Chapter 1069 Contract
Everyone's eyes fell on Prison King Kong. Although he is now in an illusory body, it still does not affect the domineering aura in him.

"The Vajra Altar? What is that place? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Could it not be the forces of the Land of Return?"

"The Prison King Kong in front of me is giving me an extremely strong pressure!"

"It's just too scary."

"Fortunately, he is here to seek refuge with Lord Pavilion Master. If it is our enemy, I am afraid it will be quite troublesome!"


There were voices of discussion coming from the surroundings. Obviously, the appearance of Prison King Kong shocked everyone!
"Haha, thanks to Prison King Kong, the strength of our Zhentian Pavilion will be even stronger! Come on, please enter the city!" Jiang Mo laughed loudly.

After getting Jiang Mo's approval, Ba Prison King Kong exerted force on his feet, and the ground under his feet burst open immediately, and his body was ejected into Zhentian Pavilion like a cannonball.

Many Zhentian Pavilion monks watched this scene, and their hearts jumped!
If he wanted to force his way just now, no one would be able to stop him.

"Participate in the lord!" Coming to Jiang Mo, Ba Prison King Kong directly knelt on one knee.

Before, outside Zhentian Pavilion, he called Jiang Mo an adult.

At that time, he didn't know whether Jiang Mo would take him under his command.

Now, after entering Zhentian Pavilion, he is Jiang Mo's subordinate, so he is naturally honored as the lord.

Besides, the people around Jiang Mo were not weak, which made Ba Prison King Kong admire him even more.

Taking such a strong man as the main character is not a disgrace to his reputation as Prison King Kong.

"By the way, I heard that King Kong is very powerful. Does King Kong know where King Kong is now?" Jiang Mo asked as if he suddenly remembered something.

"King Kong?"

"Who is that?"

"Why have you never heard of it?"

The many strong men around Jiang Mo all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why.

They haven't even heard of the King Kong Altar, let alone the King Kong King.

After listening to Jiang Mo's words, Ba Prison King Kong frowned, obviously a little surprised.

"My lord actually knows about King Kong?" Ba Prison King Kong said.

The King Kong Altar was one of the giants in ancient times, and its power shook the world.

However, after a long time, it has gradually declined. Many people have already forgotten the existence of this once Big Mac.

Jiang Mo looked at Prison King Kong and didn't answer, waiting for the other party's answer.

"To tell the truth, my lord, King Kong and the other three King Kong have all fallen in the ancient war."

"And this subordinate is just a wisp of ancient soul now."

Prison King Kong said a little sadly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Mo's expression was still normal, and many other strong men, especially Qin Haotian, were shocked at that time.

A ray of ancient soul, is it that strong?

If the main body came, wouldn't it be comparable to Emperor Wudi?
In Qin Haotian's perception, this ray of ancient soul of Ba Prison King Kong has at least the realm of the Eight-Star Martial Saint's Great Perfection, which is not weaker than that ghost ancestor at all.

Moreover, just standing there gave him a vague sense of oppression.

Qin Haotian knew very well in his heart that if the two fought against each other, he would most likely not be the opponent of Prison King Kong.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo pondered for a moment.

After a long while, he asked, "If I help you refine your body, and then integrate your ancient soul into it, how powerful will your combat power be?"

What Jiang Mo needs most now is a strong combat power.

The star-picking envoy of Heiyuanmen was a strong nine-star martial saint, and he put great pressure on Jiang Mo.

Although he beheaded the patriarch Guisha who was the eight-star martial sage Dzogchen, Jiang Mo knew better than anyone else that the strength of this star-picking envoy must not be underestimated.

Although the Nine-Star Martial Saint and the Eight-Star Martial Saint seem to be only one realm away from the Great Perfection, some people have difficulty crossing this threshold throughout their lives.

The gap is like a chasm!

Now, a ray of the ancient soul of Ba Prison King Kong has come to join him. Of course, Jiang Mo must seize the opportunity and try his best to make him the strongest!
Everyone around became quiet, all of them were high-level officials from Zhentian Pavilion.

Many people are aware of the decree from the Holy Envoy of Reaching the Stars.

However, this Tiantian Pavilion was built by them with hard work, so how can there be any reason to surrender?
Even if the opponent is from Heiyuanmen, they don't want to just give in.

Now, the arrival of Prison King Kong is a great hope for them.

Hearing that Jiang Mo was going to refine a body for himself, King Kong's eyes lit up, but then dimmed.

How difficult is it to refine a body that suits him?
Not to mention anything else, an ordinary physical body simply couldn't accommodate the ancient soul of his eight-star martial sage Dzogchen.

As long as they fuse, the physical body will explode, there is no doubt about it.

"If my lord can refine a suitable body for me, I dare not say anything else. The Nine Star Martial Saint's initial state is absolutely fine. I will definitely be able to achieve it!" Ba Prison King Kong said confidently.

The eyes of everyone around were widened.

Ba Prison King Kong's words are too confident, Nine Star Martial Saint, in their view, that is an unattainable realm.

However, as long as he has a suitable physical body, Prison King Kong can reach this level.

What a confident statement this is.

"However, my lord, it may be difficult to refine a body suitable for me..."

Prison King Kong hesitated.

Jiang Mo smiled and said, "Maybe you still don't know much about my strength. You don't have to worry about the rest. During this time, you should take a good rest and wait for my good news."

"This place is very suitable for spiritual recuperation, you can stay here for a while." Jiang Mo pointed to Zichen's ring.

The Zichen ring was personally refined by Jiang Mo in the previous life. It claims to be a space in it, and has the power to warm and nourish the soul.

Otherwise, 900 years after reincarnation and rebirth, Jiang Mo would not have been immortal.

"Okay." Ba Prison King Kong didn't hesitate, and with a movement of his body, he turned into a stream of light and entered the Zichen ring.

He knew that Jiang Mo would not harm him.

After Jail King Kong entered, Wu Nu stepped forward and said, "My lord, can this person be trusted without reservation? If he refines a physical body for him, what if he turns his back on you?"

Wu Nu's worry was not unreasonable, and the others nodded as well.

Apparently, they still have a little bit of guard against the Jail King Kong who came to seek refuge.

Jiang Mo shook his head and said, "You guys are overthinking. I have planned this person for a long time. This time, he came to join me, and he also purposely relieved our difficulties in Zhentian Pavilion."

It is not easy to explain the existence of the Ancient Magic Book of Heaven and Dao to others, so Jiang Mo just made up a reason.

In fact, he knew in his heart that there must be some kind of contract between Jiang Mo and Ba Prison King Kong for this ancient magic book of heavenly dao. Let him fly out of his wits.

(End of this chapter)

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