Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 82 Inciting to beat someone!

Chapter 82 Inciting to beat someone!

"Is the quick tongue enough?"

At this time, Jiang Yanli gave Lin Yi a cold look, and then said.

Lin Yi laughed when he heard the words, he knew that he couldn't make further progress, otherwise Jiang Yanli would really get angry, and even he couldn't bear it!

However, he secretly vowed in his heart that one day he would return to the peak again and turn everything he said before into reality!
"Why did this person kill you?"

Pointing to Feng Wuji who was pinned down by the red-haired man on the ground after he tried to escape, Jiang Yanli asked with a cold face.

Immediately Lin Yi told the ins and outs of the matter.

Jiang Yanli frowned slightly after hearing this, and murmured: "So you are all members of Yijianzong, no wonder you broke into the edge of the restricted area, since this person has a grudge against you, then he will be handed over to you."

After saying this, Jiang Yanli nodded slightly to the red-haired man, and ordered: "Yu Feng, abolish this man's cultivation and give it to him."

"Yes, master." The red-haired man nodded, then he twitched his mouth and stared at Feng Wuji with a cold smile.

Immediately, he bent his fingers and fell like an eagle's claw towards Feng Wuji's sea of ​​air!

A ferocious air erupted from him immediately, how can the red-haired man look like a polite and weak scholar at this moment?
It's so brutal!

"do not want!"

Seeing this, Feng Wuji shrank his pupils, roared, and struggled desperately, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the red-haired man's control.

The red-haired man's name is Yu Feng, and he is the second head of the Great Wilderness Village. He has a three-star Martial King Realm cultivation base, and his body is a roc monster!
Originally, Yu Feng was the overlord of the Twilight Blood Forest, but since Jiang Yanli came here, he was subdued by Jiang Yanli, and under Jiang Yanli's guidance, he was able to step into the realm of King Wu and take the form of a human being. The most powerful 'Fire Feather Jinpeng' among the monsters is the existence in the entire Great Wilderness Village, second only to Jiang Yanli in strength!

A mere Feng Wuji is naturally not his opponent.

The five claws stabbed through the skin and penetrated into the abdomen, and Feng Wuji's sea of ​​qi was instantly shattered!
In the blink of an eye, the true energy dissipated and turned into a useless person.

Shaking off the blood on his hand, Yu Feng then threw Feng Wuji towards Lin Yi casually, and said lightly, "I'll leave it to you."

Looking at Feng Wuji who was like a dead dog, a ferocious smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, what is Feng Shui rotation, this is it!
A few hours ago, he almost resigned himself to his fate and died in his hands, but now it's the other way around!
Lin Yi felt extremely happy in his heart, but instead of attacking Feng Wuji immediately, he looked at Jiang Yanli gratefully.

To be honest, this is the second time Jiang Yanli has rescued him.

The first time he was outside Twilight Blood Forest, Jiang Yanli helped him deal with Wang Yu, Uncle Wang Kunmang and his nephew.

And this time, if Jiang Yanli hadn't arrived in time, Lin Yi might really be doomed.

Therefore, in Lin Yi's heart, besides being the woman he wanted to conquer, Jiang Yanli also had deep gratitude.

"Thank you." Looking at Jiang Yanli, Lin Yi said seriously.

At this moment, he has curbed all the frivolity before, and his face is full of seriousness!
Seeing this, Jiang Yanli couldn't help being slightly moved, but she didn't say anything, turned around and left, the old and the young immediately chased after seeing this.

In the Beast King Hall, only Lin Yi, Yu Feng, Xiong Batian, and Feng Wuji were left.

"Boy, you are capable of tricks, but you have even confused our big boss, saying, did you use some crooked methods? Otherwise, how could our big boss be so friendly to a human being?" Xiong Batian immediately turned towards Lin Yi walked over and put his palm on Lin Yi's shoulder naturally.

I wanted to use my strength to give Lin Yilai a bad start, but who knew that as soon as he pressed down with his palm, he found that Lin Yi's whole body was solid, and he didn't move at all!

"Huh?" Xiong Batian looked at Lin Yi in surprise.

His palm is enough to crush a tiger into meat paste, even Nine Star Martial Ancestor would have to kneel to the ground.

But the boy in black in front of him is actually fine?
The figure is solid, without a trace of shaking, it's a ghost!
Lin Yi looked at Xiong Batian and smiled calmly, looking calm.

There is some ability, not as weak as it seems on the surface!
Xiong Batian thought to himself, and then he winked at Yu Feng, telling him to pay attention, this kid is not simple.

However, he didn't know that Lin Yi had pushed the 'Mahayana Dragon Elephant Body Refining Technique' to the extreme, and the skin and flesh and blood hidden under the clothes had all turned into jade. With a strong body, I'm afraid Lin Yi would have been crushed into meatloaf by Xiong Batian long ago.

In fact, seeing Xiong Batian walking towards him, Lin Yi, the thoughtful and strong sword emperor, had already anticipated what would happen, so he used the body training method in advance to prevent it.

As expected, he really guessed right!

"Since you are a friend of our boss, we are also friends, don't you think so?" Yu Feng also moved closer to Lin Yi at this time, with an unnecessary smile on his face.

But Lin Yi knew very well that this kid might also play Xiong Batian's tricks, so he wouldn't be fooled, so he stepped back immediately, and said with a smile: "That's right, that's right, since we've come to you, everyone They are all friends. By the way, this old dog has a mortal enemy with me, since we are friends, why don't you help me get rid of him?"

"Fuck him?"

When Xiong Batian and Yu Feng heard this, they immediately became interested.

"Yes, this old dog was very arrogant before, and he said that he wanted to destroy the ancient villain in the Twilight Blood Forest and do justice for the sky. At that time, I was angry. What ancient villain is obviously a beautiful woman like a fairy descending to the earth. , he actually has the heart?" Lin Yi said out of nothing, embellished.

"Fuck, you actually want to kill my sister, let's see if my old bear doesn't kill you!"

Hearing what Lin Yi said, the simple-minded Xiong Batian believed it immediately, and was so angry that he went up and kicked Feng Wuji between his crotch.


Feng Wuji, who was on the verge of passing out, felt a sharp pain in his crotch, and roared loudly.

"Calling you motherfucker, you actually said that you want to kill our big boss? I think you, a human being, really ate the guts of ambitious leopards!"

Yu Feng had been transformed for less than two years, and his mind was not yet mature. At this time, he was instigated by Lin Yi, and he rushed up immediately, and slapped Feng Wuji on the back of the head.

With a bang, Feng Wuji became dizzy and stared at him.

In a daze, he heard the crux of the problem, and thought to himself when did he say he was going to destroy that ancient monster?Nothing at all!

"I, I didn't..."

Just when he was about to explain, Lin Yi also joined the beating array, and punched Feng Wuji's face, knocking Feng Wuji into a daze, and at the same time, several yellow dies flew out of Feng Wuji's mouth out.

"Bang bang..."

Then Lin Yi, Yu Feng, and Xiong Batian's fists fell on Feng Wuji's body like a storm, they didn't give Feng Wuji a chance to speak, and they beat Feng Wuji so hard that he was almost out of shape.

 PS: The second update is a little late, sorry.Guaranteed at the third watch tomorrow, ask for a ticket!Ask for votes!Ask for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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