Chapter 1011

In addition to the third eye of Emperor Wu of Samsara, there is another most important symbol, which is the golden scepter.

Ghost King Youying and Liu Gongquan may not know, but Jiang Mo does.

At the beginning, there were historical records that Emperor Wu of the Reincarnation relied on this taixu magic weapon to traverse thousands of miles of territory, making himself invincible and becoming a mighty existence.

At that time, the Reincarnation Martial Emperor was the most peak figure in the mainland. I don't know how many people looked up to him!

The Divine Battle of Taixu is the divine weapon of Emperor Wu of Samsara.

Classification of weapons.

Zhenwu treasures, spiritual weapons, fairy weapons, and above the fairy weapons are the existence of divine weapons.

And the natal magic weapon refined by Emperor Wu of Samsara with his painstaking efforts, can be regarded as a rather high-level existence among the ranks of magic weapons.

"No wonder, when the coercion of the Taixu Divine Battle erupted, even the strong like the Shadow Ghost King had to back away." Jiang Mo secretly rejoiced in his heart.

If he hadn't obtained the will power protection body of Emperor Wu of Samsara in advance, I'm afraid, he would not be able to get close to the God of Taixu, so that he could meet the legendary Emperor Wu of Samsara in this independent space today!
"You recognize me?" There was a trace of surprise in the voice of Emperor Samsara.

He is a character from thousands of years ago. I didn't expect that after such a long time, there are still people in Tianwu Continent who remember his name of Emperor Wu of Samsara!
"That's natural. Back then, the senior was famous and famous, and no one knew about it." Jiang Mo laughed.

In the face of such an ancient level powerhouse, Jiang Mo would not feel any discomfort even if he flattered him.

He's better than you, and he's still a senior, so it's not a bad thing to have a sweeter mouth.

"Haha, you boy, you are very good at talking. I like it." Jiang Mo's words were obviously very useful to Emperor Wu of Samsara, and he laughed immediately, very happy.

"This junior doesn't know one thing. The senior has been lost for thousands of years. Why does the consciousness still exist until now?"

Jiang Mo asked.

Based on his knowledge, he knew that the divine consciousness of a strong Emperor Wu could indeed exist for a period of time if he used divine weapons.

However, the consciousness of Emperor Wu of Samsara has survived for thousands of years, which is unbelievable.

"Who said that this seat has fallen?" Hearing this, Emperor Samsara raised his brows, a little displeased.

A look of surprise appeared on Jiang Mo's face, and he asked, "Could it be that senior still exists in Tianwu Continent? Then, why has there been no news about senior?"

Jiang Mo was shocked, if Emperor Wu of Samsara was still alive, then he must be in charge of this continent, and Empress Xingshuang would have nothing to do with it.

"It is true that this seat has not fallen yet. However, when the realm reaches a certain level, this seat has already broken through the boundary of space and reached another even more magical world." Emperor Wu of Samsara said proudly.

For thousands of years, in the entire Tianwu Continent, there are only a handful of Martial Emperors who can break through the space boundary and reach another world.

And his reincarnation Martial Emperor is one of them, how can he not be proud?
"Another world?" Now it was Jiang Mo's turn to fall into shock.

In his previous life, he thought he had read poetry and books, but he never knew that there was another world outside Tianwu Continent.

However, since ancient times, people who can step into the realm of Emperor Wu are rare.

And there are very few people who can reach the realm of Reincarnation Martial Emperor.

Once they break through the space boundary, they will leave completely and never come back.

Therefore, there has never been a book, recorded, information about another world.

"Yes, this world is very magical. Although, the strength of this seat is already at the top level in Tianwu Continent, but when it gets there, it can only be regarded as first-class level. The top powerhouse , even this seat, is extremely jealous!"

Reincarnation Martial Emperor said slowly.

Hearing this, the shock in Jiang Mo's heart became even stronger.

Is a monk stronger than Emperor Wu of Samsara?
Then how strong should it be?
It's hard to imagine.

"That world is called the Great Heavens. It is said that there are gods in the Great Heavens! If the gods make a move, they can destroy the powerhouses of Emperor Wu with a flick of their fingers. However, they generally don't care about the world. thing."

"Moreover, it is even more exciting in the world of the Great Heavens. I have seen it before. Someone chanted a spell and summoned an ancient troll. Someone created a Yuanli Pulse Cannon, which made a Martial Emperor stronger with one blow. fall!"

"In short, it's very dangerous there, but it's also full of challenges." Reincarnation Martial Emperor said slowly.

Jiang Mo's eyes were full of shock.

Before meeting Emperor Wu of Samsara, he had never imagined that there would be such a magical world.

However, it is indeed dangerous there.

Even such a terrifying existence as Emperor Wu of Samsara is not the strongest over there. Above it, there are super giants in the realm of gods and spirits.

"Well, it's rare to be able to find a suitable successor in Tianwu Continent. These words are passed on to you by my own deity in the Great Heavens through the eyes of reincarnation. It's nothing more than to talk so much with you. I just want to be able to see our monks from the Tianwu Continent roaming around in the Great Heavens in the future."

Jiang Mo nodded, and said, "When I reach the realm of seniors in the future, I may go to the Great Heavens and venture out."

"Well, meeting is fate. I will teach you the eye of reincarnation. If you can cultivate it successfully, in the future, you will be able to create billions of illusions with just one eye. In the same realm, you must be invincible Exist." Reincarnation Martial Emperor said.

Jiang Mo was very grateful, and quickly said: "Thank you, senior."

The Eye of Samsara, in the era of Emperor Wu of Samsara, was the nightmare of many people.

Once, there was a faction that offended Emperor Wu of Samsara.

Later, that sectarian force completely disappeared overnight.

No one knows where they went.

Later, some people speculated that it was Emperor Wu of Samsara who used the Eye of Samsara to create billions of illusions to kill all his enemies.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo slowly closed his eyes, Emperor Wu of Samsara stretched out a finger, and a ball of black brilliance immediately poured into Jiang Mo's eyebrows.


Suddenly, Jiang Mo felt that there was a huge flow of information in his mind, pouring in directly.

"This... is the cultivation method of the eye of reincarnation, it's so complicated!"

Feeling the huge flow of information, even with Jiang Mo's concentration, he couldn't help shaking his head with bitterness on his face.

"Okay, little guy, talking in two worlds will cost me a lot. What I want to teach you is not only the eye of reincarnation, but also the magic weapon of emptiness. When the time comes, practice hard. When you step into the realm of Emperor Wu, you can perceive this seat through the eyes of reincarnation."

After finishing speaking, in this space, the figure of Reincarnation Martial Emperor gradually dissipated.

After Emperor Wu of Samsara left here, Jiang Mo showed excitement on his face.

Whether it's the eye of reincarnation or the weapon of taixu, the effect on him is incomparably huge.

(End of this chapter)

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