Chapter 922 God Assists



The sun is setting and the weather is a bit cooler.

Lin Yi and the others found a deserted village to rest.

Unexpectedly, after entering the village, I found that the village was already uninhabitable and almost turned into ruins.

"It's called Liujiazhuang on the map. How could the house be so badly damaged?"

Lin Yi looked at the ruins in front of him and couldn't help but wonder.

Haven't heard of zombies that don't even let the house go?

"Maybe it's because of other reasons." Sitting in the co-pilot, Cheng Jiahan looked at the gradually sinking sunset, with a trace of melancholy in her beautiful eyes.

"Any other reason? What?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"The most likely thing is an earthquake." Cheng Jialuo speculated solemnly: "After the catastrophe, I heard that a magical power recovered, but all kinds of disasters followed."

"Yes." Cheng Jiahan took the words, and said: "At that time, the whole world was not in complete chaos. I saw frequent earthquakes all over the country from TV stations, and even some coastal cities had erupted tens of meters high tsunamis. , the scene was terrible."

Speaking of this, Cheng Jiahan's small rosy mouth made a movement of gasping for air, which seemed to have a special charm.

"Probably so." Lin Yi nodded, thinking that the earthquake theory was the most reliable, otherwise, how could such a good village become like this?
Zombies attack people, but people are not interested in building buildings.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a house to live in." Cheng Jiahan thought that Lin Yi didn't like living outside, so he said specially: "We have this."

After finishing speaking, she beckoned her younger brother to take out the mysterious item.

The mysterious item was placed in the back seat. At first, it was mixed with some food and other things. Lin Yi didn't pay attention to it. Only now did he find some words written on it: outdoor portable tent.

"I found it from the supermarket. It's still new. It should have been prepared by the supermarket staff. Unfortunately..." Cheng Jiahan felt a little sad when he said this.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Just one?"

"Hmm..." Cheng Jiahan nodded, and after realizing something, her pretty face blushed.

"Then the two of you, sister and brother, can live here. I'll just make it in the car, and we'll continue our journey tomorrow morning." Lin Yi said politely.

"Then... that's fine." Cheng Jiahan could only agree, otherwise would he beg Lin Yi to live in the same tent with her?
It's just that a trace of disappointment flashed inadvertently in his eyes.

However, at this time, Cheng Jialuo said: "That's not okay, brother Lin Yi, you are our savior, even if we live in the car, we can't let you live in the car, sister, do you think that's the case ?”

Cheng Jiahan thought for a while, then nodded.

"What kind of benefactor is not a benefactor? It's not that much. It's just for one night, and there's nothing wrong with it in the car." Lin Yi shied away.

But Cheng Jialuo still insisted: "No, Brother Lin Yi, you must live in a tent."

Lin Yi: "..."

Lin Yi couldn't help sweating, and thought to himself, doesn't this little brat know the truth about whether a man and a woman should kiss or not?

Besides, how can there be such a cheating sister?
Your sister is an unmarried girl with a yellow flower, what do people think if she lives with me?
But soon Lin Yi shook his head and denied the above thoughts.

In this world now, no one will know even if they do some inhumane and nasty things, let alone just staying for one night?

It's not about sleeping all night, I'm afraid of shit.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi agreed to Cheng Jialuo.

On the other side, Cheng Jiahan was already tinkering with the outdoor portable tent with a blushing face. Her face was slightly flushed, and while she was shaking off the tent, she was thinking wildly, and her heart couldn't help beating.

Some embarrassing images appeared in my mind.

Maybe it's been a long time since I saw a man?

Cheng Jiahan couldn't help scolding himself for being profligate in his heart.

She is obviously a virgin, but she has a picture of that kind of thing in her head, which is really embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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