Chapter 1020 Liu Gongquan's plan
In fact, the reason why Jiang Mo asked Master Ku to try to repair the time-space strangle formation was to see how strong his formation was.

If he is too weak, Jiang Mo will not dare to ask Master Ku to help him build a super large formation that can teleport thousands of people.

The amount of resources consumed for a super large formation of that level is not small. Once the establishment fails, even with the financial resources of Zhentian Pavilion, it will be very difficult to bear.

As for the third item, Jiang Mo valued it the most.

Although Jiang Mo himself is also a formation master, it is impossible for him to train formation masters.

Because he still needs time to practice, how can he have time to guide others?
It is very appropriate for Master Ku to do this matter.

"Okay, I promise you." Master Ku nodded and said.

For the sake of the Nine-Turn Formation Dao Sutra, he could only do so.

"Master Ku, don't worry, if you do your best for Zhentian Pavilion. In the future, I will show you more advanced knowledge of formations." Jiang Mo smiled.

After successfully taking Master Ku under his command, Jiang Mo left here in a good mood.

Wu Nu came over and reported the development of Zhentian Pavilion in the past two years.

What Jiang Mo didn't expect was that in just two years, the overall strength of Zhentian Pavilion was already quite terrifying.

Although it is a bit difficult to face the alliance of monks from Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang, but if they face any of them, they will definitely not fall into a disadvantage.

"In the past two years, the number of newly recruited disciples has reached nearly ten thousand."

"As for elders, there are several hundred."

"Moreover, the development of the Artifact Refining Pavilion and the Pill Pavilion is very good."

"Several high-level weapon refiners have come to the Body Refining Pavilion. Under their training, many people can refine second-level or even third-level real weapons."

"As for the Qiangdi Kingdom, the land there is fertile, and the slave family ordered people to open up a hundred-acre medicine field to cultivate elixir."


Hearing Wu Nu's report, Jiang Mo smiled and felt emotional.

With Wu Nu around, he, the pavilion master, doesn't have to worry about anything at all, he just needs to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Thank you." Jiang Mo said with emotion.

Wu Nu shook her head, she looked at Jiang Mo with beautiful eyes, she didn't speak, but there seemed to be a thousand words in her eyes.

Jiang Mo sighed in his heart, and naturally understood what Wu Nu's eyes meant.

Only, he can't do it.

"Next, I will build a teleportation center at the headquarters of Zhentian Pavilion. In the east, west, north, south, and the four generals, each will establish a super teleportation array. At that time, once the headquarters is in danger, all directions can be sent. Come to the rescue."

Jiang Mo changed the subject.

Wu Nvxiu twitched her eyebrows, the young master was willing to tell her about such an important matter, which moved her again.

In fact, this time, Xuanmingzong and Jiuyoutang jointly attacked Zhentian Pavilion, which made Jiang Mo feel the crisis.

This time with them, what about next time?What if there is another batch?
Therefore, Jiang Mo wanted to link up the headquarters of Zhentian Pavilion with the garrison forces in other places.

To really do it, if one party is in trouble, all parties will support it.

Chen Yong, Wei Hu, He Qicang, Qin Feiyue and the others are all strong soldiers leading the army. This time, if they can come back in time to rescue, Zhentian Pavilion will not be so miserable.

"Ms. Wu, I will work hard on you to collect the materials for building the teleportation array. In a few days, I will start to build the teleportation array." Jiang Mo said.

"Well, please rest assured, my lord." Wu Nu said softly.

Just as Wu Nu turned to leave, Jiang Mo suddenly stopped her and asked, "Is it time for me to refine that Transformation Pill for you?"

Jiang Mo smiled awkwardly.

At the beginning, I promised Wu Nu that as long as she stayed by my side to protect her for a year, I would refine the real Transformation Pill for her.

Before I knew it, I had been in arrears for a year or two, which was unreasonable.

Wu Nu rolled her eyes, she looked very playful, and muttered: "Young master, do you still remember? I think you have forgotten it?"

Jiang Mo didn't expect that Miss Wu would show such a playful and lovely side, so he couldn't help but smile.

There is no strict hierarchy between the two of them like others.

On the contrary, they are more like friends.

Even though Wu Nu managed Zhentian Pavilion for Jiang Mo for two years, Jiang Mo couldn't really regard her as a subordinate.

"Don't worry, I'll refine the Transformation Pill for you after I'm done working these few days. It must be of the best quality." Jiang Mo assured, patting his chest.

"Then, when the time comes, can the slave family continue to stay with the young master?" Wu Nu suddenly asked sadly.

"Of course, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay." Jiang Mo returned.

"Hee hee, that's the best way." Wu Nu was as happy as a little girl, and immediately left here.


It is dozens of miles away from Tianjizong.

A vague voice flew over, very embarrassed.

"Who is it?" the guard of Tianji Sect shouted in a low voice when he saw this figure.

Gu Li's breath was disturbed, and he walked up to the guard in an extremely embarrassing manner, and said, "It's me, the Sect Master of Xuanming Sect. I want to see Sect Master Liu."

The guards immediately looked at each other, and one of them, who had obviously met Gu Li before, said, "Sect Master Gu, please wait a moment, I will go to report."

After speaking, he quickly entered the Tianji Sect.

Not long after, Gu Li was welcomed into the Tianji Sect, Liu Gongquan looked at Gu Li's appearance, a little surprised.

"Gu Zongzhu, why are you here?" Liu Gongquan asked.

"Sect Master Liu, that Jiang Mo has already returned. Besides, he also destroyed my Xuanming Sect and Jiuyou Hall, please Sect Master Liu, make the decision for us!" Gu Li said with snot and tears.

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan was shocked suddenly.

What Gu Li said later was ignored by him.

Jiang Mo has already returned, so, will the natal magic weapon left behind by that strong Emperor Wu also be taken by Jiang Mo?
If this is the case, it is really necessary to go to Zhentian Pavilion.

The divine weapon of Emperor Wu's powerhouse is a huge temptation for any monk in the realm of martial saints.

Liu Gongquan is no exception.

However, he has a heart.

He had personally witnessed the terrifying power of the golden scepter that day. If Jiang Mo really got it, his strength might not be what it used to be.

It may be dangerous to go there rashly.

Thinking of this, he ordered to one of his subordinates: "Go, tell Pavilion Master Jiang, in a few days, I will go to pay a visit in person."

He went to visit Zhentian Pavilion in such an upright manner, and there was no problem in terms of emotion and reason.

If Jiang Mo's strength is already very strong, then Liu Gongquan, the natal magic weapon of the strong Emperor Wu, has nothing to do with him.

However, if Jiang Mo's strength is average, he has to think carefully.

"Yes, then, what about Sect Master Gu?" one of his subordinates asked.

Hearing this, Liu Gongquan glanced at Gu Li, who was like a bereaved dog, and said calmly: "Catch it, and take it with you when the time comes, as a meeting gift for Pavilion Master Jiang."

Hearing this, Gu Li's face turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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