Chapter 939 Return to Life

"Hmph, this old man is called 'He who knows current affairs is a hero'!"

The old man called Li San blushed and said angrily.

"It's good to say that a person who knows the current affairs is a hero, but I don't agree with him. The emperor's brother is dead. You should quickly summon the prince to come back to inherit the throne. You are all people of the Great Yuan, why should you listen to him!"

Tan Meiqin's eyes widened angrily, and she glanced at the crowd and shouted loudly, that look, like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, or is it dying?
She clearly knew the reason, but at this moment, she wanted to encourage everyone to join hands with her to deal with Lin Yi. Everyone was not a fool. The man in black in front of him couldn't even be killed by a bullet.
Is it serious to disobey the emperor?Or is it serious to disobey the gods?I'm afraid you can figure it out with your toes, not to mention that now that the 'emperor' has burped, and even his head has fallen into the hands of the gods, what kind of trouble can you cause for a mere girl?
Naturally, no one listened to her orders. Poor Tan Weizhi's eldest son, Tan Hao, was still guarding the "national gate" outside, and he didn't even know that such a big change happened at home.

"It's really noisy."

Lin Yi glanced at Tan Meiqin coldly, and for some reason, a sense of disgust suddenly arose in his heart. He waved his hand casually, and a zhenqi turned into an invisible sharp arrow, piercing into the center of Tan Meiqin's eyebrows with a whoosh.

True Qi is invisible, so this scene is extremely terrifying when it falls into the eyes of everyone. What is meant by soldiers without blood, this is it!

In the middle of Tan Meiqin's forehead, a blood hole the size of a thumb suddenly appeared, and the blood overflowed. Her eyes were wide open, as if she never expected such a way of death, and then her body stiffened and fell backwards. There was a muffled bang.

"According to what the deity said before, if there is disobedience, she will be your fate." Lin Yi said lightly, and then walked out. This time, no one dared to think otherwise.

At first, some people really wanted to try to fight against Lin Yi, but now, the successive shocks have made them completely stupid. Soon the old man named Li San arranged for someone to tie up Tan Weizhi's family members and sent A team of people escorted them to the Huaxia community first.

As for the other people, Li San also explained the ins and outs to them clearly, and it is up to them to decide whether to go or stay after that, but Li San did not leave any materials behind. Shipped to the Huaxia Community.

There are a group of carpenters in Dayuan Huangzhai, who are responsible for building carts on weekdays. The so-called carts are naturally horse-drawn carts and ox carts. Although there are no cattle and horses, there is no shortage of manpower, so when transporting materials, all manpower is used.

The convoy was very long, almost six to seventy meters long, with a total of more than 70 vehicles loaded, escorted by experienced guards on both sides. The group of people who originally worked for Tan Weizhi also transferred to the Huaxia community.

There is no other reason, Lin Yi's words carry so much weight!

After all, no one wants to die in an unknown way like Tan Meiqin.

Besides, Lin Yi, holding Tan Weizhi's bloody head was Yuqi Lingkong, and he returned directly to the Huaxia community. When the young guard found out, he immediately exclaimed.

"Open the door, I'm going to find Director Qi." Lin Yi stood at the door and yelled, and the gate of the village opened quickly. The guards saw him holding a human head. Although they couldn't see his face clearly, no one dared to stop him.

After all, you can't stop it even if you want to, right?
People can even fly, can a broken door stop them?
Originally, Lin Yi wanted to fly directly to Qi Yuezhu's office, but when he glanced at his pocket watch, he realized that there were only 8 minutes to complete an hour, and he didn't want to alarm the ordinary people in the community, so he chose to walk.

Soon, Lin Yi came to the office. He was holding a human head along the way, not to mention how conspicuous it was.

In the community, some people often resisted Tan Weizhi, so they were very familiar with Tan Weizhi. When they found out that the head belonged to Tan Weizhi, rumors quickly spread throughout the community.

Some community veterans, or supervisors, also rushed to Qi Yuezhu's office, just to find out what happened.

"Mr. Lin, you are back, ah! Human, human head, whose is this?"

In the corridor, when Zuo Yan saw Lin Yi's figure, she immediately went up to him, but when she saw the head in Lin Yi's hand, she was so frightened that her face paled.

"Tan Weizhi." Lin Yi answered three words briefly, then pushed open the door of the office and walked in.

"Miss Qi, the time is just right, I didn't break my promise."

Lin Yi waved the pocket watch with one hand, and waved the head with the other. The blood dripped on the floor, making a soft 'pop' sound, and everyone in the office was stunned.

Of course, Qi Yuezhu was the most surprised.

For this matter, she didn't hold much hope at all. Even if Lin Yi could really kill Tan Weizhi by himself, it would never be possible to finish it in such a short period of one hour.

That's why she was so shocked when she saw this scene, her pretty face was full of shock, and the bottom of her eyes shone with an unbelievable light.

"Director Qi, what's going on here?"

At this time, someone in the room spoke.

Lin Yi glanced at it, and the speaker was a bearded man, a bit fat, wearing a plaid shirt, his face was shocked, even a little panicked.

Qi Yuezhu showed a smile, glanced at Lin Yi, and then explained to the people beside him: "It's like this..."

Then, she told everyone what she had entrusted Lin Yi to help with, and Lin Yi also learned the identities of the people during the conversation. Most of the people who could enter Qi Yuezhu's office were supervisors, and so was the bearded man before. One of the supervisors, surnamed Chu, is called Chu Yan.

Qi Yuezhu's story was very calm, but Lin Yi found a trace of joy on her face, maybe the enemy finally died, or felt a bad breath?
In short, Qi Yuezhu feels very good at the moment.

She agreed to pay Lin Yi's remuneration, and the other supervisors naturally have no room for objection, but... Qi Yuezhu didn't mention what was agreed before, and Lin Yi didn't care about this at all, so he didn't bother .

But at this moment, the big man Chu Yan looked at Lin Yi and said in a bad tone: "Lin Yi, right? You must be superior in killing Tan Weizhi within an hour, so I beg you to join us How about staying in the Huaxia community for a while and teaching us ordinary guards some skills?"

"It's not good, I'm not interested." Lin Yi coldly refused immediately.

Displeasure flashed across Chu Yan's rough cheeks: "Not interested? What if there is a reward? It's a very generous reward, will you stay?"

(End of this chapter)

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