Chapter 911


Immediately afterwards, a zombie with a white and terrifying face was exposed to the scorching sun!
"Ow! Ow!"

Being exposed to sunlight, the zombie roared in pain immediately, and its body decayed rapidly.

As if the sun was their nemesis.

"Is this the so-called zombie? It's somewhat similar to a patient with devil scale disease."

Lin Yi took a look at it, but did not do anything to it, but threw it down and let it be burned by the scorching sun.

In the end, the zombie's body was scorched by the sun with many big holes, and it fell on the Gobi desert, lingering on its last breath, and crawled slowly.

"It seems that this thing is easy to deal with. Sunshine is their nemesis." Gu Xiao said.

"Well, but my task is to eliminate the source of the virus, where should I start?" Lin Yi frowned, feeling at a loss.

Regarding this question, Gu Xiao couldn't answer it.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yi finally had some ideas: "The most urgent thing is to find the survivors and ask what happened. Only by finding out the details of these zombies may we have a chance to eliminate them."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately ran towards one direction, wanting to get out of this Gobi desert as soon as possible.

The sun is very poisonous, and the intensity of ultraviolet rays is obviously completely different from the previous earth. Even Lin Yi felt a slight tingling on his skin, and even wondered if this is the so-called doomsday realm of the earth?

Fortunately, Lin Yi's strength was not bad. For three days in a row, he kept running, and finally left the desert on the fourth day.

After leaving the desert, he continued his journey, and after another two days, he finally found a city.

"This city has been abandoned for a long time..." Looking at the almost ruined city in front of him, Lin Yi muttered to himself, "I don't know if there are any survivors."

Among the ruined walls, there are zombies walking unconsciously. Those zombies are completely different from those in the desert, because they are not afraid of the super strong ultraviolet sunlight. They don't seem to feel anything, just aimless. Wander from the streets.

Lin Yi naturally noticed this, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

He hid on the second floor of an abandoned hotel next to the street. Looking at the zombies on the street, he couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, in order to prove that his idea was correct, Lin Yi tore a steel bar from the wall on the second floor of the hotel, and then threw it viciously at a competing zombie at the window.

A piercing sound, like a meteor, rushed away immediately, and shot into the zombie's head, right between the eyebrows!
However, the zombie's head did not burst, but continued to wander around with the steel bar, as if nothing happened.

"Sure enough, these zombies are completely different from the ones I encountered in the desert before. With my strength just now, that blow would definitely explode the heads of the zombies, but it didn't. It can be said that these zombies are evolutionary versions." Lin Yi said mumbling to himself.

Although the situation of the zombies was as he had expected, there was one thing that made Lin Yi more gratified, that is, the zombies had low intelligence, and it could even be said that they had no intelligence.

Perhaps they only know carnage and blood.

"Based on what you're saying, there must be someone more powerful than this group of zombies in front of you." Gu Xiao's voice was a bit dignified.

"That's right." Lin Yi nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"How many zombies of this level can you deal with?" Gu Xiao asked again.

"Try it and you'll know." Lin Yi said, and immediately flew out from the window on the second floor of the hotel, and landed directly in the middle of the street.

There was a soft bang, coupled with the obvious human breath on Lin Yi's body.

All of a sudden, all the zombies on the street looked at Lin Yi.

"Aww! Aww!"

"Ho! Ho Ho!..."

The moment he saw Lin Yi, a living person, those zombies seemed to be boiling. Lin Yi clearly saw the terrifying blood bursting out of their eyes, as if he hadn't opened a meaty beast for a long time.

In an instant, hundreds of zombies rushed towards Lin Yi frantically.

"Nine Tribulations Fist!"

Lin Yi shouted loudly, and immediately unleashed the Nine Tribulations Fist.

I only heard the sonic boom of bang bang bang on the street, and then one after another zombies fell to the ground.

However, the zombies that fell on the ground continued to get up again.

"Lin Yi, try to explode their dog's head!"

Gu Xiao quickly reminded.

When I was in the Divine Soul Continent before, those patients with the devil scale disease would immediately lose their fighting power as long as they were headshot.

Hearing Gu Xiao's reminder, Lin Yi punched like a dragon, and every punch hit the head of the zombie.


A punch hit the zombie's head, and the zombie's head burst like a rotten watermelon, and blood sprayed everywhere.

However, even without their heads, it did not affect their actions in the slightest, they were still attacking with teeth and claws.

"It doesn't work, it seems that I can only use the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame."

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he didn't know why the zombies were still able to fight without their heads, but if he cares about these things at this moment, his physical strength might be exhausted in a while.

At that time, the only thing that will be bitten by the zombies is.

So Lin Yi had no choice but to sacrifice the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame, and burn the zombies into nothingness with the power of the tyrannical flames!

The moment the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame appeared from Lin Yi's palm, Lin Yi felt his eyes go dark. Judging from his current state of mental strength, Lin Yi felt a little overwhelmed by mobilizing the Heaven Punishing Holy Flame.

It can be said that once you mobilize, you have to rest for a long time before you can regain your mental strength.

But now is not the time to worry about those things. At a critical juncture, Lin Yi manipulated the golden flame like a holy fire to burn all the zombies around him. They were all swept by the flames, and suddenly let out a painful roar, and finally drowned in the flames.

Lin Yi took advantage of the fact that the zombies were being burned by the Heavenly Punishment Flame, and retreated from it, returning to the second floor of the hotel.

Standing by the window, looking at the raging fire burning like a long dragon on the street, Lin Yi frowned.

After this battle, he realized how weak he is now, without the help of the Rubik's Cube, some things would be difficult to accomplish.

Although it was said that Ming Lian had fallen asleep and would not give Lin Yi any help, Lin Yi still tentatively asked in his mind: "Ming Lian, can the treasure house of the universe still be used?"


Silent, speechless.

After a long time, Lin Yi had given up.

Ming Lian suddenly said: "Yes."

"Then...can I credit first and then pay back?"

"Yes, but you can only use 3000 points." Ming Lian said.

"Although I can't help you, the cosmic treasure house and the 3000 points quota are what you deserve."

(End of this chapter)

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