Chapter 1005 Extortion
"Master Jiang, you and I are all allies. Just now, my Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang suffered heavy casualties on that stone road. Why don't you share some of the Linghuan Pill with us?" Gu Li's face piled up. smile.

The master of Jiuyou Hall also stared at Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo looked at the two of them a few times, and said coldly, "For you, why?"

This Linghuan Pill, not to mention that there is no extra, even if there is, he will not give it to Gu Li and others.

Along the way, Gu Li and the others have been fighting against Jiang Mo.

Now that Jiang Mo has the Linghuan Pill on his body, I just want to come here to please him. Is it too late?
"Governor Jiang, this Martial Emperor's cave is full of dangers. If you are willing to distribute some Linghuan Pills, we can all preserve a lot of fighting power. When the time comes, we can take care of each other when we encounter danger, can't we?" Gu Li looked at each other. Blink, said.

At this moment, the Pavilion Master Jiange stood up, faced Gu Li, and said, "Gu Zongzhu was joking, Pavilion Master Jiange has already formed an alliance with our Jiange Pavilion and Shuanghua Palace. As for Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang, don't come here." Let's join in the fun."

The glamorous woman from Shuanghua Palace was also standing here.

Hearing these words, Gu Li and the others looked a little ugly.

Originally, Gu Li wanted to discuss things well. If Jiang Mo was willing to share the Linghuan Pill, that would be the best. If not, Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang would join forces at that time to seize Zhentian. Pavilion's Linghuan Pill.

However, they did not expect that Jiange and Shuanghua Palace would stand by Jiang Mo's side at this time.

Make them unexpected.

"You're ruthless." Gu Li clenched his teeth, obviously very excited, but there was nothing he could do.

On Jiang Mo's side, the overall strength is stronger than that of Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang.

If there is a real battle, Gu Li and the others must be the ones who suffer.

However, on Jiange's side, they don't want to have a conflict.

They entered the Martial Emperor's Cave Mansion to search for inheritance, and time was running out. If they were delayed by Xuan Mingzong, it would not be worth it.

"Let's go, don't waste time with them." Jiang Mo said to the Jiange Pavilion Master and others, and immediately took a step towards the end of the stone path.

Soon, a stone gate about the size of Zhangxu appeared in front of them.

Around the stone gate, there are fluctuations of Yuanli, and circles of light surround the surroundings. Obviously, there is also a restriction here.

"Sure enough, the Weak Water Formation outside the Emperor Wu's cave is a large guardian formation. Even if the Weak Water Formation is broken, every independent cave inside will still be guarded by restrictions." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

The Lord of the Jiange Pavilion, as well as the glamorous lady from Shuanghua Palace, all looked at Jiang Mo.

They don't know how to form formations, so they can only rely on Jiang Mo at the moment.

After a little perception, Jiang Mo was relieved, fortunately it was not a very troublesome formation.

However, although he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, his face showed a worried look, and his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had encountered a very difficult matter.

"Governor Jiang, what's the matter?" The glamorous woman from Shuanghua Palace walked towards her, bringing a burst of fragrance.

"This restriction is a little troublesome!" Jiang Mo sighed.

"Then what should we do? Can this restriction be broken? Pavilion Master Jiang, we big fellows are all counting on you." The glamorous woman said humanely.

"It's possible, but it takes a lot of energy." Jiang Mo shook his head and sighed softly.

"If I use too much power to open this restriction, then it will definitely be disadvantageous to me in the next battle!"

Hearing what Jiang Mo said, these pavilion masters immediately understood.

He wants to get paid for it!

Otherwise, Jiang Mo struggled to open this restriction, and everyone else could enter at will. Wouldn't it be a loss for Jiang Mo?

"Hehe, Pavilion Master Jiang, I have three thousand high-grade primordial stones here. If you don't mind, I will give it to you." The beautiful woman from Shuanghua Palace said with a bright smile.

Although she is in her 30s, her skin is well maintained, fair and smooth, just like a teenage girl.

"I also have a lot of primordial stones here." After Jiange Pavilion master understood, he hurriedly took out the storage ring.

Jiang Mo didn't refuse anyone who came, and accepted the primordial stone they presented with a smile.

Then, he looked at Gu Li and the others.

"Gu Zongzhu, shouldn't you also express it?" Jiang Mo said with a smile.

"Damn it, we Xuanmingzong lost a lot on the stone path just now. He even asked us for Yuanshi. This guy is simply inhumane." Gu Li cursed secretly in his heart.

However, two thousand high-grade primordial stones have already been handed over.

However, Jiang Mo frowned, and said, "This primordial stone is not enough at all! Breaking through that formation requires a lot of energy."

Hearing this, Gu Li's face twitched.

This bastard was clearly aiming at him.

However, there is no way not to give primordial stones!
Who let others master the ability to break the restriction?

Gu Li took out two thousand high-grade primordial stones with great heartache, and handed them to Jiang Mo.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo squinted his eyes, still staring at Gu Li, making Gu Li feel like goose bumps all over his body.

This guy actually blackmailed him? !
"I don't have any high-grade primordial stones anymore, I already gave you four thousand. What else can I do? Don't go too far!" Gu Li stretched his neck, and the veins on his neck bulged.

Jiang Mo still shook his head, expressing dissatisfaction, he was deliberately making things difficult for Gu Li.

"Hey, Gu Zongzhu, it's just a few thousand high-grade primordial stones, don't waste all of our time." Jiange Pavilion Master said impatiently.

Naturally, he didn't dare to vent his grievances on Jiang Mo.

They were all counting on Jiang Mo to open this restriction.

Gu Li gritted his teeth and groped his body for a long time before he found a small storage ring. He said, "In it are the last two thousand high-grade primordial stones. Originally, I kept them for myself, but now I give them all to you."

Gu Li had a look of bitterness and hatred, wishing he could tear Jiang Mo alive.

This bastard is simply a demon who eats people without spitting out bones.

"Hehe, of course I believe it." After extorting six thousand high-grade primordial stones from Gu Li, Jiang Mo walked towards the head of Jiuyou Hall with a satisfied face.

Along the way, these two guys often tripped him up.

Jiang Mo is so cruel to Gu Li, will he spare the master of Jiuyou Hall?

Even Gu Li himself was a little bit looking forward to how many high-grade primordial stones Jiang Mo would blackmail the master of Jiuyou Hall.

That's how people are, even if the two of them are friends.

But after being exploited, I hope that the other party will also be treated in the same way, so that I can feel more balanced in my heart.

If the other party was worse than himself, then Gu Li would secretly laugh in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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