Chapter 1113 Akasaka God General
Ever since Linger's mother and daughter were imprisoned by Empress Xingshuang in the Nine-story Yunxiao Pavilion, Han Shi has been coveting Linger for a long time.

He vaguely knew that the reason why the mother and daughter were placed under house arrest was related to one person.

Right now, Jiang Mo's appearance just confirmed Han Shi's thoughts.

"You are Ling'er's husband?" Han Shi said with a gloomy expression.

As the commander of the Heavenly Army, he holds great power in his hands. He is confident and has the ability to keep Jiang Mo out.

It is best to provoke the opponent, then the heavenly army will crush the opponent.

From Han Shi's point of view, the reason why Ling'er is thousands of miles away from him is because of this man in front of him.

Therefore, he wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate Jiang Mo.

"Dog thing, Ling'er was also called by you?"

Jiang Mo yelled angrily, his whole body erupted with monstrous fluctuations of energy, and holding the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword, he plundered towards Han Shi.


Seeing that Jiang Mo came to attack on his own initiative, many celestial troops mobilized their strength and planned to encircle and kill him.

"Stop, all of you! Even a mere Seven-Star Martial Saint dared to be so arrogant, so he asked Ben Dutong to kill him with his own hands!" Han Shi sneered, and with a flick of his spear, a brilliant brilliance erupted.

In the next moment, Han Shi rushed towards Jiang Mo.

"Soul of Suzaku, release!"

Jiang Mo didn't think he was the opponent of the Nine Star Martial Saint peak monk.

However, the power of Suzaku's soul is unfathomable.

On the ancient sword of Tian Xing, a fiery red light suddenly lit up, and a red Suzaku soared into the sky.

Loud sound waves swept across the sky.

Even the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon seemed to feel an incomparably ancient power from the soul of the Suzaku.

The soul of Suzaku swooped down towards Han Shi, like a fiery volcano, coming head-on.

At the same time, 81 flying swords spun in the void, and in an instant, thousands of sword qi surrounded the entire Miluo Tiangong, releasing an astonishing killing intent!
The four major families who had planned to round up Jiang Mo before, saw this scene and stopped talking.

Even, they were a little scared in their hearts.

Jiang Mo dared to fight against the Heavenly Army, so the four major families in Xuanzhou City seemed nothing.

"Sealing Darkness Sword Formation!"

He roared in a low voice, and the sword array erupted with terrifying sharpness.

Although Jiang Mo's realm in martial arts is not as powerful as that of Han Shi, but in Jiang Mo's opinion, this Fengming Sword Formation should reach the level of the Immortal Formation.

If he mastered it completely, it would be enough to suppress a monk who was half a step into the realm of Emperor Wudi.

Now, although it was a little bit reluctant, he would not be at a disadvantage when dealing with Han Shi.

Han Shi stabbed out with a spear, and a dark blue curtain of Yuanli tried to resist the charge of the sword array and the soul of Suzaku.

At this moment, Jiang Mo communicated with the sword array with the power of spiritual thoughts. In the sword array, every sword seemed to come alive, as if it had life, and stabbed at Han Shi at a tricky angle.

The Seventh Heaven of Kendo!
Jiang Mo successfully fused the way of the sword with the sword formation, and erupted with astonishing power.

The veil of Yuanli that Han Shi stabbed out suddenly burst, and the terrifying sword energy blasted on him in a destructive manner.

Han Shi's body was hit hard and flew out. At the same time, he spit out a big mouthful of blood.

He never expected that his mighty nine-star martial saint peak strength would be wounded by a seven-star martial saint.

What a shame!
"Primeval Blood Spirit Dragon, kill him!"

Jiang Mo's voice came into the consciousness of the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon.

In the next moment, a vast sound of dragon chant suddenly swept across the world.

The gigantic dragon claw seemed to be carrying the power of the ancient times, and with one claw, the whole world seemed to be shattered.

Bang, bang, bang!

Han Shi, who was about to stand up, was hit hard again. It seemed that the ancient blood spirit dragon only slapped one claw, but in fact, that blow contained several attacks.

The real dragon clan has reached the realm of the ancient blood spirit dragon, and the martial arts they have mastered are no less than that of the emperor Wudi of the human race.

What's more, the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon had already reached that realm before endless years.

However, due to the seal of Taoist Lingxuan, its strength is constantly depleted.

Since leaving the ancient tomb, the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon has practiced again, and the vitality in the world has been filled, and its depleted cultivation base has begun to recover.

In the end, Han Shi's body was directly smashed into a cloud of blood mist by the ancient blood spirit dragon, and even his primordial spirit was directly crushed by the ancient blood spirit dragon.

Seeing the lightning-like scene in front of them, those heavenly troops and the four major families in Xuanzhou City were all dumbfounded.

They probably never expected that a captain of the Heavenly Army would be bombarded and killed in front of Miluo Heavenly Palace.

The cause, perhaps because of what he said.

The deeper reason is that he shouldn't be greedy for Ling'er.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have ended up like this, even the primordial spirit would have been shattered.

The people around gasped.

The four major families in Xuanzhou City looked at Jiang Mo with complicated eyes.

This is a big basket!
Everyone was killed outside the palace of His Majesty the Empress. This time, no one can keep that white-haired young man.

"Good job."

The Immemorial Blood Spirit Dragon flew over, Jiang Mo said.

"For hundreds of years, no one has dared to kill people outside Miluo Tiangong! You are the first and will be the last!"

A majestic voice came from the void. The monks looked up and saw a golden chariot drawn by eight heavenly horses galloping from the void.

The aura that was released made one's heart tremble, and one wanted to worship him!

"Chixiao God General! It turned out to be him!"

"Chi Xiao general, but one of the four great generals of His Majesty the Empress!"

"It is said that Chixiao God will very likely break through to the realm of Emperor Wu within ten years!"

Jiang Mo frowned slightly as the voices of discussion came one after another, and he also felt that the other party's aura was strong, not even under the ancient blood spirit dragon.

Old Man Tianshi and Prison King Kong both had tense expressions. If the Chixiao God General made the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon feel the pressure, then Old Man Tianshi and Prison King Kong felt a burst of fear in their hearts .

This is oppression from strength!
They are not on the same level as this Chixiao general.


The huge body of the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon snaked out, protecting Jiang Mo firmly within it.

Its originally cold and indifferent pupils began to fluctuate slightly.

"Dragon Clan? Get out of the way, you are no match for this general! You can't protect him either!"

General Chi Xiao held the trident in his hand, and his tone made it impossible to refute.

"He is my lord, if you want to kill him, step on me!"

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon said that since the Dragon Soul Contract had been concluded, it had to fulfill its responsibilities.

This is the pride and inheritance of the Dragon Clan.

"Since you are looking for death, then this general will fulfill you."

Akasaka God General burst out with golden light, and swooped down with astonishing momentum.

There is a dragon's breath like a volcano in the mouth of the ancient blood spirit dragon, which is slowly surging.

At this moment, an icy voice, like frost from the nine heavens, fell from the sky.

"Chi Xiao stop."

When this voice came out, Chi Xiaoshen will stop instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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