Chapter 1131 Anxious Mother and Son

Ming Jin withdraws his troops.

The commander-in-chief of the Huyin Kingdom gave an order, and the hundreds of thousands of troops over there retreated towards the rear like a tidal wave.

Jiang Mo stood above the void, watching Huyin Kingdom's retreating soldiers.

If the other party dares to play tricks in the slightest, then their commander-in-chief must die!

On the side of the Blue River Kingdom, many soldiers, after the initial shock, felt the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe.

They didn't know why the Huyin Kingdom would withdraw its troops at this time.

However, they knew that if the Huyin Kingdom continued to attack, they would definitely be defeated.

At that time, I don't know how many people will die in battle.

"Brothers, it was this lord who repelled the Huyin Kingdom's attack. Without him, we would be defeated today, and the Blue River Kingdom would also be captured!"

Xiao Liang said to the bewildered soldiers below.

Hearing Xiao Liang's words, these soldiers were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

"What kind of arrogance is this? With only one person, hundreds of thousands of tiger and wolf masters in the Huyin Kingdom will be defeated!"

"My lord, please accept our worship!"

On the side of the Blue River Kingdom, many soldiers knelt down and bowed down, facing Jiang Mo's position, and shouted in unison, grateful.

What Jiang Mo did today, I don't know how many soldiers and their families were saved.

Not only on the side of the Blue River Kingdom, but if the final battle of life and death breaks out, countless people will definitely die in the battle on the side of the Huyin Kingdom.

Looking at the Huyin Kingdom, he retreated completely, and then Jiang Mo landed.

"You all get up."

With a wave of Jiang Mo's sleeves, a soft force suddenly surged out, causing the soldiers who had knelt down to stand up.

"My lord, may I ask how is the generalissimo's injury now? Our side misses the generalissimo very much."

Xiao Liang asked.

In fact, the old marshal Jiang Mo rescued loved soldiers like a son, and was always very popular in the army.

Therefore, Xiao Liang and the others missed him very much.

"Yes, my lord, is the Generalissimo's injury healed?"

"The Grand Marshal is our best commander, just like a father. I remember that in a battle, I was shot in the back by a poisonous arrow. It was the Grand Marshal who personally I sucked that venom out."

"I also remember the kindness the Grand Marshal treated us back then. Once, my old mother was seriously ill and had no money for medical treatment. The Grand Marshal took out his salary and asked me to use it to treat my seriously ill mother."

"I really hope the Grand Marshal can recover sooner!"


Speaking of this, many soldiers' eyes were red.

Xiao Liang shook his head after hearing these words.

In the army, only Xiao Liang spent the most time in contact with the generalissimo. During that time, he saw with his own eyes that the blood spit out by the generalissimo was black.

At first, the Generalissimo was barely able to ride around on horseback.

But, in the end, he couldn't even get out of bed.

The injury must have worsened, and he had to return to the imperial capital to recuperate. According to Xiao Liang's estimation, the generalissimo's injury can last for another half a year, which is very good.

Seeing the concern of these people, Jiang Mo was also a little moved, and immediately laughed: "In half a month, your Generalissimo will be able to return here. Soon, he will recover."

Hearing this, Xiao Liang asked in disbelief: "Is what your lord said true? Generalissimo, are you going to recover soon?"

"Exactly." Jiang Mo nodded.

"How is this possible?" Xiao Liang was extremely surprised, and then he realized that he shouldn't have said that.

He added: "What I mean is, I know very well the Generalissimo's injury, and it is absolutely serious. Could it be that your majesty has invited some kind of doctor for the Generalissimo?"

Seeing Xiao Liang's disbelief, Jiang Mo was helpless, and said to the soldier who was leading the way, "Tell him."

The soldier leading the way felt that Jiang Mo was that kind of immortal-level powerhouse.

Not only did many monks from the Yinbone Sect be easily wiped out, but even the soul of the Sect Master was arrested.

Now, hundreds of thousands of powerful people from the Huyin Kingdom were repelled, and the other party fled in despair.

This is simply something that only gods can do.

"Lu Ming, tell me, how is the Generalissimo's injury now? It's not that I don't believe this lord, it's really unbelievable!" Xiao Liang asked the man.

"General Xiao, as far as I know, the generalissimo is indeed recovering from his injuries. Moreover, before coming, his subordinates saw that the generalissimo was able to walk on the ground. He looked very good." Lu Ming said.

Hearing Lu Ming's words, Xiao Liang could no longer hide his joy.

"That's great, God bless you! When the Generalissimo recovers from his injuries, even if the Huyin Kingdom attacks again, we won't be afraid."

Xiao Liang was so excited that he burst into tears. Now that he was sitting in the position of Generalissimo, he realized how much pressure there was.

Now hearing the news that the Generalissimo has recovered from his injury, he actually wept with joy, feeling a sense of relief.

"Which divine doctor from the kingdom healed the Generalissimo's injury?" Xiao Liang asked.

"It's Lord Jiang Mo."

Lu Ming was also in the Marshal's Mansion back then, so he was naturally aware of this.

Hearing this, Xiao Liang's excitement can no longer be described in words.

"Master Jiang Mo, you are the great benefactor of our entire Blue River Kingdom! We, Blue River, will never forget your kindness to our Blue River Kingdom!"

Xiao Liang knelt down and said.

The hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Blue River also bowed to Jiang Mo again with gratitude.

Jiang Mo shook his head, and a gentle force was released. Those people couldn't kneel down, and they were extremely grateful in their hearts.

"Okay, I won't stay here anymore. General Xiao should be able to handle the rest, right?" Jiang Mo laughed.

"I absolutely dare not let Master Jiang Mo worry about the next trivial matters." Xiao Liang said with a bow.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo jumped up and flew away.

"Congratulations to Lord Jiang Mo!"

"Congratulations to Lord Jiang Mo!"


Hundreds of thousands of voices came out in unison, and the momentum shook the sky.

At this moment, inside the Blue River Palace, Chen Meier's mother and son were waiting anxiously.

"Why hasn't there been news from the Yingu Gate? Could it be that he missed it?" Chen Mei'er was walking back and forth anxiously in the room.

"Probably not. The sect master of the Yin Bone Sect, what strength is that? According to rumors, even the emperor may not be his opponent. As long as he makes a move, that kid will definitely die!" The eldest prince said with gloomy eyes.

"Then why is there still no news?" Chen Meier asked.

"Maybe, it's because you didn't meet that kid on the road, so you don't have to worry too much."

The First Prince tapped his fingers on the table and said.

"My concubine, it's not good. The person you asked the servants to pay attention to has returned to the palace. Your Majesty, you are hosting a banquet for him!" A servant came in and said in a panic.

Hearing this news, Chen Meier and the First Prince were all shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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