Chapter 1048 Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao

During this period of time, Bitter Cold City has been feeling very depressed.

Not only those big family forces, but even ordinary people have a sense of oppression that the storm is about to come.

Since Little Leiyin Temple distributed the millions of demon-breaking pills to the people in the city, the prestige of Little Leiyin Temple and Little Tathagata in Bitter Cold City has also grown.

However, Little Leiyin Temple let an army of [-] shadow wolves enter Qianqiu Mountain, and sealed off everything, stationed there, which made many people very puzzled.

When will foreign forces be able to station in Qianqiu Mountain?

Why Xiaoleiyin Temple allowed this kind of thing, ordinary people naturally have no way of knowing.

At this moment, Qianqiu Mountain, Yuejing, and tens of thousands of dark troops stood solemnly, and there was a quiet and oppressive atmosphere here.

Even birds and beasts dare not approach here.

The army brought out by Qin Feiyue has a murderous aura of iron and blood!
Jiang Mo practiced cross-legged outside. Since he received the inheritance of Qingyu Sword Immortal last time, he not only has a deeper understanding of the way of swordsmanship, but also his own martial arts cultivation is constantly improving.

There are faint signs of stepping into the Six Star Martial Saint.

Right now, the situation in the land of returning to the ruins is very treacherous. Only by improving one's own strength can one stand firmly in this torrent of battle.

Jiang Mo has always believed that only when his fists are big and hard can others listen to your reasoning.

For the past ten days, the Shadow Wolf Legion has sent a thousand elite soldiers to mine the Void Magic Stone in the moon well.

In the first few days, hundreds of void magic stones were mined every day.

Later, the speed became slower and slower, and it was very difficult to mine more.

"Repay Pavilion Master, my subordinates have found a strange place!" Zuo Yuan came out of the moon well at this moment, feeling a little embarrassed all over his body, but there was an unconcealable excitement in his eyes.


Jiang Mo's heart twitched slightly. Could it be that there is a hidden treasure in this moon well?

Thinking of this, he straightened his body and followed Zuo Yuan to the place.

In the deeper part of the moon well, due to many soldiers mining magic stones, a deep tunnel has been pulled out at this time, and it is dark and there is no light.

Jiang Mo walked along the tunnel, but saw an object floating there quietly, emitting strange fluctuations.

"What is that?" Jiang Mo felt a little puzzled, and reached out to grab it.


At this time, the object turned and made a buzzing sound.

At the same time, a torrent of information poured directly into Jiang Mo's mind.

"Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao!"

"A fetish from ancient times!"

"Can summon a strong man from another parallel world!"


When that message flooded into Jiang Mo's mind, the shock in his heart was beyond words to describe.

"Another parallel world? Is there really?" Jiang Mo murmured in his heart.

He rang back what Emperor Wudi of Samsara told him back then, the Great Heavens.

There, even Emperor Wudi was not the strongest existence.

Could it be that there really are parallel worlds? !
"Perhaps, this ancient magic book of heaven and dao is the most precious treasure in this moon well!" Jiang Mo said in shock.

"This ancient magic book of Heavenly Dao can actually summon powerful people and use it for me. However, every time the ancient magic book of Heavenly Dao is activated, a large amount of void magic stones will be consumed!"

When the message came to the end, Jiang Mo's heart was filled with turbulent waves.

"The ancient magic book of Heavenly Dao has the power to tamper with time and space, but if you want to use this ability, you must reach the realm of immortality!"

These are the original words in that day's ancient magic book.

However, the realm of immortality?
Jiang Mo had never heard of it before.

Could it be that this continent is too narrow and isolated from the rest of the world?
In the upper plane, is there a terrifying existence in the realm of immortality?
Jiang Mo couldn't believe it.

The big yellow cat once said that it escaped from the cemetery of the fairy king in 33 Chongtian.

It said that its owner is an existence of the Immortal King level.

That's why, when the big yellow cat and Jiang Mo were walking in Tianwu Continent, they would dismiss the monks here.

Because it has a wider horizon.

"This guy has been sleeping in the Zichen space, otherwise, you can wake him up and ask, what is going on with this ancient magic book of heaven and dao." Jiang Mo murmured.

Although Jiang Mo in the previous life was well-read, his art of refining medicine was the best in the past and present.

However, there are still beings stronger than him.

There are still many things that he doesn't know.

Right now, this Ancient Magic Book of Heaven and Dao has reached the peak of his understanding of this world.

It turns out that there really are parallel worlds and higher planes, and there are more powerful existences above Emperor Wu!

"Try and see if you can summon a strong man." Jiang Mo said secretly in his heart.

Now, the Zhentian Pavilion is beginning to expand, and there are already many enemies on the surface, not to mention the enemies who secretly want the Zhentian Pavilion to collapse.

Moreover, Jiang Mo's greatest pressure still came from Empress Xingshuang.

At that time, he will definitely take the Void Magic Stone to exchange for Ling'er, mother and daughter.

However, if Empress Xingshuang obtained the Void Magic Stone, she would still imprison Ling'er, mother and daughter.

At that time, Jiang Mo would definitely not be able to accept it, and there would inevitably be a fight between the two sides.

Even war.

With the current state of Jiang Mo's five-star martial saint peak, he must not be the opponent of Empress Xingshuang, but if he can summon the power of another world, things may be decided.


Jiang Mo flipped over the leaves with his fingertips.

The Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao seems to have a magical power that makes people intoxicated.

Finally, Jiang Mo's eyes stopped on the second page.

"Magic Continent, people in this continent all practice magic. Their research on magic has reached its peak. In the Magic Continent, there are not only magicians, but also dwarves, elves, and giant beasts..."

Looking at the long introduction in the ancient magic book of Heaven and Dao, Jiang Mo seemed to have discovered a new continent, and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Summoning different levels of powerhouses requires different void magic stones. This great magister is actually comparable to the powerhouses of human warriors! Let's try it."

Jiang Mo's gaze finally settled on an eighth-level lightning system great magister.

This is a powerful existence equivalent to an eight-star martial saint!
However, to summon him, one thousand void magic stones are needed.

Moreover, there is a holy magister on it, who is comparable to the human Emperor Wudi, but the holy magister can only be summoned after five great magisters are summoned.

In the current situation, it is not yet possible to summon the Holy Magister.

"A thousand void magic stones, an eighth-level lightning magician, worth it."

Jiang Mo gritted his teeth, and directly put all the void magic stones mined in the past few days into the ancient magic book of heaven.

About ten breaths later, everyone seemed to hear the terrible thunder from another world, faintly roaring!

(End of this chapter)

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