Chapter 920 Awakening

"What is this place?"

Lin Yi asked suspiciously.

But no one answered.

Immediately, the brain slowly recalled what happened before the coma.


At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman walked in.

This woman is in her youth, with a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure. She is wearing a moon-white lady's long gown, which is quite classically beautiful.

Besides Cheng Jiahan, who else could it be?

"You finally woke up."

Holding a bowl of dark brown medicinal soup in his hand, Cheng Jiahan walked to Lin Yi's bed and said lightly.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

Lin Yi asked.

"Three days." Cheng Jiahan replied, and at the same time, there was a flash of relief in his eyes: "If you can't wake up again, I don't know what to do."

Lin Yi smiled, didn't he wake up?

With his physical fitness, a small injury is nothing at all.

If it wasn't for that earth-level zombie that was covered in poison, Lin Yi's body wouldn't have spent three full days cleaning up the toxins in his body.

"This is a tonic soup. It is made from ginseng, snow lotus, and cordyceps. Drink it quickly."

Cheng Jiahan handed the soup to Lin Yi and said softly.

Although he met Lin Yi not long ago, Cheng Jiahan was deeply attracted by Lin Yi's actions.

Three days ago, if Lin Yi hadn't risked his life to save him, the two of them would have been torn to pieces by prefecture-level zombies.

Before that, Lin Yi even helped her resolve the dilemma and obtained a large amount of supplies from the supermarket.

All these things have already left a different feeling in Cheng Jiahan's sprouting spring heart.

"These drugs are not common, where did you get them?"

Lin Yi didn't drink the tonic soup in a hurry, but asked suspiciously.

"There is no one around here, where else can I find it? Of course I dug it myself." Cheng Jiahan replied with a light smile.

"Dig it yourself?" Lin Yi frowned, "You still know these things?"

"That's right, I'm a medical student, and I'm very familiar with medicinal materials." Cheng Jiahan said with some pride.

Then he added: "Of course, the snow lotus and the Cordyceps sinensis were found from the home of a fellow villager, and no one enjoyed them anyway, so I will use them to make soup for you. This is not considered peeping, is it? ?”

Lin Yi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, nodded and said, "By the way, what is this place? How do you know it's here?"

"This is the village where my grandmother used to live. It's called Luohe Village, but the people here have moved away long before the catastrophe happened." Cheng Jiahan replied, "I've always wanted to come here, because I know that a paradise like this , there will be no zombies, but I have been trapped in the city before, thanks to you, otherwise, it is not certain whether I can come back here in this life."

"You don't need to thank me, I'm also here to save my life." Lin Yi smiled lightly: "The zombie that attacked us is the prefecture-level zombie you mentioned?"

"Hmm." Cheng Jiahan frowned when he heard this, and said solemnly: "It must have been attracted by the investigation of zombies, you know, zombies above Xuan level are rare, and I am also the first in two years This is the first time I have seen an earth-level zombie."

"I heard that prefecture-level zombies have a certain degree of intelligence and are extremely destructive. The most deadly thing is the corpse poison on his body. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will be infected."

"Really?" Lin Yi frowned: "Is the corpse poison in the ground-level zombies the same as that of ordinary zombies?"

"It should be." Cheng Jiahan said uncertainly: "If you are infected by a prefecture-level zombie, you will become an ordinary zombie. Their toxins should be the same."


Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing. Originally, he could have studied the zombie poison, but unfortunately, when he was unconscious, his body had already eliminated all the corpse poison from his body by circulating his true energy in order to protect himself.

"What's the pity?" Cheng Jiahan's eyes flashed doubts.

"It's nothing." Lin Yi waved his hand, then drank the bowl of tonic soup in one gulp, and sat up from the bed.

At this moment, he found that the clothes on his body were no longer the same as that day.

His face immediately became weird.

Seeing Lin Yi looking at himself, Cheng Jiahan suddenly understood what he was thinking, her pretty face blushed, and she faltered and explained: "Your clothes... are... Jia Luo helped to change them."

"Help?" Lin Yi frowned.

It can be said that the word "help" is extremely subtle. So, Cheng Jiahan also helped change his clothes?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help smiling, leaned close to Cheng Jiahan's ear, and whispered, "Did you see the wound on my body?"


Cheng Jiahan lowered her head shyly, blushing up to her ears, and didn't dare to look at Lin Yi at all.

"Then you should know that I was poisoned by a prefecture-level zombie."

"Yeah." Cheng Jiahan continued to nod shyly.

"Then why do you still take care of me?" Lin Yi asked, "Are you not afraid that I will transform into that terrible monster?"

"I...I don't know either."

Faced with this question, Cheng Jiahan didn't know how to answer it.

At that time, after taking off Lin Yi's clothes and seeing that his chest was purple and black, which was already poisoned, Cheng Jiahan not only did not abandon Lin Yi, but took care of him carefully, and did not take the poisoning of the corpse as a serious matter at all.

Afterwards, Lin Yi asked her if she was afraid, and only then did she feel a little lingering fear.

Yes, fortunately Lin Yi has recovered now.

Otherwise, wouldn't he put himself and his younger brother in danger?
Why do you want to do that?

Cheng Jiahan asked herself in her heart, but she didn't have an accurate answer, it was hazy.

"Sister, Brother Lin Yi is awake?"

At this moment, Cheng Jialuo ran in, and when he saw Lin Yi waking up, he hugged Lin Yi excitedly.

"Brother Lin Yi, I knew you were fine."

Lin Yi patted Cheng Jialuo on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Yes, I have no other skills except fate."

"By the way, you two, what are your plans for the future?"

Cheng Jiahan regained his composure and said, "I don't have any plans, I just live here and won't leave."

"It's isolated from the world, far away from the zombies in the city, it should be safe, and there are many things to eat nearby."

"That's right, you can still hunt!" Cheng Jialuo pointed to the door excitedly, where there was a gray-white hare with a spear pierced through its abdomen.

Cheng Jiahan immediately said pleasantly: "Brother, are you calling?"

"Yeah." Cheng Jialuo nodded proudly: "How is it, not bad? It's enough for us to have a big meal for three nights!"

Cheng Jiahan couldn't help giving a thumbs up, his appreciation was beyond words.

Looking at this harmonious scene, Lin Yi couldn't help smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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