Chapter 1143 Fierce Fighting
"Presumptuous! I, Yang, want to see how you acted wildly in my Tianwu bank today!"

Yang Yunzhi gave a cold shout, and a monstrous aura surged out of his body, like a mountain torrent erupting.

Now, the heads of many forces of Tianwu Bank are gathered here. If Jiang Mo and the others are allowed to make trouble here, I am afraid that Tianwu Bank will be ridiculed by the entire Central Region in the future.

Therefore, Yang Yunzhi had to show some attitude.

Only by being strong enough can those weak forces follow him.

"It seems that only by letting the blood flow like a river here, can your chief helmsman release people."

Jiang Mo looked cold, and said to the ancient blood spirit dragon: "Do it!"

As soon as his words fell, the winding dragon body of the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon was pressed down like a giant mountain, and immediately many people felt that it became difficult to breathe.

With the cultivation base of rank five False Emperor, the Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon is not so easy to resist.

"Kill these bastards!"

Yang Yunzhi shouted, at the same time, he chopped the sole of his foot on the ground, and his figure floated in the air.

His hands instantly became as if cast from gold, and he directly blasted towards the ancient blood spirit dragon.

The space burst open, and the golden light bloomed like a scorching sun.

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon raised its giant claws, slashed across the void, and collided with Yang Yunzhi.

In an instant, a wave of destruction was released from the place where they fought, and the hearts of countless people trembled wildly.

This is the land of returning to the ruins, the most top power confrontation!
Boom, boom, boom...

However, what people didn't expect was that Yang Yunzhi, as the chief rudder of Tianwu Bank, would retreat hundreds of feet under the claws of the ancient blood spirit dragon.

When he stepped back, the soles of his feet stepped on the void, and the void shattered like a mirror.

Yang Yunzhi was shocked inwardly, the blood in his body was tumbling, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"City Master Mo, do Yang a favor, you and I join forces to fight against this evil dragon!"

Yang Yunzhi shouted loudly to the hanging city lord below.

In just one round, he knew in his heart that he could not be the opponent of the ancient blood spirit dragon.

The real dragon family is really powerful!

"Okay, I'll help you!"

The Hanging City Lord's figure was vertical, and he also flew into the void.

However, his calculation was very clear, so naturally he would not try his best to help Yang Yunzhi.

Hundreds of miles away from this battlefield, there are many monks who are floating in the air, watching the battle from a distance.

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable that someone actually rushed to the head of Tianwu Bank to make trouble."

"In any case, Tianwu Bank is one of the four gold-level powers in the central region. It has a strong foundation, and those people may not get away easily."

"That's not necessarily the case. Didn't you see that just that giant dragon can fight against Yang Yunzhi and the city lord of Hanging City?"

"It's so terrifying! Those are two powerhouses in the pseudo-emperor realm!"

"Just now, that white-haired young man standing on top of the giant dragon is really chic."

"Although I can't come, I yearn for it."



There was a lot of discussion among the people, and some of the casual cultivators here even reached the nine-star martial saint.

Therefore, they can have a glimpse of the fighting power displayed by the ancient blood spirit dragon.

When the top combat power started to fight, the big priest hired by Tianwu Bank at a great price also made a move at this time.

"As long as I can catch this kid, all crises will be resolved at that time."

The great priest thought secretly in his heart, and then his body turned into a stream of light, flying towards Jiang Mo.

"Hehe, your opponent is me."

The big green bull that turned into a humanoid smiled honestly.

Although his appearance is simple and honest, but he has also stepped into the pseudo-emperor realm, and his strength is not weaker than that of the great priest.

After practicing for thousands of years, Da Qingniu's tricks and cards are so many that it is jaw-dropping.

"This guy……"

The great priest was startled, his vitality exploded, and he fought with Qingniu.

At the same time, in Tianwu Bank, strong men kept coming out, as if they wanted to surround Jiang Mo and the others.

"Meteorites fall from the sky!"

Old man Tianshi couldn't protect Wu Nu well, so he felt extremely guilty in his heart, so these monks from Tianwu bank who rushed out naturally became punching bags.

Bang, bang, bang...

The meteorite fell like a torrential rain, and a strong monk could naturally shatter it without being hurt.

However, if the monks under the Seven Star Martial Saints couldn't dodge, they would end up bloody and bloody on the spot.

All of a sudden, the meteorite from Old Man Tianshi fell from the sky, and it became a weapon of mass destruction.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thugs from Tianwu Bank were killed, and the high-level figures of Tianwu Bank felt distressed.

It will cost a huge price to cultivate so many strong men!
Just so dead.

Many of them are businessmen by nature, and when their thugs die, they treat it as a dead dog.

The resources spent on those people are what makes them feel distressed the most.

"Kill that old guy!"

The Nine Star Martial Saints of Tianwu Bank were also dispatched, Qi Qi outflanked Old Man Tianshi.


Prison King Kong let out a cold snort, and a violent aura bloomed, descending in front of everyone like an iron tower.

With a punch, an eight-star martial saint who was close to him was directly smashed into a cloud of blood mist.

At the same time, the five hundred elite warriors brought by Zhentian Pavilion each looked for an opponent of similar strength, causing another bloody storm.

"Destroy everything!"

Yanchen recited a mantra silently, and there was a blue light flickering in his pupils, and an indescribable fluctuation enveloped the army of undead behind him.




The undead army joined the battlefield, and several undead of the Nine Star Martial Saint level gathered together with Prison King Kong and Old Man Tianshi to form an extremely terrifying force.

Moreover, as the fighting continued, there were more and more corpses on the ground, and the blue light in Yanchen's eyes became stronger.

Beside him, there is an undead in the realm of nine-star martial saint, protecting him.

The corpses on the ground were summoned by Yanchen and joined the battlefield.

The monks at Tianwu Bank, after seeing their people being beheaded, now unexpectedly resurrected strangely, and even launched an attack on their own side.

This caused Tianwu Bank to be in chaos and panic.

Not to mention they have experienced this kind of scene, they have never even heard of it.

Jiang Mo did not join the battlefield, and the current situation did not require him to take action.

He closed his eyes slightly, and the terrifying divine power of the imperial realm was released, covering the entire Tianwu bank, not letting go of any corner.

After ten breaths, his closed eyes suddenly opened.

"found it."

After the voice fell, Jiang Mo's figure swept away, and flew towards the direction of the water prison.

Miss Wu was imprisoned there...

(End of this chapter)

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