Chapter 1025 Unbelievable
There are a total of three styles of the Poluan Three Killing Sword.

Violent Sword Style, Domineering Sword Style, and Killing Sword Style!

In the independent space of Taixu Shenzhang, during those two years, Jiang Mo successfully practiced the Three Killing Sword of Breaking Delusion.

Although it has not reached the realm of Dzogchen, the power that can be erupted is still very terrifying.

Now, when this sword-killing style is displayed, all the people present feel as if there is a shocking killing intent covering their bodies, making people feel as if they have fallen into an ice cellar.

The torrential rain poured down, and Jiang Mo seemed to be integrated with the sword, blending into the rain curtain.

The Phantom Ghost King's death scythe slashed out, bringing up a black brilliance and tearing apart a piece of rain.

However, it didn't hit Jiang Mo's body.

This is the domain controlled by Jiang Mo, how could the Shadow Ghost King hurt him?

The cold voice came from the Youying Ghost King's ears. At this moment, all the hairs on his body stood on end.

His whole body seemed to be enveloped by a storm of swords, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

Swish, swish, swish.

In the next moment, the sword intent descended, and the ancient sword of Heavenly Punishment filled the sky, killing the Ghost King of Shadows.

"Damn it, how can this kid's swordsmanship be so powerful?!" When the ghost king was shocked, he was also extremely frightened.

"Guardian of death."

In a panic, he let out a low growl, and a monstrous black light burst out all over his body.

In the end, the black rays of light converged, as if turning into a phantom of a dark god of death, covering the Ghost King of Shadows.

Boom, boom, boom...

The sword light filling the entire sky crazily slashed at the phantom of the dark god of death.

Incomparably strong fluctuations swept out, causing the entire world to start to turmoil.

The people around were all terrified.

Such a confrontation is really too scary!
The most shocking ones were Qiu Xuanqing and Liu Gongquan.

The guardian of the god of death cast by the Shadow Ghost King is his strongest defense method, and it is difficult for ordinary seven-star martial saint monks to break through.

What they didn't expect was that Jiang Mo's attack was so powerful that the Shadow Ghost King even used this method of suppressing the bottom of the box.

"My God."

"That sword light is terrifying. It's like putting people in a storm of swords."

"If we are in it, I'm afraid there will be no scum left of the strangled ones!"

"I really don't know how that guy's combat power can be so powerful!"

The monks from the Seven Star Ghost Palace were discussing around.

"My lord, you must win!"

"Beat that guy."

The monks in Zhentian Pavilion clenched their fists, looking extremely excited.

Their pavilion master, Jiang Mo, with the realm of a five-star martial sage, had beaten the Ghost King of the Phantom with the strongest protection. If it spreads in the future, it may shake the entire land of Guixu.

The sword storm carrying the terrifying sword intent exploded at the place where the Shadow Ghost King was.

The whole world was cut into fragments, and the dark god of death around the ghost king's body was getting weaker and weaker, and it might shatter at any time.


In the end, the sword storm exhausted its strength and dissipated.

However, the Ghost King of Phantom also spewed out a large mouthful of blood suddenly, and the phantom of the dark god of death around him slowly dissipated.

At this moment, everyone was stunned when they saw the injuries on the Ghost King's body.

No one expected that the shadow ghost king's injury would be so serious.

His whole body was dripping with blood, cut and scarred by the incomparably violent sword intent.

In some places, you can even see the dense white bones, exposed in the air, very scary.

"Master Ghost King." Seeing the scene in front of them, the hearts of many monks in the Seven Star Ghost Palace shouted out.

"Cough cough..."

The Phantom Ghost King barely stood up, and coughed up a few more mouthfuls of blood while waving his hands.

This made everyone even more surprised, how serious was the injury of the Shadow Ghost King!
At this moment, Jiang Mo's eye of reincarnation between his brows slowly closed upwards, and the curtain of rainstorm around him disappeared in this instant.

Casting the Eye of Reincarnation consumes too much power.

In a short period of time, Jiang Mo felt that the vitality in his body seemed to be emptied.

However, the role of the eye of reincarnation is also obvious.

If it weren't for that mirage, Jiang Mo would never have been able to defeat the Shadow Ghost King so smoothly.

"Have you noticed? The rainstorm curtain just now, I thought it was a real vision of heaven and earth, but unexpectedly, it was made by Jiang Mo!"


"I also discovered that when Jiang Mo's third eye pupil was closed, the curtain of rainstorm disappeared in an instant."

"Obviously, that rainstorm world is related to him!"

Everyone's hearts are trembling.

too frightening.

Jiang Mo actually relied on his own power to create an illusion that made tens of thousands of people fall into it.

Almost [-]% of the people didn't know that it was an illusion, and they thought it was real.

The rest of the people, like the shadow ghost king, have nothing to do even if they know that it is an illusion.

He can't avoid it.

In Jiang Mo's torrential rain world power, he only had the strength to resist.

Liu Gongquan's heart trembled wildly. Just now, the moment Jiang Mo opened his eyes of reincarnation, he only felt a palpitating force sweeping across his body.

If he were to switch positions with the Shadow Ghost King, he would definitely not be able to do what the Shadow Ghost King did.

It is possible that he will be seriously injured on the spot, or even die!
"This guy, I haven't seen him for two years, and he has become so scary! Fortunately, he didn't offend him completely at that time, and there is still room for redemption." Liu Gongquan said secretly in his heart.

Before, when he questioned Jiang Mo, he didn't want to give him the face of Tianjizong.

Now, he has already figured out in his heart, what kind of sincerity can he show to let Jiang Mo eliminate his hostility towards Tianji Sect.

Otherwise, if Jiang Mo regained his composure and wanted to deal with the Tianji Sect, it might not be too difficult.

At this moment, Jiang Mo, holding the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword in his hand, walked slowly towards the Ghost King Youying.

"You lost. Take your bet." Jiang Mo's flat voice was like a drumstick, beating on the hearts of everyone.

The mighty Shadow Ghost King was defeated.

Moreover, there is also a bet.

If this kind of thing gets out, the whole land of returning to the ruins will be in an uproar, right?

However, no one dared to speak at this time, because the strength Jiang Mo showed was too monstrous!
"Hehe, that's right, I did lose. But, you don't seem to be feeling well at the moment, right?" The Shadow Ghost King raised his head and said with a sinister smile.

All the people present felt their hearts tremble when they heard the words of the Phantom Ghost King. Could it be that this guy wants to go back on his word?
Jiang Mo's eyes swept across the others, and then fell on the ghost king again.

"Do you think that I am weak now, and other strong people can take advantage of it?" Jiang Mo smiled, his lips were a little pale, and then said: "You can rest assured that if you dare not fulfill the previous promise, I will will kill you."

"And no one can save you!"

Jiang Mo's voice was very flat, as if he was speaking an ordinary sentence.

However, these words made the shadowy ghost king's gloomy smile froze slightly.

He felt that Jiang Mo really seemed to have the power to realize this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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