Chapter 908 Delete All

"Is this... memory deduction?"

Lin Yi personally experienced what the little toad experienced.

One after another, one by one, as if he had experienced it all himself.

However, with the rapid passage of time, Lin Yi's brain suddenly became confused.

He couldn't help but have a question in his mind: Who am I?
I'm Lin Yi?

Or this toad living in Qinghe?
Two thoughts occupied Lin Yi's heart, which made Lin Yi frowned and couldn't help thinking hard.

This is the disadvantage of using Lingquan fog to search for souls.

Lin Yi thought he had a tough heart and an unyielding will, but he ignored the power of time.

From the perspective of little toad, feeling all the time he experienced in his previous life, time flies, even Lin Yi can't help but feel shaken and doubtful.

But the good news is that the questioning thought only occupied one or two tenths of Lin Yi's brain, and Lin Yi still had the ability to suppress that thought and know his identity.

"I'm Lin Yi, not that remnant soul. I'm searching his memory now, not what I experienced personally." Lin Yi clenched his teeth, thinking to himself.

At the same time, it also browses his life from the perspective of toad.

This toad living in the Qinghe River, its life would have been very ordinary. It was born in the river, ate some worms, or died, or was captured, but all this changed when it was three years old. .

At the bottom of the Qinghe River, a spirit bead emerged, but I don't know where it came from, nor where it went.

I only know that as soon as the spirit beads come out, the river boils, and the spiritual energy overflows, and all the creatures in the river are exaggerated, or their qi and blood rise sharply, or their wisdom improves, or their bodies swell. Under the nourishment of each other, they all become miraculous.

Toad was originally unknown, and he had no intention of doing anything to that spirit bead, but the day after the spirit bead appeared, it happened to flow to Toad's side along with the river. The bead is less than half the size of a thumb, but it exudes a gentle light.

The toad's heart moved, and he flicked his tongue to roll it into his belly. Since then, this toad has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, it was different from ordinary things. After swallowing the spirit beads, its body became bigger and bigger. It not only devoured fish, shrimps and land insects in the river, but even some birds and beasts. Evolves into an eagle and a leopard.

Within ten years, Toad almost became the overlord in the vicinity of the Qinghe River.

Humans living nearby are also aware of it, but they don't know what the animals that die frequently are eaten by.

Toad has swallowed the spirit beads, and in the past ten years, he has gained a lot of spiritual wisdom, and his actions have become more cautious, and he has mastered the cultivation method by himself. For several years, no humans found any trace of it.

And at night, the toad started to act, first killing nearby living creatures wantonly to fill his stomach, and then began to breathe spiritual energy.

Such days lasted for a long time, so long that even it itself did not have a clear concept.

The long practice is nothing to the toad. It swallows birds and beasts, but it dare not attack humans, because it knows very well that once it provokes humans, it will not have a good life.

So, for decades, even hundreds of years, it has lived in peace with human beings, and no one has ever discovered it, until... when it is about to take shape.

On that day, it was the time when the toad had worked hard for a hundred years and was about to turn into a human body. The night was dark, and all creatures were resting. personal body.

However, just in the middle of the process, a farmer came to the river and happened to see the miraculous scene of the toad transforming into a shape.

The toad was terribly frightened, and fled into the water in a hurry, while the farmer also fled in despair. However, since then, there has been a Qinghe monster.

The toad's whereabouts were discovered by humans, but it didn't mean to leave.

One day, a Taoist priest appeared, as if he knew the location of the toad, the Taoist came directly to Qinghe and captured him. Facing the Taoist priest dressed in green, the toad had no room to resist.

If it transformed, it might still have the power to fight, but before it transformed, the toad was no match for the Tsing Yi Taoist priest at all, and he was easily captured by him.

The Taoist didn't explain the reason to the toad, and the toad didn't ask, but just before leaving, he spit out a song he liked the most: "Under the small bridge, flowing water... that used to be my home... Tianguang , the child everything is gone..."

The ballad was sung by Toad, and he kept it silently in his heart. The first time he uttered this ballad, the Taoist priest captured the ghost alive, and the ghost uttered the song, which was seen by the nearby villagers who were chopping firewood, so the legend has been passed down like this.

When the memory was deduced to this point, suddenly, Lin Yi's eyes went dark, and he withdrew from that memory.

"What's going on? What's behind?"

Lin Yi couldn't help exclaiming.

"I don't know. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, unless...unless the spirit monster no longer has the memory of the latter period in its mind." Ming Lian explained.

"Impossible, absolutely. He was captured by the Tsing Yi Taoist priest. There must be a story behind it! Why can't the deduction continue?" Lin Yi said anxiously.

At this moment, Gu Xiao said lightly: "This is very simple, if he doesn't want you to know what happened later, what is the best way?"

"What is it? You don't want to be a fool."

"Of course it is to delete all memories." Gu Xiao said.

"Delete all memories? How is that possible? Even I can't do it." Lin Yi exclaimed.

It is simply impossible to delete the memory in the mind, not to mention how to delete it, even if it can be deleted, what about after deleting your own memory?
Isn't it a blank in the brain?Empty?

What's the difference between that and a fool?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately looked at the remnant soul, but then, it confirmed Gu Xiao's statement.

The remnant soul's eyes were dull, and his eyes were empty, obviously he had no thoughts, like a mentally handicapped.

"Isn't it? So ruthless, you actually deleted all your memories?" Lin Yi rolled his eyes speechlessly.

He never expected that this Yin spirit would delete his own memory in order not to let him continue to check, which is too cruel.

But what Lin Yi wondered was, how did it do it?

delete memory?really can?
Gu Xiao said again: "Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but no one has ever tried it."

"Then is there a way to recover?" Lin Yi asked again.

"I'm not sure about this, you should ask Minglian." Gu Xiao immediately gave way.

(End of this chapter)

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