Chapter 1105 Killing to Heiyuan Gate
Jiang Mo jumped off the back of the ancient blood spirit dragon. Seeing the devastated scene here, his expression was gloomy.

He quickly walked up to Qin Feiyue. When the latter saw Jiang Mo, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said in tears, "My lord, I have failed your trust!"

Jiang Mo helped Qin Feiyue up, and glanced around. The soldiers of the Shadow Wolf Army had five or six thousand casualties at this time. It can be said that blood flowed like a river.

The appearance of many soldiers after their tragic deaths is appalling.

Some soldiers were pierced by dozens of arrows, and they were shot alive into hedgehogs.

Some soldiers were directly beheaded without even leaving their bodies.


This kind of scene is shocking. If a timid person saw it, he might faint directly.

At this moment, Jiang Mo was furious.

The monstrous anger erupted from his body, forming a storm of Yuanli.

He swears that no matter who did this, Jiang Mo will have his death, which is a thousand times, ten thousand times more miserable than these soldiers of the Shadow Wolf Legion!
"General Qin, I don't blame you for this matter! Do you still remember the other party's appearance? Or, which side are they from?"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart.

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon was entrenched in the void, and Old Man Tianshi and King Kong Ba Prison followed behind Jiang Mo.

Rao, who are used to seeing cruel war scenes, also feel that the opponent's methods are too cruel.

"I... I don't know. At that time, the young man came here and asked a few words first. Then, the old man behind him started killing. I couldn't resist them at all. Too many brothers died... ..."

Qin Feiyue said in tears.

It is conceivable what kind of despair is in the heart that tortured a strong and iron-blooded man like this.

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge my brothers!"

Jiang Mo gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to split.

"My lord, I can find some clues."

The old man Tianshi came over, bowed and said.


Jiang Mo spoke coldly, and it could be seen that he was really angry.

"As long as they have set foot on this land, they will definitely leave traces. And the thing that subordinates are best at is to follow the clues."

The old man Tianshi opened his mouth, and immediately from his withered palms, traces of earth-yellow vitality gushed out and merged into the earth.

Afterwards, the soil on the ground shattered one after another, and the broken mud rose into the air, finally turning into the appearance of two monks.

Seeing the appearance of these two clay figurines, Qin Feiyue roared angrily: "It's them! These two beasts have slaughtered thousands of brothers of our Shadow Wolf Army!"

Jiang Mo took a deep look at the old man Tianshi. The other person still has the ability to restore the scene, which is a bit amazing.

"If the lord wants to chase and kill, the subordinates can still find clues."

The old man Tianshi said again.

"Take me there."

Jiang Mo jumped up and rose into the air, looked at Qin Feiyue and said, "General Qin, take care of yourself and all the brothers, I will avenge you!"

At this time, the old man Tianshi flew forward all the way, as if, even in the air, there were clues left by those two people.

This is the power mastered by the old man Tianshi.

As long as you leave traces, you will never escape his sight.

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon roared up to the sky, and then the huge dragon's body shook, roaring out, and together with Jiang Mo, went to hunt down the murderer!

"Master Hua, do you know what the purpose of these stones is?"

Inside the Heiyuan Gate, Young Master Bing and Master Hua snatched these diamond-shaped spars after they slaughtered in the Moon Well.

But what is ok is that there seems to be no vitality in this spar, as if it is a waste product.

However, Bing Shao and the others also knew that since Zhentian Pavilion stationed a legion to mine there day and night, this rhombic spar was definitely not an ordinary thing.

It's just that they can't think of it for the time being, what's the use.

"This, the old man has never seen it before. You can show it to the deputy sect master, or the master sect master."

The old man said.

Having killed nearly [-]% of the Shadow Wolf Legion, this Chinese teacher felt a little uneasy.

Therefore, he wanted to make Bing Shao hand over the rhomboid spar, and then, if something happened, their responsibility would be smaller.

However, Young Master Bing shook his head and said: "Although I don't know what the purpose of this diamond-shaped stone is, I'm sure it must be a very precious thing. As for Master, it's better not to show it to him. "

While the two were talking, a vast sound of dragon chant suddenly came from outside the Heiyuan Gate.

"Whoever went to the Moonwell, get out!"

A sound of explosion like thunder suddenly resounded in the sky above the Heiyuan Gate.

Jiang Mo's voice contained extremely majestic vitality, and when it was released, it was really like thunder.

Just now, Elder Tianshi has confirmed that the murderer who massacred in the Moon Well escaped to Heiyuan Gate.

"Who is making noise outside my Heiyuan Gate?"

A person at the level of the deputy sect master came out to greet him and said angrily.

As for Lu Dongting, he was seriously injured and had already gone back to recuperate.

The deputy sect master also saw the ancient blood spirit dragon and Jiang Mo that day.

However, he didn't know why Jiang Mo would come back?

Could it be that he really doesn't take Heiyuanmen seriously?

"I'll say it again, call out the murderer who went to the Moonwell, otherwise, I'll call you Heiyuanmen today, and your blood will flow like a river!"

Jiang Mo said angrily, his terrifying aura suddenly swept away like a storm.

Boom, boom, boom!

The fierce air wave crazily hit Heiyuan Gate. At this moment, there were already hundreds of monks glaring at Jiang Mo and the others.

"Governor Jiang is too rampant, isn't he? Do you really think that I, Heiyuanmen, are your back garden?"

The deputy head of the Heiyuan Sect is much weaker than Lu Dongting, and is only in the middle stage of the Nine Star Martial Saint.

However, in Heiyuanmen, he was used to being pampered.

It has always been the existence of being under one person and above ten thousand people.

His attitude towards Jiang Mo was very arrogant.


Jiang Mo's face turned cold, and he gave a cold drink, and the figure of the old man Tianshi suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time, Prison King Kong also punched out, and the space shattered in an instant.

Everyone watched helplessly as the deputy master of Heiyuanmen was captured by old man Tianshi without even a chance to resist.

"Did you take my words as deaf ears?" Jiang Mo appeared in front of the deputy sect master in a flash, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

Those two slaughtered so many soldiers of the Shadow Wolf Army in the Moon Well, even if Jiang Mo killed a few people at the Heiyuan Gate, what's the problem?
"Jiang Mo, you're going too far!"

At this moment, a vast aura suddenly rises from the Heiyuan Gate...

(End of this chapter)

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