Chapter 1160 The Treasure Land Opens

"I am not wrong, right?"

"The members of the Fenghe family just disappeared out of thin air?"

"That person's methods are too terrifying. I didn't even see clearly. The entire Fenghe family has no bones left!"

"If the storm of sword energy just now is released on us, I'm afraid our end will not be better than that of Fenghewu."

There were gasping sounds, and everyone looked at Jiang Mo and Jianxiong in horror.

The guards of the three major families walked towards this side, their expressions were a little unfriendly, but more, they were filled with fear.

The stronger the person, the more he can feel the fear of Jianxiong.

As for the white-haired young man, the guards of the three major families ignored him.

"Your Excellency, you'd better restrain yourself." A guard said.

"Just now, everyone has seen it, we are just defending ourselves." Jiang Mo put on a warm smile on his face again.

At these words, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

Is this still called self-defense?
Dozens of members of the Fenghe family lost their bones in an instant. The level of defense is too exaggerated, right?

"We don't care about the grievances between you and the Fenghe family. But don't disturb the order here." The guards of the three major families said coldly.

Although they could tell that Jianxiong was very powerful, but the three major families had ancestor-level figures sitting in command, they didn't think that Jianxiong dared to provoke the three major families by himself.

Jiang Mo nodded and signaled to Jianxiong that since the annoying flies had been resolved, no one would dare to disturb him anymore.

Indeed, as Jiang Mo expected, after seeing Jianxiong's fierce and decisive methods, any force, including the guards of the three major families, did not dare to disturb Jiang Mo and the others again.

However, many people are secretly talking about it in private.

"Feng Hewu is the eldest son of their family, and now his body and spirit are disintegrated, and even with so many servants and servants, they are all fallen. If the news is passed back to the Fenghe family, the patriarch will probably be furious!"

"Hey, so what, it's none of our business anyway. Just sit and watch the show."

"The Fenghe family has not made a move for a long time. This time, the death of Fenghewu may cause a bloody storm in the Eastern Region."

"That's the best. Anyway, the Eastern Territory has been dead for too long. It's time to make a fuss."

While everyone was discussing, a leading young man of the Helian family looked gloomy.

The Helian family and the Fenghe family have been friends for generations, seeing Fenghewu and others being beheaded in an instant, Helianchi didn't even dare to take a breath.

In the situation just now, if he made a move, I'm afraid it would not be much better than Feng Hewu's fate.

"Go, send a message to the Fenghe family, saying that Fenghewu is dead, and everyone else is dead. The people who did it were two male monks, one of whom had gray hair." He Lianchi said to the guards beside him .

Although it was impossible to save Feng Hewu, the matter of sending the message was not too difficult for He Lianchi.

"Obey." The guard glanced at Jiang Mo and the two of them, and then quickly swept towards the Fenghe family.

When the news spread back to the Fenghe family, the great elder Fengheshu was instantly furious.

"What? There is such a thing?"

"In the Eastern Territory, someone dares to attack my Fenghe family?"

Feng Heshu's temper was notoriously irritable, he didn't care too much about Feng Hewu's death.

Because, Feng Hewu is the patriarch's son, and he has nothing to do with Feng Heshu.

What Feng Heshu cared about was the face of the family, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, those two killed Feng Hewu and the others without any scruples, which made Feng Heshu feel very ugly.

It was as if someone stomped hard on the heads of the Fenghe family.

"Come on, send me troops to the Black Flame Treasure Land right now, the old man must cut off the heads of these two people with his own hands!" the Great Elder roared angrily.

"Grand Elder, we need to calm down before making a decision." When Feng Heshu roared, the Second Elder tried to persuade him.

Compared to Fengheshu, the second elder is much calmer.

If everything was done according to the fiery-tempered Fengheshu, he would have already made countless enemies.

"Second Elder, tell me, those two bastards have already stepped on the heads of my Fenghe family, how can I calm down?" Fengheshu roared.

"Great Elder, think about it, since the other party can make dozens of monks in the family disappear in an instant, their strength must be extraordinary. If we go rashly, we may not be able to get benefits from them Ah!" The second elder stroked his beard and said.

"Then tell me, what should we do with this matter? We definitely can't just let it go!" said the Great Elder.

"Since it was the patriarch's son who died, we can only wait for the patriarch to return, and he will handle it himself."

"If it is not handled well and the family is in crisis, then we have a chance to impeach the patriarch. At that time, isn't it your chance?" The second elder said with narrowed eyes.

In fact, the interior of the Fenghe family is not a single iron bucket, they also have factional disputes.

The patriarch's faction and the elders' house have always had conflicts, and they have been fighting for a long time.

Today's incident is what the Second Elder is happy to see.

Hearing what the second elder said, Feng Heshu's eyes flickered.

Although he has a hot temper, he is not stupid. After the second elder's analysis, he also knows the pros and cons.

"Okay, I will do as you said. However, the patriarch has already gone far away, and it will be difficult to come back in less than ten days and half a month." Feng Heshu said.

"What are you afraid of? After the Black Flame Treasure is opened, those two people will definitely search for treasure inside. At that time, we only need to bring people and guard it outside, and they will be hard to fly." The second elder said confidently.

"Hahaha, Second Elder, you are resourceful."

At this time, Fengheshu was no longer entangled, and the matter of Fenghewu was suppressed like this.

Black Flame Treasure Land.

After the two of Jiang Mo sat cross-legged here for half a month, the crowd finally became commotion.

"The treasure land is about to open. I don't know what I will find after entering this time."

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Everyone looked at the Heiyan Treasure Land with burning eyes, as if there was a peerless beauty inside to attract them.

"I won't say much about the rules. No matter what method you use to compete for treasures in the treasure land, once you get a heavy treasure, you must hand it in."

"Otherwise, you will bear the consequences!"

People from the three major families spoke, and then someone opened the treasure land.

At this moment, many disciples of aristocratic families and casual cultivators rushed out at the same time, like locusts, rushing towards the Black Flame Treasure.

"Let's go in too."

Jiang Mo said to Jianxiong, and then his figure moved, turning into a streamer, and darting into it.

(End of this chapter)

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