Chapter 1041 A Sword
In the moon well, it was very dark, without a ray of light.

However, everyone is a strong man in the realm of martial saints, relying on the perception of the power of divine sense, they will not be unable to find their way.

It is very easy to tear the seal from the outside and get in.

However, if one wanted to break the seal and come out from the inside, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky.

People from the four forces all entered the moon well.

The ancestor of the blood plague was not guarding the mouth of the well.

In fact, it is very far away from the sealed place. If it gets close, it may be killed by the seal on the spot.

"There is a bronze gate here."

Suddenly, in front of everyone, there was a bronze door standing there.

Hundreds of monks stopped in this narrow ancient well.

"Perhaps, only by opening this door can we really enter inside." said the dean of Wentian Academy.

He, Xiao Zhan, and the disciples in the school all call him Dean Xiao.

Everyone was silent, and no one knew what was hidden behind that bronze door.

No one is willing to take this risk and open the door of bronze.

For a time, the atmosphere was a little depressed.

"Governor Jiang, why don't you go and test it out? Let me wait and see the powerful strength of Zhentian Pavilion." Sect Master Yaoyang said, his eyes flickered, obviously he had no good intentions.

The monks in the Hall of Giants, as well as Dean Xiao, all looked at Jiang Mo.

"Hehe, you've got your wishful thinking. You want my people from Zhentian Pavilion to be cannon fodder? Are the people from your Yaoyang Sect just a display?" Jiang Mo said mercilessly.

Since Zhang Muyang wanted to test himself, there was no need for Jiang Mo to give him a good face.

Sure enough, after Jiang Mo said these words, the monks behind Zhang Muyang were all very angry, and they pressed their palms on the weapons, as if they were going to fight.

"Hmph, Pavilion Master Jiang, don't be ignorant of good and bad. We are all the suzerain figures of silver-level powers. What pride do you have for being the head of a bronze-level power?"

The master of Yaoyang Sect, Zhang Muyang said with a cold face.

His realm of eight-star martial saint can be said to be the strongest one in the field.

In his opinion, Jiang Mo is just a monk of a bronze-level force, and he is not qualified to stand here at all.

"Hehe, the silver-level power is amazing?" Jiang Mo glanced at Zhang Muyang coldly.

If he meets him later in the ancient well, he will let this Muyang know that the mere Yaoyang sect is also not worth mentioning.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo ignored Zhang Muyang, who was livid, and he didn't know that Jiang Mo had already been sentenced to death in Zhang Muyang's heart.

Jiang Mo led a hundred elite shadow wolves to the bronze door.

The power of his divine sense was released, and he sensed the fluctuation of the formation in the bronze gate.

Therefore, he planned to make a move first and try it out.

The people from Yaoyang Sect sneered from behind.

What are you being stubborn about?In the end, he had to obediently test the bronze door.

However, what they didn't know was that Jiang Mo tested the bronze door not because he was threatened by Zhang Muyang.

"You will follow me closely, as long as I go in, you will immediately follow me," Jiang Mo said.

"As ordered."

Just now, he used his divine sense to transmit the sound, only the hundred elite of the Shadow Wolf Legion and Zuo Yuan could hear it.

After finishing the order, he slapped the bronze door with his palm, followed by a dull metal roar.

clang, clang, clang...

Jiang Mo slapped several palms one after another, and then everyone saw an oval light curtain emerging from the bronze door.

"He actually understands this."

After seeing the light curtain, Dean Xiao, as well as the powerhouses in the Hall of Giants, all had expressions of joy in their eyes.

"This kid has some tricks!" Zhang Muyang snorted coldly.


However, just when the three bronze-level forces were happy, Jiang Mo suddenly roared.

Then, the oval light curtain was torn open, and his body stepped into it first.

wow wow wow.

Immediately afterwards, a hundred elite shadow wolves behind them also stepped into it.

"Damn it, this kid actually wants to go in by himself, so let's go too!"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yang's expression turned cold, and with a wave of his hand, many monks of Yaoyang Sect flew towards it.

The people from the Hall of Giants were in front, their huge bodies almost blocked everyone.

None of Dean Xiao's people and many monks of Yaoyang Sect, including Zhang Muyang, stepped into the formation.

Because, after all the Zhentian Pavilion monks passed through, Jiang Mo directly smoothed out the gap in the formation.

"Damn bastard, if I let me catch him, I will definitely peel his skin!" Zhang Muyang roared angrily.

In his opinion, he was played by Jiang Mo.

In fact, Jiang Mo had no obligation to open the bronze door for them.

Inside the door, the elite shadow wolves behind them were neat and orderly.

"Lord Pavilion Master, now, if there are void magic stones in the moon well, they are all ours." Zuo Yuan said excitedly.

Jiang Mo shook his head and said, "Don't count on that door, it can block them for a long time. An eight-star martial saint and two seven-star martial saints, if they go all out, the door probably lasts for less than a quarter of an hour." time."

The reason why they haven't been able to break the door is that the three of them, none of them want to be the one who stands out.

"Separate up and look for the clues of the void magic stone. If anyone finds it first, crush the messenger talisman and let me know." Jiang Mo said in a deep voice.

"As ordered."

A hundred elite shadow wolves scattered in all directions, rushing towards the dark moon well.

At the bottom of the well, there seems to be another world.

Each channel leads to a different direction.

Jiang Mo knew that this place was extremely dangerous, but in order to find the void magic stone, he could only do this.

His spiritual power was released, like a spider web, extending in all directions at the bottom of the moon well.

Soon, the scene here was directly passed into his mind.

"There seems to be a sword here?!"

Jiang Mo said in surprise, an image of a giant sword took shape in his mind.

That sword was inserted obliquely into the moon well, or rather, the moon well itself was a part of that sword!

"How is this possible?!" Even Jiang Mo, who was well-informed, couldn't help exclaiming at this moment.

In his previous and present lives, he had never seen such a sword.

It seems that it has been standing here since ancient times.

However, due to the long years, this sword seems to have been wiped out of the sword.

Jiang Mo suppressed the shock in his heart, followed the direction of the power of divine sense, and slowly approached the sword body.

Outside that door, the three suzerain figures finally stopped keeping them and began to bombard the bronze door with all their strength.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get in at all.

(End of this chapter)

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