Chapter 944 Attitude

"Where to go?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuezhu raised his head suddenly, hope flashed in the pair of phoenix eyes staring at Lin Yi.

"A world that belongs to me."

Lin Yi said lightly.

Hearing these words, Qi Yuezhu had many thoughts in her heart in an instant, and the most was doubts. She couldn't help asking: "Who are you?"

"After my mission is completed, I will naturally tell you everything. Now, you just need to tell me if you are willing to come with me."

Lin Yi once again repeated his meaning seriously.

He couldn't abandon his woman, so he could only leave the decision to Qi Yuezhu.

Qi Yuezhu bit her lips lightly with her silver teeth, her expression was a bit tangled, but after some struggle, she nodded her head: "I am willing, as long as I can be with you, I am willing to go anywhere."

After getting this answer, Lin Yi showed a satisfied smile, but he suddenly remembered that he is now in a realm completely different from the real earth, or the parallel space of the earth.

So, can I take Qi Yuezhu away from here?
Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help calling Minglian in his mind: "Minglian! Come out quickly, I have something to see you!"


Ming Lian didn't respond.

Lin Yi knew why, because before the mission started, Ming Lian had said that he would not interfere with any actions of the host, so it was only natural that it would not appear.

But now Lin Yi really wants to get the answer, so he can only call Minglian constantly.

"Ming Lian, if you don't show up, I won't do this task, just quit, and I have nothing to do with it in the future." Lin Yi said childishly.

After a long while, a cold sigh suddenly appeared in his mind: "Hey, the host is a top powerhouse who dominates the world, how can he miss a big deal because of his children's personal relationship?"

Lin Yi laughed, "You have finally appeared. Who said that the strong don't care about the love of their children? Why do I do everything for? Isn't it just for the happiness of the one I love, and now, I have a very I have important questions for you."

"Yes." Minglian replied immediately, before Lin Yi asked anything, he had already understood Lin Yi's thoughts.

Lin Yi was pleasantly surprised: "Is it really possible? Can I really bring Qi Yuezhu from this space to the real world where I am?"

"That's right." Ming Lian nodded: "Actually, the earth where your body is located is not a real world, or in other words, the two realms are real planes, but the current zombie-infested The infested Earth is just a parallel world of another Earth."

"Since it is a parallel world, then Qi Yuezhu exists on another earth?" Lin Yi suddenly thought of a crucial question.

Ming Lian replied again: "Yes, but it doesn't matter. With the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the two can completely overlap, have to wait for you to complete the task and get the original world core."

"You mean to get the Primordial Boundary Core to make the Qiyuezhu in the two spaces overlap into one?" Lin Yi asked with a strange expression.

Ming Lian let out an awkward laugh: "Hey, that's true. Although the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is powerful, if there is no energy as a support, there is no way to forcibly overlap the power of space and time."

"I understand." Lin Yi nodded, thinking in his heart that the mission of this doomsday world is very important. If he can't finish it, he can't get the original world core. Time will also disappear.

"Okay, I've made it clear what I want to ask, so go ahead and do whatever you want." Lin Yi said to Minglian in a cold voice.

"Resolving the host's confusion this time has nothing to do with the established task, so it's not a foul." Ming Lian said to himself, like an emotionless robot.

Lin Yi suddenly became puzzled and asked, "Who are you talking to?"


Ming Lian disappeared. This time, no matter how Lin Yi summoned it, there was no response.

Anyway, I have already got what I wanted, Lin Yi didn't care so much, he came back to his senses, looked at Qi Yuezhu and said: "Miss Qi, I have something very important to tell you now, please let me know Tell me the truth."

"Don't call me Miss Qi, just listen and be good, just call me... Xiaoyue." Qi Yuezhu said with a blushing face.

After confirming that Lin Yi would not abandon her, Qi Yuezhu's attitude also changed 180 degrees. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and looked at Lin Yi affectionately as usual.

Lin Yi nodded, and said: "Xiaoyue, the zombie information you gave me contains a 'corpse source stone', with the words 'source, the most important' marked next to it, I want to know what it is What the hell is it?"

Qi Yuezhu frowned when he heard the words, lowered his head and thought for a moment, and said: "I'm not too sure, it is said that a strange person in the alliance found it in the zombie lair, that strange person is good at concealment, and can blend into the surrounding environment anytime and anywhere , most suitable for spying on intelligence.”

"At that time, he found the so-called corpse source stone in a cave. He saw many zombies worshiping this stone. There were several extremely powerful super zombies beside the stone. It seemed that the stone was very important to zombies."

"That's why the leader thought that the stone was the key to eradicating zombies, so he named it the Stone of Origin."

"Do you know what that stone looks like?" Lin Yi asked again.

Qi Yuezhu frowned, looking hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Lin Yi said solemnly: "Xiaoyue, I hope you can understand that I am not the enemy of your survivor alliance. My goal is the same as the leader you mentioned. Only to completely eradicate the zombies in this world." , I can take you away, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Qi Yuezhu became nervous when he heard this.

"If the zombies can't be eradicated, I won't be able to take you away, understand?" Lin Yi said seriously, and that's the truth.

Qi Yuezhu nodded. She saw the importance of this matter from Lin Yi's expression, so she said: "The appearance of the corpse source stone is only the leader, me, the European director, the East Asian director, the American director, and the discoverer. Several people in Master Hao know that the leader told us that things about the corpse source stone must not be leaked out, so I hesitated to tell you just now."

"Since you have said it is so important, I will tell you even at the risk of being discovered by the leader, wait for me, I will get you a picture." Qi Yuezhu said solemnly.

However, Lin Yi grabbed his arm, and Lin Yi asked suspiciously, "There are still pictures?"

"Well, it is based on Master Cheng Hao's dictation and hand-painted by the director of the Americas. By the way, Master Cheng Hao is that strange person who is good at concealment." Qi Yuezhu said.

(End of this chapter)

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