of refining this puppet is too evil, despised by others, and has a very bad reputation, so It is forbidden to use it, I never thought that the people under Heaven would actually use this method to refine puppets."

The origin of refining puppets is very ancient, and there are many methods.

But no matter how many methods there are, it always follows the old saying that nothing changes!
If you want to subdivide it, it is nothing more than the two words of good and evil.

Some people think that taking human body and refining puppets is an extremely evil thing in the world, while some people are just the opposite, thinking that refining puppets is a good thing to improve their own strength.

The blood refining puppet that Lin Yi talked about was actually the exact opposite of the method of killing puppetry, and it represented an evil method.

The art of refining puppets with blood needs to be refined with a fresh body. When refining, use true energy to protect the heart and brain, and not let it die until the internal organs of the whole body are completely emptied. It can be described as extremely cruel!
As for the Killing Puppet Art, there are no such rules, and it can be refined regardless of whether it is a corpse or a living body, which is relatively decent.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that a Tianci disciple of the upright sect would dare to do such a thing. If someone exposes it, he will definitely be notorious!" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "But it's a pity that now I don't evidence, and if he is exposed rashly, it is very likely that he will counteract it."

"Since you know it well, let's give up this idea. Let's talk about it when we have conclusive evidence." Gu Xiao pointed out.

Lin Yi nodded, without thinking too much, turned around and walked towards Jiang Yanli, Ji Xueyao, and Ji Shaokang.

Relying on the sky-defying Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique, Lin Yi wiped out all the strong men who chased him without much effort. Now, naturally, he has to find Jiang Yanli to fulfill the promise according to the original agreement!

the other side.

The moment Lin Yi punched Xiao Zhanmei's puppet clone, Yi Jianzong was thousands of miles away in Zhongzhou.

In an underground secret room, a man who looked exactly like Xiao Zhanmei suddenly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were calm and lifeless, but as the breath surged back, a gloomy and cold color soon emerged!
At this time, a gray shadow in the secret room gradually solidified, turning into an old man with white temple hair and wearing gray clothes.

The old man stared at Xiao Zhanmei, and said suspiciously: "Zhanmei, why did you return to your original body? Could it be that something happened to Nantian?"

Xiao Zhanmei's face was ashen, and his eyes were dark, and he said: "That's right, all the strong people in the sect have been killed."

"What did you say?" The old man in gray frowned, with a look of anger on his face, and asked: "What's going on? Tell me!"

"It's like this..." Xiao Zhanmei immediately started talking.

After listening for a while, the gray-clothed old man snorted angrily: "You bastard! Let alone a puppet avatar was wasted, and the entire army was wiped out. If the deity hadn't pointed you out before departure, I'm afraid your life would have been lost in it long ago! "

"Yes, this is thanks to the ancestor, Zhanmei is very grateful." Xiao Zhanmei immediately said with his fists clasped.

"Okay, I can't blame you for this matter. Since a strong Martial Emperor helped that swordsman in white, it's understandable that you are not his opponent." The gray-clothed old man said flatly: "But this revenge must be avenged! Let's play the sword When did Zong suffer this kind of loss? During this trip to the southern sky, he lost more than a dozen powerhouses above the Martial Venerable Realm, as well as several Martial Kings."

"If the Great Elder finds out about it, wouldn't he die of anger?"

"Didn't the Great Elder say that he would retreat for three years?" Xiao Zhanmei asked, "The suzerain..."

"Don't worry, the suzerain. You will practice in this secret room for the time being. You will go back after ten days, and then report the truth. However, if the suzerain asks how you escaped from ascending to heaven, you can't tell about the puppet clone. It's troublesome."

"I understand, but what should I say?" Xiao Zhanmei asked.

"Let's just escaped a catastrophe through the Wanli Shenzhou Talisman." The gray-clothed old man replied, without a trace of emotion in his voice.

"Wanli Shenzhou Talisman? But that kind of thing is extremely rare. Our entire Yijian Sect doesn't have it. As I said, can the suzerain believe it?" Xiao Zhanmei asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, the deity will explain to him at that time, saying that it was given to you by the elder before leaving." The gray-clothed old man said calmly.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhanmei was relieved, who is the Great Elder?That is the leader of the Supreme Elders, the existence with the strongest cultivation base and the highest status in the entire Yijian Sect!
Even if it is the suzerain, it has to be respected.

Saying that the Wanli Shenzhou Talisman was obtained from him, the Sovereign would definitely not doubt it, nor would he dare to doubt it.

After that, the figure of the old man in gray flashed and disappeared into the secret room.

Xiao Zhanmei was the only one left, and he immediately practiced cross-legged.

He is not Lin Yi. Although he is very talented and able to multitask, manipulating two bodies is extremely exhausting after all.

When I set off to the Nantian Ancient Site before, I attached most of the primordial spirit to the puppet, leaving only a small part of the primordial spirit to control the main body.

Now that the puppet true god has been destroyed, most of the primordial spirits have also disappeared, so Xiao Zhanmei has no choice but to use the next few days to repair the lost primordial spirit, otherwise it will greatly affect his future cultivation.


At the same time, Lin Yi walked up to Jiang Yanli.

His eyes were full of undisguised joy, and he said lightly: "I did it, now, should you fulfill your promise?"

"You, the body training method you cultivated is too powerful. From the very beginning, you knew that you would defeat them, right?" Jiang Yanli asked with a blushing face.

 PS: Thank you [Zou Yong] brother for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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