Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 94 Deceiving me that there is no one in the Lin family?

Chapter 94 Deceiving me that there is no one in the Lin family?

The sudden cold weather made everyone tremble uncontrollably, and the figure of the blood-soaked young man in the distance, who looked like a murderous god, made them tremble even more!

No matter what, no one could have imagined that Lin Yi, who had only left the Lin family for two months, had grown to such a level now!
Slaying eight Wu Zong powerhouses in a row, and more than 70 ordinary Zhou family guards in an instant, is simply terrifying!
"Everyone, it's going to rain, please go back, be careful not to catch a cold."

Glancing at the dark sky, Lin Yi looked at the crowd with a smile on his face, and said with concern.

Although it seemed that they were concerned, everyone felt that they were full of threats when they heard it.

But for some reason, Lin Yi's words seemed to have magical powers, urging them to turn around subconsciously and quicken their pace to leave here.

In fact, they all knew in their hearts that it was not because Lin Yi's words had any magical power, but because of their fear of him.

This kind of ruthless character who is like killing a god is much scarier than Zhou Kun who is far away in the sky!

No matter how powerful Zhou Kun is, can he take someone's life immediately?

But Lin Yi can!

And it's the kind of harvesting human life without hesitation like killing a god!
How could everyone dare to refute what Lin Yi said?How dare you disobey?
On the street, thousands of passers-by immediately fled because of Lin Yi's short words. At a glance, the whole street became empty.

There was a strong fishy smell in the air.

At this moment, bean-sized raindrops unknowingly fell from the dark sky, as if they would not stop until the blood on the street was washed away.

"Dispose of all the corpses of these people. My Lin family is not a mass grave." After ordering the servants of the Lin family, Lin Yi returned to the Lin mansion with Ping'er and Xiong Batian.

"Master, your strength has improved again? That's amazing!"

Lin Mansion lobby.

Ping'er looked at Lin Yi, her beautiful eyes sparkled, full of surprise and excitement.

Just now Lin Yi quickly beheaded all the guards of the Zhou family, leaving Ping'er dumbfounded. She couldn't imagine how much the young master's strength has improved since he went to Yijianzong. The family guards were as fragile as ants, and they all died under the young master's sword.

In fact, she hadn't seen the scene where Lin Yi beheaded eight Wu Zong experts with a few swords, otherwise she would have been even more surprised.

"Of course." Lin Yi smiled, he was relieved and in a good mood after dealing with the guards of the Zhou family.

At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that he came back in time, otherwise Zhou Kun would not come back until he gave the order, and the entire Lin family would have been wiped out by then!

If Ping'er and the Lin family died tragically at the hands of the Zhou family because of him, Lin Yi would definitely blame himself for the rest of his life!

Although this body does not belong to him, Lin Yi has subtly accepted the identity of the young master of the Lin family in Chiyang City, and he is a little unfamiliar with the identity of the previous Tianwu Sword Emperor.

"But young master, I heard that the head of the Zhou family is the Minister of the Ministry of War of our Great Jin Wu Kingdom. You killed all the guards of the Zhou family. Isn't it clear that you are declaring war with the Minister of the Ministry of War? Our Lin family is just a small family. How can we fight against the Ministry of War? The servant Zhou's family is such a giant!" Ping'er brows were full of worry, and she said solemnly.

"Declaration of war? As early as when I hanged his only son Zhou Langchu in the Twilight Forest, I was doomed to live forever with him, Zhou Kun." Lin Yi raised the corner of his mouth and said casually: "But you don't have to, Ping'er." I'm too worried, believe me, I will definitely protect the Lin family, and you will be careful!"

"Master, I believe in you!" Hearing Lin Yi's words, Ping'er's eyes were slightly red, and her heart was extremely warm. As soon as she said the words, she got into Lin Yi's arms, feeling Lin Yi's body temperature, and a satisfied look appeared on her small face. smile.

