Chapter 1034 Sneak Attack
The Blood Plague Patriarch let out an incomparably shrill roar in the moon well.

At this moment, he was extremely desperate.

Originally, I thought that I could see the sun again, but now, all hopes are shattered.

He frantically urged the power to attack the gap in the seal. However, the three feathers of the golden-winged roc burst out with golden light at this moment.

Shrouded down, making the seal extremely strong.

However, even though the golden-winged roc sealed the gap again, the black shadow demon aura released by the blood plague ancestor drifted away a lot.

Floating towards Qianqiu Mountain, he took advantage of the trend and entered Bitter Cold City.


In the Tingfeng Tower, Yang Xuan was sent flying out, with blood gushing from his mouth.

At this moment, everyone in the Tingfeng Building looked at Jiang Mo and the two with disbelief in their eyes.

They obviously didn't expect that the strength of these two outsiders was so powerful!

"Tsk tsk, that's terrible, no wonder you dare to be arrogant. It turns out that you have strength!" The young man from the Wu family smiled, but he was not optimistic about Jiang Mo and the others.

After all, the real power to speak in Bitter Cold City is Little Leiyin Temple.

The power of Little Leiyin Temple is many times stronger than that of Tingfeng Tower.

The burly monk holding Fang Tian's painted halberd could send Yang Xuan flying with one move.

However, after the strong man from Little Leiyin Temple came, could he still be so arrogant?

Obviously, in Tingfeng Building, there are not a few people who think the same as the young people of the Wu family.

"Both of you, it's better to leave quickly. When the people from Discipline Hall arrive, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave even if you want to." Chu Rourou said.

She has a kind heart. Although Zuo Yuan defeated Yang Xuan, she didn't think that Jiang Mo and the others could get any benefits from the subordinates of the Discipline Hall.

Back then, many people came to Bitter Cold City to play wild.

However, the result later was that the bodies of those who came to provoke were hung on the top of Bitter Cold City, and they were exposed to the sun for dozens of days before giving up.

"Thank you for your kindness, miss. It's just that the two of us are planning to go to Little Leiyin Temple. We haven't seen Little Tathagata yet, so we won't leave for the time being." Jiang Mo cupped his hands and said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, the corners of the eyes of everyone around twitched.

This guy really has a big tone.

He actually wanted to go to Little Leiyin Temple!
Moreover, I still want to see the little Tathagata!

It's wishful thinking, does he think that anyone can enter Xiaoleiyin Temple?
Even the patriarchs of the three major families, as well as the landlord of Tingfeng Building, had great difficulty in meeting Little Tathagata.

Was this foreign guy kicked in the head by a donkey?
After hearing Jiang Mo's words, there were bursts of sneering from all around.

Almost no one thought that Jiang Mo could meet Little Tathagata smoothly.

"Who dares to run wild in Bitter Cold City?!"

Just as everyone was discussing, suddenly, a rough voice came from the Tingfeng Building.

Three monk-like monks jumped directly to the second floor, looking majestically at everyone present.

These three people are the people from the Discipline Hall.

His duty is to maintain the order in Bitter Cold City, and he directly obeys orders from the Tathagata.

All strengths are not weak.

"Hehe, this is a good show to watch."

"The people in the Discipline Hall are not like Yang Xuan, they can be compared."

"Those two outsiders have no way out."


The people in Tingfeng Building talked one after another, as if they were watching a good show.

"My lords, these two people not only broke into my Tingfeng Tower without permission, but also injured me. Please, my lord, make the decision for our Tingfeng Tower." Yang Xuan covered his chest and said with a miserable face .

"My lord, these two people committed crimes in the street and injured our Lin family's guards. Please, my lord, give them the death penalty!"

Lin Jiang also came here and said viciously.

Everyone secretly exclaimed, now, those two outsiders must be in bad luck.

Maybe, Xiao Ming will stay here.

"You guys, can you plead guilty?" The monk in the Discipline Hall shouted majestically.

"I confess your mother's guilt!" Jiang Mo still sat there calmly, but the fiery Zuo Yuan yelled directly.

In the Shadow Wolf Legion, he was famous for his fiery temper.

That is, in front of Jiang Mo and Qin Feiyue, he was very respectful.

However, the monks in the Discipline Hall didn't even ask them, and just called them to confess their sins.

Zuo Yuan couldn't bear this anger at all.

"You bastard, when you're about to die, how dare you keep your mouth dirty!" A monk's eyes flickered, and he rushed towards Zuo Yuan with such momentum as a rainbow.

This monk was of a higher realm than Yang Xuan. His strike was like lightning, and he directly grabbed Zuo Yuan's head. If he was detained, Zuo Yuan's head might burst open on the spot.

"piss off!"

Zuo Yuan yelled violently, clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his arms throbbed like earthworms, releasing terrifying power.

The moment the monk's palm collided with Zuo Yuan's fist, his expression changed drastically, as if he had encountered something unimaginable.

"How... how could his power be so powerful?!"

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force of a flash flood came surging and landed directly on the monk.


There was only a dull loud noise, and the body of this person directly smashed the wall of the Tingfeng Building, and he was thrown to nowhere.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes twitched violently.

Zuo Yuan is too violent!

Even the monks in the Discipline Hall are not his generals.

In Bitter Cold City, is there anyone who can stop Zuo Yuan?

One of the monks, seeing that the situation was not good, immediately crushed a piece of jade, and immediately a message spread.

He is asking for help.

"Hold them temporarily and wait for the strong men in the temple to come to support them." A monk stared at Zuo Yuan and said.

Another monk quietly approached Jiang Mo.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Mo didn't make a move, making people think that he was just a useless embroidered pillow.

If it weren't for the burly monk holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, would he be safe and sound?

The monks in the Discipline Hall thought so in their hearts.

"Give me death!"

When he quietly approached Jiang Mo's back, his palm bent, like an eagle's claw, directly grabbing Jiang Mo's neck.

The fierce wind ripped apart the air.

When Chu Rourou saw Jiang Mo whose head was about to be shattered, she closed her beautiful eyes, not daring to look at the bloody scene.


However, just when everyone thought that Jiang Mo was about to be smashed to the head with the palm of the monk from the Discipline Hall, a crisp sound was suddenly heard.

Immediately afterwards, the monk who wanted to sneak attack Jiang Mo let out a scream like killing a pig.

"If you want to kill me, you'd better die first!"

Jiang Mo's eyes were cold.

When he came here, he didn't intend to cause trouble from the beginning to the end.

However, the people here have repeatedly challenged his bottom line.

The monk actually wanted his life.

Then, Jiang Mo didn't need to show mercy anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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