Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 79: Dahuangzhai Takes Action!

Chapter 79: Dahuangzhai Takes Action!
"Explosive palm! Earth-shattering punch!"

One hand turned into a palm, the other clenched into a fist.

In the sea of ​​qi, the four awakened stars trembled wildly, and the majestic zhenqi burst out with starlight, gathering on Lin Yi's fist!

Immediately, a red palm shadow and a giant fist of golden light slammed towards Feng Wuji like a dragon soaring and a tiger roaring.

The red golden rays of light went in parallel, and the giant fists of the palm shadows also gathered together, as if the air was about to be torn apart, the momentum was terrifying!

Feng Wuji didn't take it seriously at first, but after feeling the boundless and violent aura of Exploding Sky Palm and Earth Splitting Fist, his face changed drastically, and his pupils shrank sharply!

Such a powerful martial skill is too inconsistent with Lin Yi's two-star Martial Ancestor's cultivation base!

At this moment, Feng Wuji felt that Lin Yi's attack at least had the power of a five-star Wuzong!

Seeing the red fist shadow and the golden giant fist rushing towards them quickly, it was too late for Feng Wuji to retreat, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and meet them.

"True Qi body protection!"

Feng Wuji stretched out his palms and let out an angry roar, the protective zhenqi instantly diffused out, turning into a white layer, enveloping him like a silkworm chrysalis.

The attacks of the Explosive Palm and the Earth-Splitting Fist then landed on Feng Wuji's body, and the white silkworm chrysalis-like zhenqi shell immediately shattered into pieces with a bang!

Although the zhenqi shell withstood most of the attacks, Feng Wuji was still affected, his body was unstable, and he staggered back. Immediately, the qi and blood in his body surged, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood.

"Hehe..." Feng Wuji wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, sneered, and then a murderous look appeared in his eyes, staring at Lin Yi Senran and said: "Little beast, you actually injured the old man, no wonder If you can beat my apprentice, you really have two skills, if you let you continue to develop, how far you will grow in the future, it is really hard to say!"

"So the old man must cut the weeds and root out as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!"

"Crazy old dog! I just hit you casually and wounded you. It seems that your cultivation is not very good!" Lin Yi sneered.

"The old man was just careless for a while, and the next thing is to kill you!"

Feng Wuji was sneered by Lin Yi's words, and after he finished speaking, a ball of green fireworks suddenly rose from his palm, like a dancing crystal, dispersing, and turned into a toad in a blink of an eye, dormant in his hand, A cold breath spread out in an instant.

"The one hundred and fifth place in the Alchemy Spirit Fire Record, Toad Ghost Flame?" Lin Yi frowned and murmured.

Lin Yi is no stranger to the "Alchemy Spirit Fire Record". There are a total of [-] kinds of alchemist spirit fires recorded on it. The green fire in the shape of a toad is the 'Toad Ghost Flame' which is ranked [-]th!

Toad Ghost Flame and Heaven Punishing Holy Flame can be said to be two completely different spiritual fires.

Whether it is attributes, power, or grades, they are all very different.

The Holy Flame of Punishing Heaven is the emperor in the fire, burning up all the heavens, the holy flame is perfect!

Whether it is used to make alchemy or fight against the enemy, it is incomparable.

And the toad ghost flame belongs to a different kind of spiritual fire. Not only does this kind of flame not make people feel the slightest warmth, but on the contrary, it has a cold and cold breath, which is most suitable for refining poison!
At the same time, it is also highly toxic, like toad venom, it will burst when touched, and the skin will rot and fester.

However, compared with Tianzhu Shengyan, Toad Ghost Flame was restrained to death!
As the saying goes, evil cannot overcome good, and yin cannot overcome yang!

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to know alchemy spirit fire? Since you know that this old man is holding Toad Ghost Flame, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy? Do you have to wait for this old man to torture you to death with Toad Ghost Flame? Are you willing to beg for mercy?" Feng Wuji laughed triumphantly.

"You have the nerve to show off something crooked like Toad Ghost Flame? Look at what I have in my hand." Lin Yi sneered. After speaking, a cluster of golden flames burned in his palm.

As soon as the flame came out, a feeling of burning everything in the world immediately permeated, and the temperature rose sharply!

Instantly extinguished the limelight of Toad Ghost Flame in Feng Wuji's hand, the suppressed Toad Ghost Flame couldn't lift his head, and even showed some signs of fading!

Feng Wuji was taken aback for a moment, "This, this is the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame ranked fourth in the "Alchemy Spirit Fire Record"?"

Before Lin Yi could answer, Feng Wuji showed a greedy look on his face, and laughed wildly: "Haha, that's great, I didn't expect you to have such a treasure, but from now on, this fourth-ranked Alchemist Spirit Fire , it belongs to the old man!"

After the words fell, he rushed towards Lin Yi directly!
"Sword come!"

Lin Yi shouted, and the pitch-black broken sword suddenly flew into his hand, and the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame immediately attached to it, a pitch-black broken sword burning with golden flames, pointed directly at the sky, facing Feng Wuji head-on!

At this moment, Lin Yi was possessed like a sword emperor, without any fear!

At the same time, the edge of the restricted area.

A figure was hiding in the dark, staring at Lin Yi and Feng Wuji quietly.

After seeing Feng Wuji and Lin Yi colliding together.

The figure's expression changed, and without even thinking about it, he rushed back to the depths of the restricted area, much faster than Feng Wuji.

In the center of Twilight Blood Forest, which is regarded as a forbidden zone of death by the outside world, there is a majestic stronghold standing in it!
There is a plaque above the gate of the village, on which are written three beautiful and elegant characters that do not match the shape of Dazhai: Dahuangzhai!

"The big master, the little one just discovered that there are two human races fighting on the edge of the restricted area. They both hold alchemy spirit fire in their hands. It seems that they are all alchemists." The figure ran back to the Great Wilderness Village. It was to report the matter to the head of the Dahuangzhai.

Inside the Great Wilderness Village, a slender figure was lying lazily on the animal skin chair.

Her beautiful eyes look forward to shine, and her appearance is even more dusty than that of Fairy Nine Heavens. She is so beautiful that no one can associate her with the master of Dahuangzhai.

It was none other than Jiang Yanli!

"Aren't they just two alchemists of the human race? Don't worry about it, but as long as they dare to step into the range of Dahuangzhai, they will be wiped out immediately!" Contains the supreme majesty of a person in power.

"Yes!" The disciple of Dahuangzhai nodded immediately, and was about to leave when he was ordered to leave when he suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "By the way, the master, the younger one also heard that one of them is called Lin Yi, I don't know if it's the name that the head of the family keeps talking about all day long?"


Hearing this, Jiang Yanli narrowed her phoenix eyes, frowned and asked, "Lin Yi?"

"Yes, it's a young man, the head of the family, you won't have a crush on him, will you?" the disciple of Dahuangzhai asked with a sly smile.

"Don't talk nonsense! When Ning Xieyang attacked the stronghold that day, he once said insulting words to this deity, and this deity wanted to kill him immediately! How could he fall in love with him? Funny!" Jiang Yanli quickly explained, and then urged: "Quick, take me quickly Go! His life belongs to the deity, whoever dares to touch him, the deity will kill him!"

Hearing this, the Dahuangzhai disciple couldn't help showing a smile, and said he didn't like him?Since he didn't like him, why did he care so much about his life?
But he didn't dare to say that, and immediately took Jiang Yan respectfully away to where Lin Yi and Feng Wuji were, at the edge of the restricted area.

(End of this chapter)

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