Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 34 The Woman in White

Chapter 34 The Woman in White (Please collect and recommend)
In the darkness, Lin Yi looked at the man, and saw that the man was eight feet tall, with a hulking back, a steady breath, restrained true energy, and an invisible coercion emanating from his whole body, obviously his cultivation had reached an astonishing level !

However, what surprised Lin Yi the most was that he couldn't see his face clearly.

The entire face was shrouded in a cloud of gray mist, which looked extremely mysterious.

"Don't look, this deity is Ning Xieyang, the God of Xiao Lingchao Yudong!" As if sensing Lin Yi's curious gaze, the man said calmly.

But when these words came out, Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment.

Although he didn't know what the "God of the East" Ning Xieyang was in his previous life, but the memory he has now is that he has heard many things about Ning Xieyang.

In the Soul Continent, there are many races.

However, there are only three races that rule the entire continent, that is, the human race, the spirit race, and the demon race.

In today's world pattern, the north of the mainland is the spirit clan, and there are five spiritual dynasties in total.

The human race south of the mainland is divided into seven major martial arts kingdoms.

To the east of the mainland is the demon clan, which is divided into eight major demon kingdoms.

This Ning Xieyang is from Xiaoling Dynasty, one of the Five Great Spiritual Dynasties, a member of the Spiritual Clan!
As a god general of the Xiaoling dynasty, Ning Xieyang is extremely powerful. It is said that he stepped into the realm of the Martial Emperor ten years ago, and was responsible for defending against the demons who have been attacking the eastern border all the year round. kill.

For a while, many phrases such as "I would rather see Yan Luo than Ning Xieyang" spread all over the countries of the Demon Race, making the people of the Demon Race frightened by it.

As for what state Ning Xieyang has reached now, Lin Yi does not know.

But what is certain is that in front of him, he is absolutely no different from an ant.

"Why did you break into our human race's territory?" After learning the identity of this person, Lin Yi calmed down and asked in a flat tone.

The human race and the spirit race have always been in harmony with each other, and the people of the spirit race will never step into the jurisdiction of the human race if there is no serious matter.

"Is it necessary for the deity to tell you?" Ning Xieyang didn't seem to be thinking about Lin Yi, but was looking around, and responded casually, but his tone was full of arrogance.

At this moment, Ning Xieyang turned to look at Lin Yi, and asked, "By the way, I ask you, have you ever seen a woman in white?"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi only felt a terrifying coercion, which instantly penetrated Ning Xieyang's eyes, as if turning into substance, and suddenly enveloped his whole body.

In an instant, Lin Yi had nowhere to hide, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and even breathing became difficult.

"Think clearly before answering, if you dare to lie, I don't mind crushing you, an ant!" Ning Xieyang said lightly.

Under the pressure, Lin Yi gritted his teeth and spit out a few words: "No, I haven't seen it before."

Ning Xieyang squinted his eyes and stared at Lin Yi for a while, seeing Lin Yi's expression was composed, not as if he was lying, so he restrained his coercion.

Lin Yi was paralyzed in an instant, his whole body was soaked in sweat, as if he had collapsed.

"It seems that you really didn't see her!" Ning Xieyang murmured to himself.

However, neither of them noticed that there was a woman in white lying in the grass not far away.

This white-clothed woman is beautiful in appearance, her eyebrows are like distant mountains, her eyes are like autumn waves, her figure is slender and slender, and she is dressed in a clear white dress, like a fairy descending from the mortal world.

If there was a [-]-point scale for women's appearance, Chu Qingping would score no more than [-] points, Chu Shenglan would score no more than [-] points, and this woman in white would definitely score [-] points!
Those phoenix eyes were shining brightly, exuding a fairy air, if you have to find fault, there is only one word: cold!

That's right, it's cold!

Although the woman in white looks astonishing as a heavenly being, her peerless face is extremely cold, and her eyes are even colder!

Temperament deserted!

She is even more inaccessible than the fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world.

At this moment, she was covering her abdomen with a jade hand, and scarlet blood gushed out through her fingers. Soon, her already fair face became even paler.

Squinting her phoenix eyes, staring at the worsening injury, the woman in white thought to herself, "It seems that this is the only way to go"!
Thinking of this, the woman in white twitched her lips and changed her figure. In an instant, she changed from a slim woman to a snow-white fox!
Although he turned into a beast, the wound on his abdomen was still bleeding, and he passed out not long after.

On the other side, Ning Xieyang took a look at Lin Yi, and said coldly: "Don't tell anyone what happened today, otherwise, even if you are the master of Yijian Sect, I will still kill you!"

After the words fell, Ning Xieyang's figure twisted in place for a while, and then disappeared!
Speed ​​to the extreme!

But Lin Yi was not surprised. His speed was hundreds of times faster than this at the peak of his previous life!
Just a Martial Emperor, Lin Yi didn't take it seriously.

It's just that what Lin Yi was curious about was that Emperor Wu Ning Xieyang was looking for a woman, who was that woman?


Not long after Ning Xieyang left, the ground trembled.

Lin Yi's face changed slightly, and he murmured: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, there are many monsters coming here."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately took steps and swept towards the depths.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi tripped suddenly, and Lin Yi felt as if he had kicked something.

Looking down, it was a snow-white raccoon!
"Huh?" Lin Yi was surprised, "What is this? It's dead?"

As he spoke, he picked up the injured spirit raccoon.

The raccoon's body was snow white, only the size of a domestic cat, and looked very cute, but the snow-white fur on its abdomen was stained with scarlet blood, which made it look awkward.

"Exactly, I haven't had dinner yet." Lin Yi muttered as he looked at the raccoon in his hand.

Stimulated by external force, the spirit fox who had just woken up was so angry that he almost vomited three liters of blood when he heard this.

Has she, the majestic overlord of the Evening Blood Forest, been reduced to being the dinner of human beings?

"Lin Yi, I'm afraid this little thing is not a mortal thing." At this moment, Gu Xiao suddenly said to Lin Yi in his mind: "Besides, it's not dead yet."

"Isn't it a mortal thing? Isn't it just an ordinary raccoon beast? I don't think it's even a first-order monster. It's just right for dinner." Lin Yi said.

"Look carefully, this spirit raccoon has already woken up, but when he heard your words, he was so frightened that he pretended to be dead. This kind of intelligence is far higher than that of the red-winged white tiger before. Could it be an ordinary monster? " Gu Xiao said.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi carefully looked at the snow-white spirit raccoon, and as expected, its long eyelashes were constantly trembling.

Lin Yi thought he was scared by himself, but it was not, he was angry!
"That's all, then I won't eat you, I'll bandage your wound, and you can leave." With a helpless smile, Lin Yi clamped the raccoon violently under his armpit, and quickly swept deep go.

The raccoon immediately stretched out its little paws, struggling back and forth, looking very sad and angry.

There was an indescribable look in a pair of big, agile eyes, both ashamed and angry! !

(End of this chapter)

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