Chapter 1146 Ice Yuan Lingjing
"I'll try again, whether I can burn these Gu insects to death with the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, or force them out."

A moment later, Jiang Moqiang cheered up, sat cross-legged on the bed, silently mobilized the Eight Desolation Fentianyan, and walked through the flesh and blood of the meridians in his body.

Even with Jiang Mo's experience, this kind of ghost inflammation Gu worms are not well understood.

Therefore, a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

"Be careful."

Ling'er instructed from the side.

Jiang Mo nodded, and blue flames rose up in his body, like tiny snakes, piercing through his limbs.

Time passed by, and after about half an hour, Jiang Mo's forehead was already covered with sweat.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound in his body, like a hard object rubbing against metal.

Jiang Mo's mind was moved, he closed his eyes and looked inside himself, and suddenly found five or six black bugs the size of a thumb, which were burning from the blood, showing their figure under the burning of the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame.

The black worms had long tentacles, sharp mouthparts, and black flames burning on their bodies, and the Eight Desolation Fentianyan couldn't do anything to them.

They seemed to drill out of Jiang Mo's blood vessels provocatively, and then sneaked in again.

This is the ghost flame Gu worm. The reason why Nanjiang Gu masters are feared by many cultivators is because their unknowing methods make people hard to guard against. Once they are planted with Gu worms, they will be strong in the imperial realm , are difficult to eradicate.

"Delusionally trying to get rid of my ghost flames and Gu worms is simply a dream."

The chief rudder of Tianwu Bank, the bone refiner from Southern Xinjiang, was sitting cross-legged and practicing, when he suddenly sensed something, opened his eyes, and sneered disdainfully.


The ghost-flame Gu worms raged in the blood, and Jiang Mo spit out a big mouthful of black blood again.

Seeing this, Ling'er quickly supported Jiang Mo's body, "Brother Mo, how is it?"

"My Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame has almost no way to restrain these Gu worms."

Jiang Mo shook his head and said disappointedly.

"These Gu worms also have the power of the fire attribute, and even the black flame is not much weaker than the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame."

In fact, even Jiang Mo was very curious about where the Gu refiner from Southern Border refined this kind of Gu worm. Even the Eight Desolation Burning Heaven Flame, one of the ten fierce fires, could not do anything to it.

Ling'er frowned, and after thinking for a moment, she said, "Brother Mo, since the Gu worms are not afraid of your flames, will Ling'er's cultivation of ice-attribute vitality be able to suppress these Gu worms?"

Among the five elements, water and fire are mutually restraining.

The vitality of the ice attribute can even restrain the power of the fire attribute.

What Ling'er said was not unreasonable.

Jiang Mo, who was somewhat disappointed, his eyes lit up slightly after hearing Linger's words.

This is a feasible way.

"You can try it, but it's too dangerous. I'm afraid that the Gu worm will be transferred into your body." Jiang Mo said with some concern.

"Brother Mo, don't worry, it's better for these Gu worms to be transferred to me. Ling'er just uses all the ice attribute energy to suppress them!"

"You know, Ling'er has the realm of Nine Star Martial Saint!"

Ling'er smiled softly and comforted her.

"Okay, then try it, if it doesn't work, get out immediately."

Jiang Mo instructed.

Ling'er nodded, and immediately the two sat facing each other. She held Jiang Mo's hand, and carefully poured ice-attribute vitality into Jiang Mo's meridians.

She didn't dare to infuse vitality too quickly, for fear of hurting Jiang Mo's meridians.

"Brother Mo, lead Ling'er's vitality to find those Gu worms."

Ling'er spoke.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded, and a blue flame emerged from his body, swimming in front, followed by ice blue vitality.

Soon, the two forces came to the place where the ghost flame Gu worm appeared before.

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and the cyan flame sank into his blood, drawing the black Gu worms out again.

This time, the black Gu worm seemed to be angry, and began to wreak havoc, making Jiang Mo's face pale for a while.

At the moment when the black Gu worms were raging, the ice attribute vitality controlled by Ling'er immediately rushed forward, completely enveloping the black Gu worms.


The ice-blue vitality enveloped these black Gu worms, and they let out a cry of panic.

They jumped up and down, obviously flustered, and Ling'er kept sending ice-attribute vitality into Jiang Mo's body, making the defense layer stronger and stronger.

"It seems to be very effective."

Seeing that Ling'er's vitality was able to trap ghost flames and Gu worms, Jiang Mo couldn't help but feel happy.

However, just as he finished speaking, those five or six black Gu worms opened their mouths at the same time, spewing out black flames, burning Ling'er's vitality layer.

chi chi-
The temperature of the black flame was so high that it burned a big hole in the defense layer in an instant.

"What is the origin of this Gu worm?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo gasped suddenly. He did not expect that a black flame as thick as a hair could melt Ling'er's vitality layer.

"I will never allow you to come out and harm Brother Mo again!"

Ling'er snorted, and immediately mobilized more vitality, which was poured into Jiang Mo's body to strengthen the vitality layer.

The ravages of the ghost flame Gu worms became even crazier. They seemed to feel some kind of crisis, not only burning the vitality layer with black flames, but also began to bite with their sharp mouthparts, trying to crush them.

If it is placed outside, it is not difficult to kill these Gu insects.

The difficulty is that it is now in Jiang Mo's body, if he is not careful, he may hurt Jiang Mo.

Therefore, Ling'er's pretty face was soon covered with sweat.

She clenched her silver teeth tightly, the phantom of the Ice Phoenix Martial Vessel looming behind her, releasing terrifying power of ice.

"No, if this continues, these Gu worms may tear the vitality layer."

"At that time, it will not be so easy to trap them again."

After holding on for half a stick of incense like this, Ling'er suddenly noticed that the vitality layer had become very weak.

They still underestimated the power of this ghost flame Gu worm.

After thinking for a while, Ling'er seemed to have made some important decision, she gritted her silver teeth, and immediately a ray of extremely pure ice crystals split out from her dantian.

The moment the ice crystal was separated from her body, it was obvious that her face had turned a little pale.

This is the foundation of her cultivation.

However, in Ling'er's eyes, as long as she could completely get rid of these Gu worms and restore Jiang Mo's safety, she would rather sacrifice her foundation of cultivation.

She injected the ice crystal into Jiang Mo's body and merged it into the vitality layer. Immediately, the vitality layer that was about to burst made a crackling sound as if it was completely frozen.

Terrible cold air broke out, and the ghost flame Gu worms inside were terrified. They kept squeaking and screaming, but the speed of body movements became slower and slower.

They wanted to spray out black flames to melt the vitality layer, but the black flames were extinguished as soon as they were sprayed out.

The power of the Ice Element Lingjing, which contains the foundation of Linger's cultivation, is so terrifying...

(End of this chapter)

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