"Cough cough." But at this moment, Xiong Batian clenched his fists and coughed, and said unhappily, "Brother-in-law! Are you afraid that my sister will punish you if you do this?"


Judging from Xiong Batian's address to Lin Yi, one can see why Xiong Batian is unhappy.


However, as soon as these words came out, Ping'er's two willow-like eyebrows frowned immediately, staring at Lin Yi, her eyes full of doubts.

Lin Yi smiled awkwardly: "Don't listen to his nonsense."

Then he gave Xiong Laosan a look.

"How can I be talking nonsense? Don't think that we don't know about the fact that you and my sister lived together that night. In fact, we have already found out, but I am sorry to expose you. Don't you want to leave after eating it all? It's not kind Go!" Xiong Laosan said indignantly.

"Stop your mother's nonsense, that night was not what you imagined, you misunderstood!" Lin Yi explained very painfully.

"I misunderstood what, Xiao Hei saw it, and you came out of the eldest sister's room with your butt naked the next morning!" Xiong Batian was still struggling, and insisted on breaking up with Lin Yi: "Oh, yes, no Bare buttocks, I heard that you were only wearing a pair of underpants at the time, but that's not much different from bare buttocks!"

"Shut up, and believe it or not, I'll slap you!" Lin Yi raised his hand and stared at Xiong Batian with a ferocious expression.

Xiong Batian immediately became honest, curled his lips, and looked a little aggrieved.

On the other side, Ping'er blushed, and asked falteringly: "Master, is what he-he said true? You have already found the young lady?"

"Ahem." Lin Yi coughed in embarrassment, not knowing how to explain the matter between him and Jiang Yanli, saying that Jiang Yanli suppressed the cold poison?

One night, Jiang Yanli kicked her out without leaving her boudoir, and she was indeed only wearing a pair of underpants the next morning. How can this be explained?

It seems that even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to wash it off!

"I'll tell you later, let's talk about the Zhou family first." Lin Yi immediately changed the subject, and then asked, "How long have those Zhou family guards guarded our Lin family?"

"Almost half a month." Ping'er knew what the young master meant, and didn't want to explain to her what Xiong Batian said!

Although she felt a little sad, she still suppressed it. Ping'er is a girl who understands righteousness, so she naturally knows what is more important, and she also knows that she is not worthy of the young master with her own identity, so what right does she have to be jealous?

"Half a month?" Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, thinking that half a month ago, wasn't that the time when he abolished Zhou Langchu's younger brother Huang Di?
It turned out that from that time on, Zhou Langchu sent people to suppress the Lin family, what a good way!
Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt more and more that Zhou Langchu's punishment in the Twilight Blood Forest was still too light!
This kind of dandy who can only play despicable tricks, if he is not put to death early, it is really cheap for him!
"In the past half a month, you have been staying in the family and not going out?" Lin Yiping calmed down his anger and asked again.

"Yeah." Ping'er nodded: "The guards of the Zhou family didn't allow us to step out of the Lin mansion at all. The family's food reserves and everything have been cut off for three days. Most of the clansmen have been hungry so far. If you don't Come back, even if they don't do it, we're afraid we won't be able to hold on."

"Also, in the past half a month, our Lin family's business has been severely damaged. Families such as the Xu family in the rich mansion, the Chen family's shops, and the Longyang Danpu family have all terminated their business dealings with our Lin family, as if they got something. Personal instigation is average."

"They even united with the Zhao family to divide and annex our Lin family's property. Now the family's more than 30 Lingshi mines and more than 20 restaurants have all fallen into their hands."


After hearing Ping'er's words, Lin Yi was completely angry!

In a rage, he shattered the expensive red sandalwood chair in the lobby in an instant, and the red sandalwood instantly turned into countless flying sawdust!
"The Zhao family, the Xu family, the Chen family's shop, and the Longyang Dan shop, are you deceiving me that there is no one in the Lin family?!" Lin Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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