Chapter 1009 Devoured?

"If anyone dares to snatch this scepter, don't blame me, the Shadow Ghost King, for being rude!"

The Phantom Ghost King looked at the golden scepter, with a fiery look in his eyes, and directly threatened others.

"This kind of strange thing of heaven and earth can be obtained by those who are capable." Liu Gongquan snorted coldly, and he did not back down in the face of the natal magic weapon left by the powerful Emperor Wu.

"Then let's try, who is more qualified."

As soon as the ghost king's voice fell, he slapped Liu Gongquan.

Among the present, only Liu Gongquan's strength has reached the realm of six-star martial saints, which deserves the attention of the Shadow Ghost King.

Liu Gongquan's right hand flashed with light, and a sword appeared, and he slashed out directly. In an instant, even the space between heaven and earth collapsed.

The ghost king's palm protruded, and an extremely strong black aura gathered, turning into a ghostly claw, directly holding Liu Gongquan's saber, and the two terrifying forces collided with each other, shocking everyone around.

Jiang Mo caught a glimpse of the fierce battle between the two, and with a movement of his body, he rushed towards the golden scepter.

With a movement of his body, there were several monks present, who also rushed towards the golden scepter.

Seeing this scene, Ghost King Youying and Liu Gongquan couldn't help feeling chills.

"court death!"

The two stopped fighting and rushed towards the golden scepter.


Suddenly, an incomparably strong and terrifying coercion swept out, covering everyone like a tide.

The terrifying coercion caused the advancing monks to groan, with blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

The Shadow Ghost King and Liu Gongquan are at the highest level, but even so, they are all staggering in stature, with expressions of shock on their faces.

This golden scepter doesn't seem so easy to grab!

Jiang Mo rushed to the front, and when that coercion swept over, he felt a powerful force that could destroy the soul.

However, when his figure was trembling, in the Niwan Palace, the mass of Emperor Wu's willpower suddenly exploded all over his body, covering his body.

In an instant, Jiang Mo's body seemed to be covered with a layer of gold, shining golden.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Ghost King Phantom and Liu Gongquan were a little dumbfounded.

They didn't know what it was that appeared on Jiang Mo's body.

Jiang Mo's body was still moving forward, protected by the willpower of Emperor Wu, and the coercion released by the golden scepter could no longer crush him.

Countless monks around looked at Jiang Mo in shock.

Even the Ghost King and Liu Gongquan were helpless with the golden scepter, but Jiang Mo could walk step by step.

What a miracle!
"Boy, stop for me, or I will wipe you out!" The Shadow Ghost King threatened directly.

From his point of view, the natal weapon left by the strong Emperor Wu is already his, and no one is allowed to touch it.

Jiang Mo continued to walk forward as if he hadn't heard his words, only ten feet away from the golden scepter.

Despite being protected by Emperor Wudi's willpower, his steps were still as heavy as lead.

Every step he takes will leave a heavy footprint in the void.

It made everyone present tremble.

If it wasn't for the Emperor Wu's willpower to protect his body, Jiang Mo's body would have been squeezed into a cloud of blood mist.

"Damn it, tell you to stop, can't you hear me?" The Ghost King Youying yelled angrily, and immediately shook his big hand. The extremely terrifying black aura gathered and turned into a big black hand, and it slapped down on Jiang Moyao. go.

Jiang Mo turned his head with difficulty, but only glanced at the big black hand before turning his gaze away.

As if, in his eyes, this attack was nothing at all.

"My lord, be careful."

A dozen or so monks in Zhentian Pavilion immediately shot out one after another, shrouded in bright light curtains of Yuanli, trying to block the attack of the big black hand.

Naturally, they wanted to help Jiang Mo resist the sneak attack of the Shadow Ghost King.

Although, the Shadow Ghost King is in the realm of the Seven Star Martial Saints.

Jiang Mo's body trembled, but the attack of the big black hand did not fall.

He knew that it was the monks in Zhentian Pavilion who blocked the sneak attack of the ghost king for him.

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Mo continued to move forward.

He knew that everything he did would be meaningful only if he got the golden scepter.

At this moment, there is only three feet away from the golden scepter.

Around, Gu Li and the master of Jiuyou Hall looked at the back with envy and jealousy.

He actually approached the golden scepter!

That's an existence that even Liu Gongquan and the ghost king can't get close to!

The owner of the Jiange Pavilion and the beautiful woman in Shuanghua Palace were equally astonished.

Jiang Mo's talent was truly terrifying.

Even the restrictions of Emperor Wu's cave can't stop him, and the coercion of this golden scepter can't stop him either!

Jiang Mo didn't know that all the eyes of the world were on him. He still walked slowly, but he walked towards the golden scepter very firmly.

The Shadow Ghost King became more and more furious. He is a powerful seven-star martial saint, but he is not as good as a three-star martial saint.

Damn it!

Bang, bang, bang, many weaker cultivators were directly sent flying by the Shadow Ghost King.

Jiang Mo frowned. Many of these monks were from Zhentian Pavilion.

However, it is not appropriate for him to get entangled with the Ghost King at this time, the golden scepter is in front of him, and he needs to do the most important thing.

"Phantom Ghost King!" Clenching his fists fiercely, Jiang Mo resisted the oppression, getting closer and closer to the golden scepter, only a foot away.


Right here, the towering Wudi tree suddenly made a sound, as if the wind was blowing.

The branches trembled, like the arms of a giant, and frantically flung them around.

All the people present are all powerful monks in the realm of martial saints, so naturally they will not be afraid of the whipping of this branch.

However, when the branch was drawn above their bodies, they suddenly realized that their defenses were broken by the branch in an instant.

"how so?!"

Even the Shadow Ghost King and the others were shocked. In front of the Martial Emperor Tree, their defense seemed useless.

Bang, bang, bang!

The branches of the Emperor Wu tree became more joyful, and the figures were blown away.

The Shadow Ghost King, Liu Gongquan and other powerhouses were no exception, and their bodies flew out one after another.

Only Jiang Mo, under the cover of Emperor Wu's will, those branches did not hurt him at all.


There were bursts of humming sounds, and the golden scepter burst into light, covering Jiang Mo's body directly.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. Is the natal weapon of Emperor Wudi strong going to belong to Jiang Mo?
Immediately afterwards, Jiang Mo's body disappeared in place, and he couldn't even feel his breath.

"That guy, could it be that he was directly swallowed by the divine weapon of Emperor Wudi's powerhouse?" The thought flashed across Gu Lili's mind, and he said it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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