Chapter 913


Lin Yi was not in a hurry to fight with him, but chose to move his feet to avoid harm.

Naturally, zombies of this level couldn't be killed right from the start.

Lin Yi's first choice is those slow-moving second-level zombies.

"Let's test the knife with you first!"

With a sharp look in his eyes, Lin Yi charged directly into the group of second-level zombies with the Thunder Knife in his hand.

Where the Thunder Knife touched, bursts of flickering blue-purple thunder and lightning erupted, followed by golden sparks, and the chopped zombie immediately fell to the ground, a raging fire ignited at the wound, and the terrifying power of the Tianzhu Shengyan , making it turn into ashes in just a few seconds.

"Well... so easy, it seems that this Thunderbolt Knife is very strong!"

With one knife and seven zombies, Lin Yi's eyes showed a look of satisfaction.

Of course, all the zombies he killed were second-level zombies, and their fighting power was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yi looked at the third-level zombies. There were eight of them in total, each of which was huge in size and moved swiftly. Ghost Fire Corpse Technique!"

As soon as the words fell, five golden flames burst out from Lin Yi's fingertips, rushing forward, turning into five huge flame spirit corpses and being involved in the crowd of zombies.

"Wow! Wow!"

The five flame spirit corpses immediately entangled and fought with those third-level zombies.

In less than a blink of an eye, all the third-level zombies were burned to death by the flame spirit corpse and turned into ashes. After that, the flame spirit corpse's fighting power remained undiminished, and rushed into other zombie groups to fight again.

Soon, dozens of zombies were wiped out by the flame spirit corpses, and at this moment, the five flame spirit corpses had also reached the point where their energy was exhausted.

Those five flaming corpses were no longer as bright and radiant as before, nor were they hot, like candles in the wind that were about to go out.

With the passage of time, the five flame corpses finally dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Lin Yi looked at the deserted street, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

It can be said that the power of the "Five Ghost Fire Corpse Art" was beyond his expectations. With only five flame corpses, all the zombies on a street were wiped out. Of course, some of them fled away in fear of the flames.

But even so, it also proved the extraordinary and powerful of "Five Ghosts and Fire Corpse Technique".

"Lin Yi, go to a nearby street and try "Nine Nether Dragon Fire Art" again." Gu Xiao said at this time.

"No, although the "Five Ghosts and Fire Corpse Art" is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. If we use the more powerful "Nine Nether Dragon Fire Art", I am afraid that the spiritual energy will be exhausted." Lin Yi waved his hands.

"Exhausted spiritual energy? Isn't it, you're not that weak, are you?" Gu Xiao said in disbelief.

Lin Yi smiled, didn't answer, and went straight back to the second floor of the hotel.

Of course he is not that weak. Lin Yi estimated that with his current strength as a 9-star martial artist, the aura in Qihai is almost enough to support seven to nine times of "Five Ghost Fire Corpse Technique". ", probably only four or five times.

Although he could use the "Nine Nether Dragon Fire Art" many times with the remaining aura, Lin Yi felt that it was unnecessary.

"Huh? Is there a sound of breathing?"

Back on the second floor of the dilapidated hotel, just as Lin Yi sat down, he heard a faint sound of breathing coming from below.

Along with the sound of breathing, there seemed to be a voice calling for help.

"Help, help..."

The cry for help was as thin as a mosquito, if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't notice it at all, it was even quieter than the howling wind outside.

However, Lin Yi's hearing was superb. When he heard the sound of breathing, he also heard the cry for help, so he immediately walked downstairs.

The hotel where Lin Yi was staying was located at the edge of the city. The decoration was very ordinary. It was probably the kind of cheap hotel. The building where it was located had a total of nine floors. At this moment, the cry for help came from the direction of the first floor.

Lin Yi walked quickly following the sound, and unknowingly came to the elevator on the first floor, because the power supply of the whole city had long been shut down, so the elevator was also abandoned, but Lin Yi heard that the sound was coming from under the elevator.

Unleashing his consciousness, he searched slightly, and found the basement under the elevator.

And in the room in the basement, there was a little boy about seven or eight years old.

Without saying a word, Lin Yi directly broke through the elevator, entered the basement, walked up to the little boy, and said softly, "Wake up."

The little boy closed his eyes tightly, without any movement in his body. If it wasn't for his pale lips mumbling non-stop, saying the word 'help', he might be no different from a corpse.

The little boy looked seven or eight years old, with a yellow and thin face, like a thin monkey, curled up on a Simmons mattress, surrounded by empty snack bags.

Lin Yi took a look and concluded that the little boy hadn't eaten much for several days.

Now it's the twelfth lunar month outside, and the basement is even darker and colder. It's obvious that only a mattress can't keep out the cold, not to mention the little boy's clothes are so thin.

Lin Yi called him a few times, but still didn't see him wake up, but kept saying the word help, his voice getting weaker and weaker.

Lin Yi didn't hesitate anymore, and directly transferred the spiritual energy in his body into the boy's body. With the transfer of spiritual energy, the little boy's face gradually became rosy.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the eyes opened accordingly.

But then, there was a trace of nervousness in his eyes, he stared at Lin Yi and asked, "You, who are you?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person." Lin Yi said lightly: "Before you caught a cold and fell into a coma, I've already cured you."

"Caught a cold?" The little boy said, "You mean a cold?"

"That's right." Lin Yi nodded.

The little boy looked around and said helplessly, "I can't help it. It's too cold here. It's good that I didn't freeze to death. By the way, you said you cured me. Are you a doctor?"

"Probably." Lin Yi smiled. He has the identity of an alchemist, and the alchemy that he concocted, if placed in the mundane world, can even kill people and make their flesh and bones. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a doctor.

"Thank you, thank you for saving me." The little boy hurriedly said, "My name is Cheng Jialuo, brother, how about you?"

"Lin Yi." Lin Yi replied, and then asked again: "Do you have no relatives? Are you living here alone?"

Hearing this, the little boy silently lowered his head, his eyes turned red, and he said in a deep voice, "I, my sister and I are hiding here, but..."

"But my sister went out to look for food a few days ago, and she hasn't come back yet. I...I'm so worried about her."

As he spoke, the little boy couldn't help but sobbed in a low voice.

Lin Yi rubbed the little boy's head and comforted him, "Don't worry, your sister will be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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