Chapter 1122 Blue Devil Forest
"Blood Emperor Soul Pills were very rare in my time, and now... it is even more impossible to find them."

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon shook his head, and said dejectedly: "Actually, I have no regrets anymore. After coming out of the ancient tomb, I saw the little spirit, saw the fall of Lingxuan old ghost, and burned like crazy again..."

In its view, the Origin Blood Emperor Soul Pill would never exist in this world.

Jiang Mo smiled and said, "Maybe you don't know it yet, but I am a pharmacist myself. Although this Origin Blood Emperor Soul Pill is rare, it may not be impossible to refine it."

Hearing Jiang Mo's words, the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon's body shook, and he looked at Jiang Mo with surprise and hope.

"Really?" The ancient blood spirit dragon's voice was a little excited. Although it has seen through life and death, it would be better if it could recover its strength.

"However, when I was young, I heard from the elders in my clan that the refining difficulty of Origin Blood Emperor Soul Pill is very high. Even a ninth-level pharmacist has less than [-]% success rate." Spirit Dragon Road.

Jiang Mo smiled slightly, "With the power of my heavenly spirit, the success rate of refining the source blood emperor soul pill should be much higher than that of ordinary ninth-level alchemists."

When he said this, there was a flash of confidence in his expression.

When he was in the Miluo Heavenly Palace, under the crisis of life and death, Jiang Mo's spiritual power gained a qualitative leap and entered the heavenly realm!

From that moment on, with just the power of his divine sense, he could fight against the Nine Star Martial Saint, and he would lose.

"The power of the heavenly spirit?!" The immemorial blood spirit dragon and the big yellow cat both gasped.

"This guy is simply a freak!"

The big yellow cat was shocked.

You know, since ancient times, it is rare for the power of divine sense to enter the heavenly realm!

As for the desolate beast family, it is even more impossible to step into the heavenly realm.

"Then please!"

At this moment, the Immemorial Blood Spirit Dragon finally had hope. If it was someone else, it might not trust it.

However, Jiang Mo possessed the power of the heavenly spirit and was a pharmacist himself. As long as he found the ingredients for the source blood emperor soul pill, he had a high chance of refining it.

"You almost gave your life to protect me. Don't say such outrageous words in the future." Jiang Mo shook his head.

Although he and the ancient blood spirit dragon had concluded a dragon soul contract, now that the other party's dragon soul was burned, in order to protect him, Jiang Mo naturally couldn't treat the ancient blood spirit dragon as a slave at will.

"By the way, if my dragon body wants to be repaired, it must be irrigated with the original blood essence of the pure blood dragon clan!" After thinking for a while, the ancient blood spirit dragon said again.

The original blood essence of the pure blood dragon clan?

Jiang Mo was stunned, pure blood dragons are not so easy to meet, even if they meet, will the other party obediently send out the original essence and blood?

You know, every adult pure-blooded dragon is very powerful!
The big yellow cat saw Jiang Mo's doubts, and said, "You and I will catch a pure-blooded dragon and let it bleed."

Upon hearing this, the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon shook his head and said, "There is no need to make such an effort."

After finishing speaking, a golden glow flashed on its body, and a palm-sized dragon scale flew over.

"There is my influence in this. You just need to take this dragon scale, find the dragon clan, and give it to them. Naturally, the dragon will send out the original blood essence of the pure blood dragon clan."

Jiang Mo took the warm dragon scale and looked at the ancient blood spirit dragon. The latter smiled and said, "Anyway, I was also a pure blood dragon clan of that era, and I can be regarded as the ancestor of their descendants. They know me Afterwards, blood will definitely be sent out.”

Jiang Mo nodded, put away the dragon scales, and said, "Don't worry, the original blood essence of the pure-blood dragon clan will definitely be brought to you. As for the original blood emperor soul pill, it will be brought to you soon."

"Next, you will recuperate here."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat left here.

After returning, he first called Ba Prison King Kong, handed over the dragon scales to the other party, and asked Ba Prison King Kong to find the whereabouts of the pure blood dragon clan.

There seems to be no dragon clan in this place of return to the ruins. Maybe, he still has to go outside to look for it.

This time is probably not very short.

However, with the realm of the Nine Star Martial Sage King Kong, as long as he doesn't meet the Emperor Wu or the False Emperor, there shouldn't be any accidents.

As long as he finds the pure-blooded dragon clan, with the identity of the ancient blood spirit dragon, Jiang Mo is not worried that the other party will be suspicious.

After all, the inheritance among dragons is far more mysterious and powerful than that of humans.

After arranging the Jail King Kong out, Jiang Mo began to recall the formula of Yuanblood Emperor Soul Pill.

Although it's been a long time, Jiang Mo's memory is very good, especially for Danfang, even some martial arts and martial arts, he will forget, but Danfang won't.

It took him two hours to write down the complete formula of the Origin Blood Emperor Soul Pill, and then handed it over to the monks in Zhentian Pavilion to collect the materials on the formula.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Mo returned to his residence. The room was lit by candlelight, and Ling'er was reading quietly there.

"Girl Xueying, I won't act like a spoiled child tonight, it's all because I'm spoiled by her..." Ling'er's pretty face flushed slightly when she said this.

Jiang Mo smirked, then hugged Ling'er's soft and delicate body in his arms, and said, "Then tonight, I can take a good bath in the gift of beauty..."

The candles were extinguished, and the room was full of spring.


The next day, Jiang Mo woke up feeling refreshed.

The monks in Zhentian Pavilion sent news that most of the ingredients for Yuanxue Emperor Soul Pill have been found, but there is still one medicinal ingredient that has not been found.

Emperor Soul Flower.

This is the main medicine for refining the Origin Blood Emperor Soul Pill, without it, the pill cannot be successfully refined.

"My lord, we found out that this emperor's soul is spent in the Blue River Kingdom in the Central Region. And that Blue River Kingdom belongs to the territory of Tianwu Bank. On the border of Tianwu Bank, there are strong people guarding it. It's hard to get in," said the monk.

Jiang Mo rested his chin on his right hand, thought for a moment, and said, "You don't need to worry about this Emperor Soul Flower. I will go to the Blue River Kingdom myself."

For one thing, Zhentian Pavilion and Tianwu Bank had a bad relationship. If the other party knew that the person who went there was a monk from Zhentian Pavilion, he would definitely be murdered by the other party.

Furthermore, the Emperor Soul Flower is very precious, if you get it, if there is any accident on the way, it is not what you want to see.

Therefore, Jiang Mo planned to go to the Blue River Kingdom himself.

Soon, he found the big yellow cats, one person and one cat, flying towards the direction of the Blue River Kingdom.

The reason why Jiang Mo brought rhubarb was also for safety reasons.

The monk in charge of this matter gave Jiang Mo a map about the Blue River Kingdom.

With this map, Jiang Mo and the others flew for nearly ten days and finally arrived at the border of Tianwu Bank.

With the strength of Jiang Mo and Rhubarb, it is very easy to avoid border surveillance.

After crossing the border, half a day later, they came to the territory of the Blue River Kingdom.

"We are the prince and princess of the Blue River royal family. We are daring thieves. If you dare to make trouble, aren't you afraid that your family will be confiscated?"

An angry shout came from the forest ahead.

Jiang Mo looked at it, and it was marked on the map that this was the Blue Devil Forest.

(End of this chapter)

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