Chapter 1102 A false alarm

hold head high---
A ray of crimson light swept out from Zichen's space, it was undoubtedly Xiaoling.

After it flitted out, it rubbed its small head against Jiang Mo's body, looking extremely intimate.

The evil dragon's eyes couldn't see, and he was seriously injured by the sword energy in the sword array.

However, the moment the little spirit came out, the evil dragon raised his head, as if he had sensed it.

"Child." The moment the evil dragon felt the blood in Xiao Ling's body, it seemed to be choked up.

Xiao Ling also seemed to be infected, and the memory from his blood cannot be erased by time.

However, if Xiao Ling wants to recognize the evil dragon as his father immediately, it is estimated that it will not be possible in a short time.

It may take some time for these two dragons to get acquainted with each other.

"Alright, return to Zhentian Pavilion."

With a wave of his sleeve, Jiang Mo stepped onto the back of the evil dragon again.

Perhaps, it should be called the Immemorial Blood Spirit Dragon now!
Xiaoling and his father are both relics of the ancient times. When Xiaoling grows up, he will probably be a very terrifying existence.

hold head high---
The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon found its child, as if it had dropped a big rock, it shuttled through the clouds, making a cheerful dragon chant.

A group of people rushed towards the Zhentian Pavilion headquarters quickly.


In Zhentian Pavilion, Miss Wu is reviewing the matter of planting elixir in the Qiangdi Kingdom.

Suddenly, I heard a monk running in to report in a panic.

"Miss, there is a giant dragon that is thousands of miles away from us, and it is rushing here, and its aura is terrifying!"

The monk said with a frightened expression on his face.

In Zhentian Pavilion, many people called Miss Wu, not the acting pavilion master.

"Huh? Follow me out to have a look."

Hearing the report from the visitor, Miss Wu was startled.

She is also a desolate beast herself, so she naturally knows that among the desolate beasts, the True Dragon Clan is at the top of the food chain.

And a giant dragon, its strength is incomparably terrifying!
Wu Nu went out with a dignified face, followed by a row of strong men from Zhentian Pavilion.

Knowing that there was a giant dragon looting this way, Miss Wu even opened the big array of guardians.

It can't be said that she made too much fuss, she is really a real dragon, and her reputation is too loud among wild beasts.

In Zhentian Pavilion, a famous strong man stood solemnly, as if he was facing a big enemy.

Prison King Kong is also here, he is the strongest existence in Zhentian Pavilion.

At the beginning, when Jiang Mo left, he was told to guard the Zhentian Pavilion. Now, even if there is a dragon attacking, he has to stay at the front.

Yanchen's undead army was also dispatched.

Now, in the undead army, there are about 400 undead.

Although the number is very small, it must not be underestimated.

These more than 400 undead were all genuine martial arts monks before they were alive!
Now, turning into an undead, driven by Yanchen, can also release powerful power.

The Star Picking Holy Envoy of Heiyuanmen, now Yanchen can control [-]% to [-]% of his power.

Sometimes, it can be manipulated to emit an attack power comparable to that of a nine-star martial saint.

hold head high---
The giant dragon was getting closer and closer to the Zhentian Pavilion, roaring upwards, and the sound of the dragon's chant was shocking.

Everyone's face is pale.

"True Martial Crossbow Arrows are ready!"

With a wave of Wu Nvsu's hand, the monks below all released their energy and pulled the real martial arts crossbow into a state of full string.

"Miss, please wait a moment, there seems to be someone on the dragon."

A monk with excellent eyesight said suddenly after seeing it.

"Yes, it seems that there are indeed people."

"Then, isn't it Lord Pavilion Master?"

"Exactly, it is the Pavilion Master!"


As the distance got closer, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the people who came by the dragon were none other than Jiang Mo and his party.

The white-haired young man stood on the back of the dragon, his robe fluttering, looking extremely chic.

"Young master can subdue the real dragon!"

Wu Nu also saw it, she couldn't hide her joy on her pretty face, but she was more curious and shocked in her heart.

She knew that the dragon clan was the most rebellious existence among the wild beasts.

Ordinary monks are almost hard to tame.

Not to mention the adult Dragon Clan.

Like the giant dragon at Jiang Mo's feet, he must have grown up.

Miss Wu really couldn't figure out what method Jiang Mo used to subdue this adult dragon.

Jiang Mo also smiled when he saw the crowd waiting in line below.

After a little thought, he knew that everyone must have misunderstood.

He ordered the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon to land on a mountain in Zhentian Pavilion, Xiao Ling stayed with his father, and Jiang Mo didn't bother, and walked towards Wu Nu.

"Tsk tsk, my lord, this giant dragon is so miraculous!"

"Where did you subdue such a beast?"

"My lord is amazing!"

A sound of exclamation came from the surroundings.

Along the bumpy road, Qin Haotian and the remaining twenty or so monks all retreated.

"During this time, nothing happened, right?" Jiang Mo smiled and looked at Wu Nu.

"No, everything is normal. The Shadow Wolf Army sent another batch of void magic stones and put them in your room, sir." Wu Nu said.

Jiang Mo nodded, stared at Wu Nu, and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Such a big Zhentian Pavilion has been handed over to Wu Nu to take care of it, which is indeed hard work for her.

Jiang Mo basically spends very little time in Zhentian Pavilion, and he is not at ease entrusting these matters to others.

To his relief, Wu Nu has never made any mistakes.

It's just that Jiang Mo felt a little guilty towards her in his heart.

At the beginning, I just agreed to refine a Transformation Pill for Wu Nu.

But the weight of a Transformation Pill can't compare to Wu Nu's silent contribution over the years.

"Don't talk about it, since the slave family has agreed to the son, it will definitely be done well."

Wu Nu smiled sweetly, she didn't want to do anything, she just wanted to help the young master share his worries and solve his problems.

Jiang Mo nodded, then walked towards his room.

"My lord, I can already control that undead from the Heiyuan Gate and release a very strong force." Seeing that Jiang Mo was about to enter, Yanchen said hastily.

Jiang Mo walked over, rubbed the boy's head, and handed him a storage ring.

In the storage ring, there are dead bodies and undead collected by Jiang Mo for him.

Can be used to expand the power of the undead army.

"Very good." Jiang Mo encouraged, "However, don't relax and keep improving your strength."

"You must live up to the expectations of the Pavilion Master!"

Yanchen's excited little face flushed.

Jiang Mo nodded and walked into his room.

There, in a wooden box, were neatly placed two thousand void magic stones.

Seeing the two thousand void magic stones, Jiang Mo sighed in his heart. He was very grateful to the brothers of the Shadow Wolf Army.

Although he is the owner of Zhentian Pavilion, he also knows that it is not easy to mine void magic stones in the Moonwell Land.

For the Shadow Wolf Legion to be able to continuously send void magic stones, it must have sacrificed a lot.

It can be said that every void magic stone is stained with the blood of members of the Shadow Wolf Legion.

After Jiang Mo closed his eyes and pondered for a while, he opened his eyes and said secretly: "One thousand void magic stones are used to summon a strong man! The other thousand void magic stones are taken to Miluo Tiangong to pick up Ling'er. Mother and daughter go home."

(End of this chapter)

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