Chapter 1030 Strong
"Let's take a trip? What are you?"

Zuo Yuan took a step forward, and suddenly an incomparably tyrannical coercion spread around him centered on him.

The complexions of all the people present changed.

This person's strength is so strong!

Li Chi's face was a little ugly. He didn't expect that these two people from outside would dare not give him face.

Although the strength of these two people is good, how much waves can they create in Bitter Cold City?

"Take it!" Li Chi, as the patrol captain of the Lin family, also possesses the strength of a martial saint.

He shouted loudly, and the armored monks immediately dispersed to surround Jiang Mo and Zuo Yuan.

Many people sighed softly. They provoked the Lin family. I am afraid that these two outsiders will not end well.


When the monk shot this way, Zuo Yuan immediately snorted coldly, chopped the sole of his foot on the ground, and immediately there was an invisible ripple that scattered in all directions.

With a seemingly random chop, the patrolling guards of the Lin family suddenly turned upside down and couldn't stand upright.

Many people were directly blown away by an invisible air current.

The people in Bitter Cold City opened their eyes wide.

This burly monk holding Fang Tian's painted halberd is so tyrannical!
With a random stomp, the guards flew upside down.

"If you still dare to resist, you're looking for death!" Li Chi's face was ashen, and immediately he made a sharp move, and the long knife in his hand was unsheathed, and he slashed at Zuo Yuan.

Everyone whispered, Li Chi made a move, I am afraid that the burly monk is in some trouble.

However, Zuo Yuan still didn't look at Li Chi directly, but just snorted coldly: "Things that are beyond their control."

As his voice fell, Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand stabbed out directly. In an instant, everyone felt that even the space was broken under this stab.

The long knife in Li Chi's hand shattered directly under this blow, and the force of Fang Tian's halberd stabbing did not weaken at all.

Sensing the terrifying strong wind, Li Chi's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

He frantically activated Yuanli, forming a thick armor of Yuanli in front of him, trying to block Zuo Yuan's random thrust.

However, at the next moment, the strong wind had already struck, and the Yuanli armor on Li Chi's chest burst into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, his body seemed to be hit by a huge force, his body was like a sandbag, and he shot back backwards.

Finally, it was firmly embedded in a wall.

A stream of blood shot out from his chest, just now, Zuo Yuan's halberd pierced through his defense, causing the flesh and blood meridians on his right chest to be smashed away.

In front of his eyes, the scene that happened like lightning and flint made the people present on the scene fall into silence.

From time to time, there was the sound of swallowing saliva.

So shocking.

Li Chi, the captain of the Lin family's patrol guard, had a cultivation base of one star martial saint, but he was seriously injured or even killed if he was hit by someone at random.

Li Chi's body is now inside the wall, and his breathing is weak. No one knows whether he can survive.

"This guy, isn't he too violent?"

"Captain Li, it's not his one-of-a-kind general."

"very scary."

"I'm afraid, only the people from the Discipline Hall can restrain this person, right?"

Shocked voices came from around.

Lin Jiang's eyes widened.

"You actually hurt Captain Li?" Lin Jiang exclaimed.

He didn't expect that the seemingly inconspicuous two people were hiding so deeply.

"Get out." Zuo Yuan said coldly to Lin Jiang.

In front of Jiang Mo and Qin Feiyue, Zuo Yuan could still maintain his respect.

However, what does this dude in Bitter Cold City count for in his eyes?
Even those patriarchs standing in front of Zuo Yuan, why should Zuo Yuan give them any face.

Lin Jiang took a group of his men and left here in a scrambling manner.

There were applause from around.

Many people have been bullied by this guy, but no one dared to stand up and resist.

Now, two outsiders vented their anger on their behalf.

"You two are so strong." The crooked old man came over, and after taking Jiang Mo's elixir, he had recovered a lot.

After repelling the Lin family, Zuo Yuan put away Fang Tian's painted halberd and stood behind Jiang Mo without saying a word, like the most loyal guard.

Although most of the common people present did not practice cultivation, they did not have much knowledge.

However, they can naturally see that if someone as strong as Zuo Yuan is willing to act as a guard, the background and strength of the white-haired youth must be extremely powerful!

"In this Bitter Cold City, the most people are poor and hungry people. Like the three major families, they are the local overlords of Bitter Cold City, and no one dares to provoke them."

"However, in Bitter Cold City, the one who really has the right to speak is Little Leiyin Temple."

"The Discipline Hall is the Law Enforcement Hall of Little Leiyin Temple."

"The two young masters have hurt the members of the Lin family here. I am afraid that the Discipline Hall will appear soon."

"At that time, it may not be as simple as driving the two young masters away."

The rickety old man said slowly.

"Thank you for letting me know. Dare I ask you, why is Little Leiyin Temple so respected in Bitter Cold City?"

Jiang Mo asked.

"The Tathagata of Little Leiyin Temple saves all living beings. There are countless monks under him. Whenever Bitter Cold City encounters natural disasters, Little Leiyin Temple will send strong men to come to rescue."

"Moreover, on weekdays, there are also monks in Bitter Cold City, doing good deeds to save people. The people in Bitter Cold City are grateful to them." The rickety old man explained.

Jiang Mo nodded. It turned out that the status of Xiaoleiyin Temple in Bitter Cold City was unusual.

"Thank you, old man, for letting me know." Jiang Mo arched his hands, and immediately said to Zuo Yuan, "Look inside."

After finishing speaking, he walked away.

Behind him, the rickety old man sighed. Obviously, in his opinion, Jiang Mo and Jiang Mo, although powerful, were also very mysterious.

However, this is where the Little Leiyin Temple ruled.

How could it be possible to tolerate outsiders acting wild?
Soon, there will probably be monks from the Discipline Hall appearing, right?

Everyone is emotional.


Lin Jiang ran all the way, and the servants he brought followed closely, followed by the patrolling guards. Li Chi was half dead now, his chest was still bleeding, and his breath was weak.

"Master, are we just going to swallow this bad breath?" A servant asked.

Lin Jiang's eyes were gloomy. With his temperament, how could he swallow this bad breath?

However, it was not very good that this matter happened because of him, so he went to seek help from the family.

"I'm fairly familiar with an law enforcement elder in the Discipline Hall. I'm going to ask him to help me out this time. I'm sure to kill those two outsiders!"

After the words fell, a group of people quickly left towards the location of the Discipline Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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