Chapter 901 Opening

It's just that Lin Yi was a little puzzled as to why Li Mohua appeared here.

And also arranged a banquet, what is the purpose?
At this moment, Bai Xuan whispered in Lin Yi's ear: "The Regal Hotel is owned by the Li family. Li Mohua wants to use the Shiina family to get rid of you on his own territory. Lin Yi, should I call the police?"

"So that's how it is." Lin Yi nodded in a sudden realization, and said in his heart that this was what happened, and then said lightly: "There is no need to call the police, I will solve it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yi walked towards Li Mohua step by step, with a playful smile on his face.

Bai Xuan couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips, thinking in her heart that if something happened, she must call the police. Only the police can solve it, so she tightly held the phone in her hand.

"Mr. Li, I thought you had been quiet for two days. Unexpectedly, you are waiting for me here with a full stomach of bad water?" Lin Yi stood under the stage, staring at Li Mohua with a sneer and said, "You are really a dog who can't change your food." S, if I don’t teach you a lesson today, I’m afraid it’s impossible.”

"Haha, Master Lin Yi, what are you talking about? Your opponent is not me, but Master Keisuke Shiina from the island country. Come on, let us applaud the martial arts master of the island country—Keisuke Shiina! "

Li Mohua announced loudly, and then a middle-aged man wearing a black samurai uniform, who looked somewhat similar to Shiina Ryunosuke, came out from the side of the stage. He had a dignified face, a tall figure, and held a samurai sword in his hand. An undeniable sense of solemnity.

Immediately, the audience fell silent, and then, following Li Mohua's signal, everyone gave this martial arts master warm applause.

At this moment, Li Mohua jumped under the stage suddenly, and said softly to Lin Yi: "Lin Yi, today is definitely your death day. Shiina Keisuke is much stronger than Shiina Ryunosuke, and you are definitely not his opponent."

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank you. If you hadn't killed Ryunosuke Shiina, I'm afraid Keisuke Shiina would not have traveled all the way from the island country to come here." Li Mohua smiled.

Then he stepped onto the stage again and said to the crowd: "Okay, everyone, I know that you all want to enjoy a peak duel between warriors. Next, let us feast our eyes!"

"I invite you two to come on stage!"

Keisuke Shiina gave Lin Yi a cold look, and walked straight onto the ring from the side, but Lin Yi found that there were no less than fifty powerful island warriors around the stage. They were either hidden in the darkness, or Is sitting in the seat.

But no matter what, Lin Yi can be sure that as long as Keisuke Shiina gives an order, those island warriors will swarm towards him.

But fortunately, those island warriors are nothing in Lin Yi's eyes. The only one who is a little afraid is Keisuke Shiina.

Lin Yi also stepped onto the stage and stood in front of Keisuke Shiina, the two were only about three meters apart.

"Master Lin Yi, today, you and I must distinguish between superior and inferior, as well as life and death." Shiina Keisuke said in not-so-fluent Chinese.

"Okay." Lin Yi smiled and nodded without fear.


Shiina Keisuke made a gesture very politely, but Lin Yi was indifferent.

He knew it was humiliating.

When two fighters compete, they should fight together.

Shiina Keisuke did this, obviously mocking Lin Yi.

At the same time, Li Mohua stood in the crowd and said loudly: "Everyone, let me introduce Master Shiina next. Many people present may not know his origin."

"The Shiina family is a well-known martial arts family in the island country, and it is also a business empire. Master Keisuke Shiina serves as the family's martial arts instructor. In other words, every qualified samurai in the Shiina family has passed the In the hands of the master."

"Master Shiina's brother, you should be very clear, that is Shiina Ryunosuke, everyone has only heard of Shiina Ryunosuke, but few people know Shiina Keisuke."

"Why is this?"

"The reason is simple. All along, Master Keisuke Shiina has been very low-key. He doesn't want himself to be known to the outside world. It can be said to be the complete opposite of Ryunosuke Shiina."

"But in fact, Master Keisuke Shiina's martial arts strength is much higher than that of Ryunosuke Shiina. It can be said that he is half of Ryunosuke Shiina's teacher."

"This time, Master Keisuke Shiina went to China in person to compete with Master Lin Yi in martial arts, in fact, it was for his younger brother Ryunosuke Shiina."

"That's right, you heard me right. Not long ago, Shiina Ryunosuke was defeated by Lin Yi. As the martial arts instructor of the Shiina family, Master Keisuke Shiina is naturally obliged to come to China for revenge."

"So tonight is not only a martial arts banquet, but also a martial arts revenge banquet!"

"Come on! Let me see your enthusiasm!"

"Whoever you support, please shout out his name!"

Li Mohua mobilized the emotions of the audience very well.

Everyone shouted the names of Lin Yi and Keisuke Shiina loudly.

Obviously, some people support Lin Yi, while others support Keisuke Shiina.

"Hey, are you stupid? Does that Lin Yi also have support?"

A fat man in a suit asked with a dissatisfied face.

Bai Xuan and Chen Youyou were sitting alone in the same seat, very close to the fat man. Hearing this, Bai Xuan was dissatisfied and said, "What's wrong with supporting Lin Yi? Are you breaking the law?"

"Hmph, that Lin Yi is young, how could he be the opponent of Master Shiina, Master Shiina has been in the martial arts world of the island country for decades, isn't he the opponent of a yellow-haired boy?" The fat man in the suit said arrogantly, like a running dog .

"It's up to you, we are supporting Lin Yi anyway!" Chen Youyou said.

"What he said seems to make sense. Master Shiina obviously has a better chance of winning."

"That's natural. The martial arts instructor of the Shiina family must be powerful. That Lin Yi is definitely not an opponent."

However, when many people heard Fatty's words, they immediately became reckless and began to support Keisuke Shiina.

However, some people said: "Don't be so hasty to make a conclusion. Didn't you hear Mr. Li before? Lin Yi defeated Shiina Ryunosuke."

"How is it?"

"It shows that Lin Yi is also very powerful. Shiina Ryunosuke is a martial arts master in his forties, but he was defeated by a fledgling kid. Doesn't this mean that Lin Yi is very powerful?" It's hard to tell the outcome of the competition, even if Lin Yi loses, his potential is still very huge."

"That being said, I believe that as the martial arts instructor of the Shiina family, Master Shiina Keisuke is better than Lin Yi."

Everyone was arguing endlessly, but gradually, the number of people who supported Lin Yi decreased.

At this moment, Li Mohua yelled: "Everyone, the market is open! If you think Lin Yi can win, press to the left, if you think Keisuke Shiina can win, press to the right!"

 Thanks to [South China Tiger] and [Shi,,,, Jian] brothers for their monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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