Taikoo Lingxiao Jue

Chapter 96 Beheaded and Killed!

Chapter 96 Beheaded and Killed!

There was a burst of screaming in the Chen family shop, and the two guys, one old and one young, were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground, looking at Lin Yi trembling.

"Don't kill us! Master Lin Yi, please, give me a way out!" the young man cried and begged for mercy.

"That's right, Young Master Lin Yi, we are just clerks in the Chen family's store, and the embezzlement of the Lin family's assets really has nothing to do with us, it's all a good thing Chen Yingfan and his family did!" The old man explained with a trembling face.

Soon, many spectators flocked to the door of Chen's shop, braved the heavy rain, and whispered around the street.

"What's going on? Who has the guts to smash down the Chen family's shop?" A young man in a coir raincoat and a straw hat asked with a frown.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Lin Yi, the young master of the Lin family!" A trembling voice sounded from the crowd.

"Lin Yi?"

"That's right, don't forget, the Chen family store, the Zhao family, the Xu family, and the Longyang Dan shop jointly embezzled a lot of the Lin family's assets. It can be said that they almost divided up all the Lin family's assets. Lin Yi came back this time, Even the guards of Zhou's family, the servant of the Ministry of War, dare to kill them all, how can they ignore this matter?"

"It makes sense. Lin Yi is now a disciple of Yijianzong, so he naturally has some confidence. He is not even afraid of Lord Zhou Kun, the servant of the Ministry of War. How can he be afraid of these paper tigers in Chiyang City?"

"Having said that, I heard that there is an ancestor in the Xu family who recently broke through to the Martial King Realm by chance. Since Lin Yi wants to liquidate the families and forces that have teamed up with the Lin family, he is not afraid that the Xu family will retaliate against him. ?”

"Don't worry, he will never dare to go against the Xu family!"

"That's right, unless he doesn't know that the Xu family has produced a master martial artist, he will definitely not dare to go!"

The sky is still dark, the thunder has subsided, the rain is gradually decreasing, and more and more spectators are watching.

The sound of discussion and the sound of raindrops beating on the bluestone ground are mixed together, buzzing like flies to disturb God.

Inside the Chen family shop.

Lin Yi looked at those guys with a half-smile, and said indifferently: "You don't have to be afraid, the injustice has its owner and the debtor, I know that the annexation of the Lin family's assets must be your boss' idea, and it has nothing to do with you guys, as long as you follow my advice If you do, I promise I won't hurt you."

"Master Lin, tell me, tell me!"

"As long as we can do it, we will do it!"

Those guys looked happy and quickly expressed their opinion.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, with a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and said, "Find out all the Chen family members that you know about who are suspected of embezzling and dividing up the assets of the Lin family! Take them outside."

"In addition, I smashed all the shops and stores of the Chen family, and transported all the property of the Chen family to the Lin family. If you can't do it, you will come to see me with your heads!!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Lin Yi released a chilling murderous intent all over his body, which made the shop assistants tremble.

Xiong Batian was secretly startled, feeling that he was becoming more and more unable to see through the boss.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, where did he learn these cruel methods?
Such a calm mind is simply too inconsistent with his age!

"Yes! We promise to do it!"

In the shop, there were not only two shop assistants, one old and one young, but more shop assistants were hiding outside, eavesdropping on Lin Yi's speech. When they heard Lin Yi's words, they immediately acted!
After seeing Lin Yi's brutal and terrifying methods, how dare they go against Lin Yi?They will naturally know what will happen to them if they are disobedient!Probably worse than Chen Yingfan!

Next, some staff members ran to the Chen family's mansion behind the shop, dragged out everyone in the Chen family, and took them to the street outside.

And some other guys, according to Lin Yi's instructions, took tools such as hammers and shovels, and smashed the fronts of more than 50 shops and branches of Chen's family one by one, almost without a trace. turned into ruins.

After that, all the supplies in the Chen family's shop were delivered to the Lin family.


At this moment, on the street outside Chen's shop.

The heavy rain had completely stopped, and more than 200 members of the Chen family were all kneeling in the rain.

In front of them, Lin Yi and Xiong Batian were interrogating.

The surrounding area was crowded with the people of Chiyang City, many of whom were descendants of the Zhao family and the Xu family.

"Let me ask you, who of you knew about Chen Yingfan's embezzlement of the Lin family's assets from the beginning? And support it, point it out to me!" Looking at those members of the Chen family with cold eyes, Lin Yi asked interrogatively.

However, in the next scene, the corners of Lin Yi's mouth slowly raised.

There were more than 200 children of the Chen family accusing each other, but no one was left behind. It seemed that they all knew about it and supported Chen Yingfan's plan to embezzle the assets of the Lin family!
"Awesome, I didn't expect you all to know about this matter. Since this is the case, each of you is bound to be blamed!" Lin Yi's eyes swept away, and his voice was extremely cold in an instant.

Hearing this, the children of the Chen family trembled in fright, and quickly explained: "Master Lin Yi, we can't help ourselves. Before the owner embezzled the assets of the Lin family, he insisted on holding an inquiry meeting to ask us ordinary people what to do. For the opinions of the Chen family's children, it is impossible not to participate!"

"That is, it has nothing to do with us at all. If you kill the Patriarch, kill him. He is the chief envoy. He is not wronged at all, but it can't be justified to ask us to take the blame?"

"That's right, although we are members of the Chen family, we have nothing to do with that bastard, the head of the family, Chen Yingfan. You are powerful, but you can't deal with us casually! Otherwise, you will be violating the laws of the Jin Dynasty! You will be punished in prison of!"

"Yes! Let us go!"

"Let us go! Otherwise, we will go to Kyoto to appeal to the Minister of the Ministry of War, and find Master Zhou Kun to kill you!"

As the saying goes, one stone stirs up a thousand waves, and the same is true for the power of a single word. With the fanning of a certain Chen family member, hundreds of Chen family members stood up in an instant, shouting at Lin Yi, and there were even those who spoke out loud , actually moved out Zhou Kun, the big Buddha, in order to suppress Lin Yi.

After hearing these voices, the sneer at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth became more intense, and Xiong Batian beside him couldn't help snickering, thinking that these stupid human beings are going to be in bad luck!

"In the past, I only knew that your Chen family was good at doing business. I didn't expect that the whitewashing was so powerful. When something happened, you immediately shirked the blame."

"Hehe, how dare you say that you didn't agree with Chen Yingfan's proposal? I'm afraid no one objected to the proposal of embezzling the Lin family's assets, right?"

Lin Yi said lightly, there seemed to be a sharp sword in his eyes, pointing directly at people's hearts, making those arrogant members of the Chen family speechless immediately.

"Also, you are eager to get rid of Chen Yingfan. Although he is an out-and-out bastard, your actions are even more disgusting and disgusting!"

"Lin wants to ask, what face do you have to live in this world?"

"All go down to the underworld, and get together with Chen Yingfan!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yi moved, his figure was like a cheetah, and he attacked swiftly!
 PS: It seems that I saw a brother’s comment was deleted again, it has nothing to do with me, and I look confused~ I also ask for votes, rewards, collections, ratings, and bloodthirsty kneeling for support from all brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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