Chapter 1079
Although the group of monks at Tianwu Bank were not weak, they were nothing compared to the lineup brought by Jiang Mo.

The monks of Zhentian Pavilion entered it, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, it was a one-sided massacre.




One after another miserable cries came out one after another, and soon, most of these people in Tianwu Bank had been massacred.

If they hadn't taken the initiative to provoke Zhentian Pavilion, Jiang Mo would not have personally led the team to encircle them.

"Let me go, if our chief helmsman knows that you dare to do this, he will definitely not let me off easily!"

Wu Yang was carried over by Prison King Kong, like an eagle catching a chick. Although Wu Yang's strength is not weak in Tianwu Bank.

However, compared with Prison King Kong, it is still not enough.

At this moment, he looked terrified, fearing that he would be punched and killed by Prison King Kong.

The punch just now gave him the feeling that he couldn't resist it.

Until now, Wu Yang hadn't figured out how Jiang Mo could recruit a Nine-Star Martial Saint willingly to be his subordinate.

"Where is the void magic stone that you snatched?" Jiang Mo asked, looking down at Wu Yang coldly.

Seeing Jiang Mo's cold eyes, Wu Yang could not help but shudder.

Wu Yang looked hesitant, and Jiang Mo's eyes became even colder, saying, "You only have one chance, think it through before you speak."

This group of people, Jiang Mo ordered, was not finished. If Wu Yang dared to be dishonest and directly killed the chickens to make an example of the monkeys, the remaining few people would naturally speak up.

"It's all here with me." After struggling for a while, Wu Yang still took out his storage ring.

Although he knew that the things contained in it were likely to have a great effect, but if he didn't explain it right now, he would definitely die.

In fact, the chief rudder of Tianwu bank only heard the rumors and knew that there was a secret in the land of the moon well.

In fact, he didn't know that the secret of the Moonwell Land was the ancient magic book of that day.

However, Jiang Mo had already taken away the Ancient Magic Book of Heaven and Dao, so what's the use of getting the Void Magic Stone?
Taking the storage ring, Jiang Mo handed it to Zuo Yuan and said, "Check it."

Zuo Yuan hurriedly took it, and after some investigation, he said, "My lord, there is no problem. There are nine void magic stones in 820, and none of them is a lot."

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded, then looked at Wu Yang with a sneer, and said, "Who ordered you to do this?"

He didn't believe that with the strength of Wu Yang and others, they dared to come to the Moonwell to snatch the void magic stone.

This time, if the mastermind behind the scenes is not found out, I am afraid that the Moonwell will be robbed next time.

This was intolerable to Jiang Mo.

"It's the rudder master Lian Hong!" After a moment, Wu Yang replied honestly.

"What is his strength?" Jiang Mo asked again.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles. If you don't know the strength of the opponent, if you go rashly, you may be in danger.

Jiang Mo has always been more cautious in doing things.

"...Nine Star Martial Sage, right? Very strong! I advise you to let me go, and let this matter be over." To save his life, Wu Yang lied.

"You performed well before, why are you lying now? Dishonest!"

Jiang Mo sneered, and immediately stretched out his right hand, with cyan flames dancing on his fingertips, and the moment it was released, an indescribably terrible high temperature suddenly swept all around!

Wu Yang's face became frightened.


In the next moment, Jiang Mo directly controlled the Bahuang Fentianyan, which turned into a flame spiral and pierced into Wu Yang's palm.

He made a miserable sound like killing a pig.

However, Jiang Mo did not want his life.

It is still useful to keep this person.

"It was just a small lesson just now. I will give you another chance to speak well. Otherwise, I will kill you. Then go ask other people." Jiang Mo said.

Withdrawing the flame spiral, Wu Yang trembled all over, in great pain, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Okay, okay, let me say. Our Tianwu Bank has set up a main rudder in the land of returning to the ruins. We have set up four sub-rudders in the four regions of east, west, north, south. It is the idea of ​​our Northern Territory sub-rudder, Lian Hong sub-rudder master."

"He is now at the realm of the Great Perfection of the Seven Star Martial Saint."

Wu Yang seemed to be really scared, and told him everything he knew.

"Now, can you let us go?" Wu Yang begged.

"Lead the way, take us to the North Territory sub-helm." Jiang Mo said coldly.

A mere peak seven-star martial sage dared to plan to suppress the Tiange, thinking about the Void Magic Stone, it was an act of courting death.

Now, Wu Yang's expression became even more tangled.

He said: "My lord, if Lian Hongfen knows that I will take you there, I will definitely be executed!"

"So, do you want to die sooner or later?"

Jiang Mo said.

What he meant was obvious, if Wu Yang didn't lead the way, he would die now.

If you lead the way, maybe you will save your own life.

"Okay, I'll take you there. But, I hope you can let me go after I take you there."

Wu Yang sighed, between life and Tianwu Bank, he chose the former.

In fact, in this continent, there are very few people who are willing to go through life and death for their sect or their own forces.

At critical times, most of them still guarantee their own lives.

Jiang Mo nodded, motioning for him to lead the way.

Along the way, no one spoke, the wind whizzed by, and the robes rattled.

Gradually, a building appeared in front of my eyes, and the whole body of these buildings was pitch black and very deep.

"This is the Beiyu sub-helm of Tianwu Bank." Wu Yang said.

Jiang Mo could also tell that he didn't seem to be talking.

However, the moment they landed, there were figures rising into the sky.

"Who is here? How dare you trespass on my Tianwu Bank?"

A big man with a thick back and a waist, holding a pair of hammers, showing a domineering look.

"Huh!" However, at this moment, Tyrant King Kong took a step forward and let out a cold snort. A more domineering and violent momentum directly crushed him.

The big man on the opposite side snorted directly, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

His face was shocked, and the monks behind him were all holding swords and waiting for them.

"Tell you Captain Lian Hong to come out, I have something to tell him." Jiang Mo smiled.

The big man also noticed that Jiang Mo and the others were extraordinary, so he quickly ordered his subordinates to ask Lian Hong to come out.

"Wu Yang, is that you? You brought them here?"

The big man's gaze suddenly froze and fell on Wu Yang.

Facing the big man's questioning, Wu Yang didn't pay attention at all. What he was thinking about now was how to escape and save his life.

"What a traitor, how dare you bring someone to our Northern Territory sub-helm?"

At this moment, a monk with a long and deep breath rose up from the hall, and cursed at Wu Yang.

This person is, of course, the owner of Tianwu Bank-Beiyu sub-rudder, Lian Hong.

He sensed Wu Yang's aura, so he cursed angrily.

"Governor Jiang, can you let me go now?" Seeing that Lian Hong had come forward, Wu Yang pleaded.

"When did I say I would let you go?"

Jiang Mo smiled coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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