Chapter 955 Urgent

The Primordial World Core has no intelligence, it is more like an advanced and brainless energy.

Therefore, Lin Yi couldn't follow up.

But for now, he at least has the whereabouts of the zombie god.

After fusing a primitive world core, you can feel the traces of the zombie god, but it's not very clear.

So Lin Yi had to find the remaining two primordial cores.

And integrate it all into the body.

Only in this way can we find the exact location of the Zombie God and have the power to defeat the Zombie God.

The realm of a one-star martial saint is not enough to drink a pot for the god of zombies.

Therefore, no matter what, we must find the remaining two original boundary cores.

At the beginning, Ming Lian told Lin Yi that there are three primitive world cores on the earth, two Shura Stars, and two Celestial Stars, which add up to seven. If you collect all seven primitive world cores, you can open the so-called plane. aisle.

But Lin Yi didn't expect that there are three primitive world cores hidden in a parallel world of the earth. This made Lin Yi think, if the real world plus the parallel world, wouldn't there be a total of fourteen primitive world cores?
Can you open two plane channels?

This contains too many mysterious rules of the universe, and Lin Yi didn't have the time to think about it. Fortunately, now that he has the exact location of the other two primitive world cores, Lin Yi's body moves, and even Romont, Ben Leiwang and others don't think about it. Notified, he went directly to the direction of the corpse source stone.

The strength of a one-star Martial Saint is considered invincible in this world, but he is no match for the God of Zombies.

According to the information conveyed by the Primordial World Core, the God of Zombies at least has the strength beyond the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

In other words, it is hundreds of times, even thousands of times, tens of thousands of times stronger than Lin Yi's peak period!
All in all, even if Lin Yi regains his peak strength, he is still no match for the God of Zombies. Only by fusing the three primitive world cores in this world and seeking a breakthrough can he surpass the Immortal Emperor and be on par with the giants of the world. Strength is the only way to eradicate the god of zombies and destroy all zombies.

The second corpse source stone is located on the other side of the earth, the North Pole.

This corpse source stone is the only one that has not been found by zombies, because the North Pole is cold all year round, and no one usually goes there, so the corpse source stone has not been found by zombies either.

The reason why Lin Yi chose this corpse source stone was because it was more convenient and easy to obtain.

At his speed, he arrived at the North Pole in less than half an hour. The temperature in the North Pole is many times colder than that of the American community. As far as the eye can see, it is full of glacial islands. On some ice floes, you can even see snow-white polar bear.

According to the information in his mind, Lin Yi plunged directly into the icy sea water, and found the second corpse source stone not long after.

The corpse source stone is wrapped in the original core, and it needs to be obtained by the method taught by Mo Tian to Lin Yi, so Lin Yi started melting it directly on an ice floe.

He didn't set up an enchantment, but the powerful aura emanating from his body caused some polar bears to flee.

"Ready to merge!"

After a while, the Primitive World Core was extracted by Lin Yi, and then he swallowed it directly as before, and fused the second Primordial World Core.

The feeling of pain and comfort lingered in his body. With the previous experience, Lin Yi did not panic, but waited quietly. After a while, his own strength realm really began to break through.

It didn't take long for him to recover his peak strength, and he didn't stop. He continued to skyrocket, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the realm of heaven!
The powerful strength made Lin Yi feel very good. When he held both hands, the power in it seemed to be able to destroy the world!

Indeed, with his current state, destroying this planet is not a problem, but Lin Yi is still not satisfied: "The realm of heaven is still far behind the god of zombies, I don't know, the fusion of the third planet Primordial World Core, can you defeat the God of Zombies, if not..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yi suddenly became silent.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ming Lian, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke: "There is no such situation, the realm of the zombie god is the 'Lord Creation', and if the host fuses the third primitive core, it will be It can be said that it is easy to break through the master of the universe and defeat the god of zombies."

"Hey, why did you come out? Didn't you say that you won't give me any help until the task is completed, what are you going to do now?" Lin Yi was very helpful after hearing Ming Lian's words, and felt a lot more at ease. However, due to Ming Lian's attitude towards him before, he was still a little angry, and couldn't help teasing.

Ming Lian didn't mean to get angry at all, and his voice was as cold as a machine: "The situation has changed. The master in white manipulated the Universe Rubik's Cube through the 'Baji Technique', forcing the Universe Rubik's Cube to change its plan for you, which also contributed to Mo Tian Taoist appear."

"The art of eight poles?" Lin Yi frowned.

"Bajizhishu is a formation technique composed of eight cosmic master-level superpowers. The master in white clothes can control the Rubik's Cube of the universe, but it consumes a lot of money. He wants to tell you that he is going to heaven. The situation is already at stake, and the time left for you is very short, I hope you will quickly return to the third heaven to open the plane channel." Ming Lian explained.

"Didn't it mean that the time conversion between several planes and realms is different? Logically speaking, I have at least a hundred years to complete the task, and the third heaven has only passed a few minutes. How can it be so urgent?"

Although Ming Lian's voice had no emotion at all, Lin Yi could hear a sense of crisis, and he couldn't help frowning and asked.

"It's the work of the dark gods. The dark gods have understood the plans of the masters in white, so all the races joined forces to forcibly shake the time and space between the various planes, making time and space chaotic. Now the time of all planes has passed. Be consistent, even in the parallel world, it is almost the same as the time of the third heaven."

"Damn it." Hearing this answer, Lin Yi couldn't help gritting his teeth. He must stop the Dark Serving Protoss, otherwise, all his efforts would be in vain.

Moreover, if the Dark Gods were allowed to control the Three Heavens, one can imagine the lives of countless souls in the future, and it would be easy to lose their lives. He has many people who care about him, so Lin Yi will never allow the Dark Gods to succeed.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt that time was running out, so he asked, "Tell me, how long do I have to organize them?"

"Three days."

Ming Lian said without thinking.

"Three...days?" Hearing this number, Lin Yi's heart went cold for an instant.

Are you kidding me?
What is enough for three days?

Now I have only collected two primordial world cores, and there are still five left!

And even if all the original world cores are collected, they have to rush back to the third heaven as soon as possible. Three days can be said to be very, very limited.

(End of this chapter)

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