Chapter 947 Find the Difference

Lin Yi's sudden appearance ruined his good deeds.

And he couldn't blame Liao for the incident.

So all the anger and resentment were attributed to Lin Yi.

"Leader, Lin Yi is already here."

At this moment, a guard trotted in and reported to Liao.

"So fast? How is it possible? Are you sure it's him?"

Liao Wenyan was immediately astonished, a little unbelievable.

But the guard said: "I'm sure, I've compared the photos sent by Director Qi, and there is no doubt that it is Lin Yi."

Liao Ruo nodded thoughtfully, then looked at the crowd and said, "Since you're here, I'll go and greet you in person, and you all will follow."

Everyone nodded one after another, while Quint beside Liao had a subtle expression on his face, which was hard to figure out.

After arriving at the Alliance of Survivors in America, an old man dressed in sackcloth, who looked like an old farmer in the Chinese countryside, led many guards, and some sharp-edged Westerners greeted Lin Yi in person, which made Lin Yi flattered.

He took a few glances and felt that the old man in sackcloth should be Liao. Although he was not good-looking, he was close in age, and he could lead so many guards. Except for the mysterious old man from the East who founded the Survivor Alliance, who could have anyone?
Therefore, Lin Yi spoke first, cupped his fists and said, "I'm Xia Lin Yi, I'm here to find Senior Liao."

Liao led the crowd to Lin Yijin. He sized Lin Yi up and down, and felt that Lin Yi's appearance was very extraordinary. He was slightly satisfied, so he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This old man is Liao, little friend Lin Yi, we Go in and talk slowly."

Lin Yi nodded calmly. Faced with such a big battle, he behaved calmly, as if he had seen the big world, which made Liao feel a little better.

On the other hand, Quint stared at Lin Yi with a gloomy look. Lin Yi had experienced many battles and was most sensitive to all kinds of breaths and emotions, so he immediately turned towards Quint. looked over.

Kunt seemed taken aback by Lin Yi's straightforward gaze, and the gloomy look in his eyes dissipated instantly, but he had already attracted Lin Yi's attention, a Westerner he had never met, staring at him with such eyes, It shows that he has a lot of hostility towards him, Lin Yi knows it in his heart.

But who is he?Why are you hostile to yourself?Lin Yi couldn't guess this point.

But Lin Yi didn't take this matter to heart, that westerner seemed to be an ordinary person, and he didn't pose any threat to Lin Yi at all.

So Lin Yi, accompanied by a group of people, entered the conference hall of the American Survivors Alliance.

"Little friend Lin Yi, you just came here and don't know much about it. Let me introduce you." Liao sat in the first place, with Quint on the left and a tall and strong one on the right, but he was a little limping when he walked. The Chinese man looks about 40 years old, with a long scar on his face.

Liao introduced respectively: "This is Yu Heng, my assistant, and this is Owen Quint, his father is Owen Andre, the director of the Americas, and Cheng Hao..."

Liao introduced the more important people present to Lin Yi one after another. Lin Yi nodded one by one, but he was puzzled in his heart. What did Liao mean by doing this?Introducing themselves to their identities for what?
Lin Yi is not interested in this at all, he just wants to learn about the corpse source stone as soon as possible.

And those officials in the American community were very enthusiastic about Lin Yi and shook hands with Lin Yi one after another. Only Quint was relatively indifferent.

"Little friend Lin Yi, I heard from Yuezhu that you are very capable, but what school did you learn from?" Quint asked with a smile.

"No comment." Lin Yi said lightly.

Naturally, he would not reveal to the people here what school he came from, not to mention, it would take a long time for them to understand it, so it is better not to say it.

As soon as these words came out, all the faces in the room changed. Lin Yi answered like this, obviously not giving Liao face.

"Hmph." Quint snorted coldly, but secretly screamed in his heart that the opportunity had come, and asked Lin Yifa: "The leader asked you where you learned kung fu, and you didn't answer it. It's really disrespectful. I really don't know Miss Qi. How did you fall in love with a guy like you!"

Hearing this, Lin Yi looked straight at Kunt, with a trace of amusedness and provocation in his eyes, Lin Yi thought to himself, it seems that he targeted him so much because of Qi Yuezhu!
But what is his relationship with Qi Yuezhu?

Qi Yuezhu is a virgin, which means that he has never dated anyone before. Could this person be one of Qi Yuezhu's admirers?

After much deliberation, Lin Yi felt that this answer was the most reliable, but he never thought that Quint and Qi Yuezhu still had a marriage contract, and he was actually the 'third party'.

"It's okay, I believe in Yuezhu's vision. Yuezhu said before that little friend Lin Yi came here for the corpse source stone, right?" Liao Dafang waved his hand, looked at Lin Yi with a smile and asked .

"Yes, I have only one purpose here, and that is to learn about the source stone of corpses as much as possible, find the weakness to defeat zombies, and eradicate zombies from all over the world." Lin Yi replied solemnly.

"Hahaha, it's so funny, just you? Just you? So what if you find the weakness of the zombies?" Quint laughed loudly immediately.

Lin Yi's face darkened slightly, and there was already a faint murderous aura permeating his body.

This kind of murderous intent is extremely hidden, and ordinary people can't detect it, but it is extremely sensitive to Liao. Liao's expression changed instantly, and he interrupted Quint immediately, and said coldly: "Quint, don't be indifferent to little friend Lin Yi. present!"

"Leader..." Quint was aggrieved, and looked at Liao angrily, "Why are you so polite to him?! Also, the Corpse Origin Stone is an important secret of our Survivor Alliance. What about sharing? Miss Qi violated the law by disregarding the rules and leaking information about the Corpse Source Stone, so as a leader, do you also know how to break the law?"

"Hmph." Liao Wenyan snorted coldly: "As the leader of the entire Survivor Alliance, the old man made the laws himself. Naturally, he would not be so stupid as to violate the rules he set down, but the rules are dead, and people are alive." Yes, if it is true as little friend Lin Yi said, the weakness of zombies can be found through the corpse source stone, so what's the point of changing the rules?"

As soon as these words came out, Quint was speechless and his face was ashen. It is conceivable how depressed he must be at the moment.

However, he still didn't give up, and said again: " can't just share the information of the corpse source stone with him so hastily, at least..."

"At least what?"

"At the very least, we have to test his strength and his plans. If we don't know these things, it would be ridiculous to share the hard-earned information of Master Cheng Hao with him!" Quint said.

(End of this chapter)

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