Chapter 1155

The memory given to Jianxiong by the ancient magic book of Heaven and Dao is to submit to Jiang Mo and treat him as his master.

However, after coming to Longwu Continent, he found that Jiang Mo's strength was very low, only at the level of Nine Star Martial Saint, and he was still a little unstable, obviously he had just broken through not long ago.

How could he willingly serve a nine-star martial sage as his lord with his powerful cultivation at the level of a second-turn pseudo-emperor?

Thus, there is the present scene.

Jiang Mo also sensed Jianxiong's attitude, and immediately his face sank slightly.

The strength of the latter is very strong, there is no doubt.

Just now, Jiang Mo knew that this person's swordsmanship was also excellent.

But what's the point if you can't use it for yourself?
The big yellow cat took a few steps slowly and came to Jiang Mo's side. A terrifying coercion was suddenly released, like a storm, spreading towards Jianxiong.

At the same time, a vast sound of dragon chant resounded from the back mountain.

The Primordial Blood Spirit Dragon stretched its body, swept up into the void, and landed here.

"What? How is this possible?!"

After sensing the terrifying aura of the big yellow cat and the immemorial blood spirit dragon, Jianxiong's face suddenly changed, and he was shocked.

The big yellow cat is in the rank seven false emperor state, and the ancient blood spirit dragon is in the fifth rank false emperor state, both of which are much stronger than Jianxiong.

Therefore, he could not keep his composure.

Also at this moment, Jianxiong's mentality changed slightly.

In his opinion, since Jiang Mo was able to control the big yellow cat and the immemorial blood spirit dragon, there must be something special about him.

Even if one's own strength is weaker, it is harmless.

"Since I spent a lot of money to summon you, I hope you will do your best in the future. Otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

The change of expression on Jianxiong's face was caught by Jiang Mo's eyes.

Jiang Mo could see that this Jianxiong was a tough guy, so he had to use some force to frighten him.

"This subordinate should be devoted to the lord, and he will die!" Jianxiong quickly knelt down on one knee and kowtowed.

"In this case, it's best."

Seeing Jianxiong's attitude turned into humility, Jiang Mo's face softened a little, and he said, "Your sword skills are very strong. In the future, I may have the opportunity to discuss with you."

"The subordinates dare not be, as long as the master is willing, the subordinates will definitely do their best to assist."

Jianxiong clasped his fists and said.

However, Jiang Mo didn't really compete with him at the moment.

Wu Nu has already collected all the materials for refining the teleportation array for ten thousand people, and Jiang Mo plans to start refining the teleportation array today.

"Go and call all the people in the Immortal Array Hall, from the elders to the disciples. If someone really has an important task, you don't need to come here." Jiang Mo ordered his subordinates.

This Immortal Formation Hall is exactly the name he chose, implying that in the future, someone in this hall can grow into an Immortal Formation Master and refine a large immortal-level formation.

But right now, it is not possible for one person to refine the large teleportation formation of ten thousand people.

Jiang Mo himself will refine the most core part, and as for the corners and corners, it will be handed over to the elders and disciples of the Immortal Array Palace to complete.

For them, this is also an opportunity to hone and grow.

"Am I right?"

"Master Pavilion Master actually wants to refine a teleportation array for ten thousand people?"

" simply unimaginable!"

"The difficulty of refining the ten thousand teleportation array is very high. Even if the master of the pavilion takes action, can we succeed?"

"Anyway, since the Lord Pavilion Master has proposed it, then no matter what, we have to give it a try."

The disciples and elders of the Immortal Array Hall were all shocked when they heard the news.

However, they didn't dare to disobey the pavilion master's order, and they all came to Jiang Mo's side.

The difficulty of the ten-thousand-person teleportation formation is above the ninth-level formation and below the immortal formation.

The most important thing is the number of people to accommodate, which is the most difficult.

However, Wu Nu collected a lot of space crystals for Jiang Mo. These crystals are very precious, not only can play a role in stabilizing the formation, but also occupy a pivotal position in expanding the space of the formation.

Under Jiang Mo's order, many disciples and elders of the Immortal Array Hall lined up to form an ellipse.

And Jiang Mo was at the core.

"Over the years, the Immortal Array Palace has cultivated a lot of talents."

Jiang Mo was in the crowd, took a small look, and secretly praised.

"The most important thing in refining a large teleportation formation for ten thousand people is that the formation is as stable as Mount Tai. Otherwise, if there is a disturbance of the origin force during the transmission, the teleporter may be teleported to other places, or even by space." Chaotic strangulation."

"So safety comes first."


"Northwest, three space crystals..."

"Everyone releases their energy and connects their formation nodes with the core of the teleportation formation."


Under Jiang Mo's order, everyone built a teleportation array in an orderly manner.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and just like that, after three full hours, a huge teleportation array of several thousand feet appeared in the sky above Zhentian Pavilion.

The gate of the teleportation array, like a dark purple vortex, exudes waves of attraction.

All the people around, including the disciples and elders of the Immortal Array Hall, all had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"It turned really succeeded!"

"I didn't expect it at all!"

"Under the guidance of Lord Pavilion Master, we actually completed a large teleportation formation for ten thousand people!"

"The sense of accomplishment is too strong!"

"Before, I thought it was impossible to succeed at all. Now it seems that there is really nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb."


The disciples and elders in the Immortal Array Hall all burst into cheers.

Those disciples who were not able to participate in the construction of the teleportation array just witnessed the whole process, and they felt extremely shocked, and at the same time gained a lot.

This will play a big role in their future growth.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the lord to have such abilities. It's amazing!"

Jianxiong praised.

Only now did he understand that people should not be judged by their superficial strength and realm.

At least, Jiang Mo's ability to control the strong and the formation is far behind Jianxiong.

"Okay, the headquarters has been built. Come with me and go to the Moonwell Land. After the construction is completed there, the two places will be able to be completely opened up."

Jiang Mo said with a smile.

Everyone was naturally cheering. After the first success, they couldn't wait to do the second one.

Some elders of the Immortal Array Hall heard that a teleportation array for ten thousand people was successfully built here. They had some things on hand, so they put it down for the time being, and followed Jiang Mo to the Moonwell Land.

They also wanted to witness with their own eyes how the teleportation array of ten thousand people was built.

However, Jiang Mo has some doubts about whether the construction of the teleportation array will have any impact on the mining of void magic stones in the Moonwell.

But, no matter what, you have to give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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