Chapter 1134 Promoted to Eight-Star Martial Saint
The purple thunder, carrying the terrifying power of the sky, roared down.

Even though Jiang Mo's body was in mid-air, the guards in the palace below were all horrified.

"My God, Mr. Jiang actually survived the robbery above the palace, it's unbelievable."

"Look at the terrifying power of the thunder catastrophe, as long as it escapes even a little bit, our palace may suffer disaster!"

"Can Mr. Jiang survive this thunder disaster?"

"I've heard people say that thunder tribulation is usually released by the heavens in order to restrict the growth of too powerful monks."

"I hope Mr. Jiang can survive this disaster safely."


Although these people are not very strong, powerful monks often come in and out of the palace.

Therefore, under the influence of their ears and eyes, they actually understood what Lei Jie said.

Zi Lei fell with a bang, and the vitality around Jiang Mo surged violently at this moment, and finally turned into a sword of vitality, slashing towards Zi Lei.

The long sword of vitality streaked across the night sky, emitting a dazzling cold light, which seemed to be a bit brighter than that of Zi Lei.

Emperor Lanhe waved his hand, and an invisible barrier shrouded the palace.

He was still worried that the aftermath of energy released by Jiang Mo against the Heavenly Tribulation would destroy the palace.

The big yellow cat lay there lazily, as if about to fall asleep. It was really not worried that Jiang Mo would not be able to withstand this little thunder disaster.

The power of the sky is terrifying, the white-haired young man under Zi Lei looks so small.

However, the billowing thunder roared down like an angry dragon, but he remained motionless, like a mountain peak.

The many maids and guards in the palace were all dumbfounded.

Have they ever seen such a shocking scene in their lifetime?
The second prince and princess Lan Yuluo also looked at the thin figure in the void.

The shock in my heart is beyond words.

Lan Yuluo squeezed her little hands nervously, secretly praying for the hero who saved her and the entire Blue River Kingdom.

Jiang Mo sat cross-legged in the void, but there seemed to be more swords of vitality around him, piercing the sky.

Although the power of the sky is rolling, the momentum of thunder is extremely frightening.

However, the surroundings of the white-haired young man were already surrounded by sword energy, and the purple thunder fell into the place where the sword energy raged, so don't smash it into a ball of nothingness.

There was no way to get close to Jiang Mo.

In this way, half an hour passed.

Zi Lei stopped falling, and the thunder clouds in the night sky also slowly dissipated.

"It's so easy to block the thunder disaster?"

"In comparison, the thunder tribulations I have survived these years are too difficult."

Emperor Blue River shook his head with a wry smile and said.

In fact, it wasn't the thunder disaster he accepted that was stronger than the thunder disaster Jiang Mo suffered.

Rather, Jiang Mo's own strength is stronger than him, so it seems easier to fight against Lei Jie.


When the last thundercloud was about to disperse, Jiang Mo let out a sound like the roar of a dragon and a tiger.

The air waves rolled, and the sword intent soared into the sky.

The breath of the Eight-Star Martial Saint instantly soared upwards, shaking away the last ray of thundercloud.

"Finally broke through!"

Jiang Mo stood up, feeling the tyrannical aura in his body that had increased several times, he couldn't help grinning.

"Congratulations, Mr. Jiang, for advancing to the realm of an eight-star martial saint!"

Emperor Blue River cupped his fists.

"Thank you very much. Jiang feels a little sorry for disturbing everyone's dreams so late."

Jiang Mo smiled apologetically.

"Where is there. In the palace, there are many people who have never seen a monk in the realm of martial arts crossing the thunder. Today, Mr. Jiang, opened their eyes."

Emperor Blue River waved his hand.

With Jiang Mo's success in promotion, everyone had no excitement to watch, and they all retreated to the palace.

It's just that the scene Jiang Mo left them just now shocked their hearts, and they couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

I'm afraid that the white-haired young man's understatement of resolving the Zi Lei's catastrophe will make them unforgettable forever.

Back in his room, Jiang Mo found that his white hair in the bronze mirror began to turn black.

This may be because Jiang Mo finally let go of a knot in his heart after taking back Ling'er and Xue Ying's mother and daughter.

Even if the two of them are taken back, Jiang Mo still needs to continue to practice hard.

Without enough strength, there is never a safe day.

It is very unrealistic to expect those martial arts overlords to speak morally to you.

Jiang Mo would rather choose to trust his fist.

For the remaining period of time, Jiang Mo has been consolidating his realm.

Until the power after this breakthrough is completely controlled.

About ten days later, news came from the Marshal's Mansion that the old Marshal's injuries had been completely healed.

When the news came out, the entire court was filled with joy.

It is said that on that day, the old marshal even went to court in person to make Emperor Lanhe, Long Yan very happy.

After retiring from the court, the old marshal came to the place where Jiang Mo lived and thanked him in person.

"Young Master Jiang, I have ordered someone to open the restriction of Nether Pool. Whenever you have time, you can go there to find the Emperor Soul Flower." Emperor Lanhe came to Jiang Mo and said.

Now, Emperor Lanhe's complexion is much better than before.

The threat from the Huyin Kingdom was eliminated by Jiang Mo, and they were not allowed to attack the Blue River Kingdom within ten years.

What's more, the old marshal's Fenghu poisoned his heart and was completely expelled by Jiang Mo.

Emperor Blue River has no worries for the time being.

In the next ten years of peace, he will work hard to make the country rich and strong.

He also knew that all of this was brought by Jiang Mo.

Therefore, even though the Emperor Soul Flower is their Blue River Kingdom's protector flower, it should be given out as a reward.

"Thank you very much." Jiang Mo smiled.

"Young Master Jiang, the Emperor Soul Flower is indeed in the Netherworld Pond. However, the Netherworld Pond is very large, and there are wild beasts guarding it. It is not easy to take the Emperor Soul Flower away smoothly."

"Since I took over the throne, the restriction of the Nether Pool has never been opened. Therefore, this time, I plan to enter the Nether Pool with Mr. Jiang to look for the Emperor Soul Flower." Said the Son of Heaven.

"Since you haven't opened it, how do you know that there is an Emperor Soul Flower inside?" Jiang Mo frowned slightly.

If such a half-day effort was wasted, it would be really worthless if it was a waste of time.

"This has been passed down from the ancestors of my Blue River royal family. It cannot be wrong."

Emperor Blue River said confidently.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo could only nod his head and said, "Then let's go now."

Then the two flew towards the direction of Netherworld Pool, followed by the big yellow cat.

Jiang Mo was worried that if something unexpected happened in Nether Pool, with the strength of the big yellow cat, he should be able to control the situation.

In this small Blue River Kingdom, there shouldn't be any creatures more powerful than the Rank [-] Pseudo-Emperor Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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