Chapter 1163 Fire Infant
Relying on the perception of the fire in his body, Jiang Mo slowly moved closer to where the fire root was.

In the tiankeng, it was like a place of death, without a trace of life.

This made Jiang Mo and the others dare not be careless, and proceeded cautiously.

Along the way, he didn't encounter any mutated monsters, not even a monk, which made Jiang Mo wonder if it was only the black-robed monk who sneaked into the sinkhole.

If you think about it carefully, this may not only exist, but it may be very large.

First of all, the fact that this place is thousands of miles deep is enough to make most monks daunted.

The monster apes they met just now were another line of defense. Even though Jiang Mo opened the way with a sword, they still scared away many monks.

In the eyes of those monks, since there are mutated demon apes, there must be other mutated wild beasts, and they have to be guarded against.

Moreover, finding this tiankeng in the end is not something anyone can do.

"My lord, there seems to be an independent space here." After a while, Jianxiong suddenly said.

Jiang Mo followed the direction of Jianxiong's finger and saw something like a stone door.

He raised his hand and blasted a burst of vitality, hitting the stone door.

Immediately, the dust dispersed, and the stone door made a crackling sound, and immediately opened in response.

Jiang Mo and Jianxiong looked at each other, then tensed their nerves, and entered the stone gate.

After entering, Jiang Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

In front of him, there is a pool with a radius of ten feet, and the water in that pool flows slowly without wind.

In the center of the pool, there is a huge white lotus flower. Even ordinary people will know that this white lotus flower is very unusual.

Moreover, the most important thing is that there is a black flame rising from the stamen of the white lotus!
At this moment, the tinder of the heavenly gu in Jiang Mo's body trembled suddenly.

As if corresponding to this fire, the still black flame also began to flicker.

"It should be the fire spirit root without a doubt!" Jiang Mo thought inwardly, and then moved towards the black flame.

The moment Jiang Mo just moved, a black shadow hanging upside down on the stone wall, like a bat, suddenly rushed towards Jiang Mo.

"It's you again?!" Jiang Mo couldn't help being furious when he saw the black-robed monk.

This person's repeated troubles have already made Jiang Mo want to kill him.

However, this space is too fragile. If all the power is released, the tiankeng may collapse.

"I said, you don't deserve this thing, and you won't get it!" The man's hoarse voice came from under the black cloak.

"Hmph!" Without any hesitation, Jiang Mo raised his sword, and the dazzling cold light, like a flash of lightning, slashed at the black-robed monk.

However, the black-robed cultivator did not retreat but advanced, and his spear was like a swimming dragon, pointing at the sword lights, causing the sword lights to shatter and go away.

At this time, Jianxiong also made a move, but he couldn't use all of his second-turn False Emperor Realm cultivation base.

Otherwise, the entire space will collapse and go away.

"Do you bully the few with the more? It's really despicable!" The black-robed monk snorted coldly, and saw circles of black air flowing out of his body like liquid.

In the end, the black air turned into the shadow of this person, and the shadow stood up, holding a black spear in his hand.

This black spear is exactly the same as the spear of the shadow itself!
Shadow held a long spear and attacked Jianxiong, his momentum was not weak either.

"Despicable? Didn't you hang upside down on the stone wall just now, ready to attack me?" Jiang Mo said with a cold snort.

When the four were fighting, no one noticed that there was a black liquid in the pool, slowly spreading towards the surrounding stone walls.

The water from the black pool poured down, like the tentacles of some kind of plant, and soon the surrounding stone walls were covered by the water from the black pool.

However, what is a little strange is that although the black pool water covers the surrounding stone walls.

But the water in the secluded pool did not decrease at all, as if it were endless.

When the entire space was covered by the black pool water, a terrifying temperature that could invade the bone marrow also slowly radiated out.

The black flame in the white lotus danced more and more cheerfully, like an elf.

Jiang Mo kept chopping out sword energy, but the black-robed monk was like a dog's skin plaster, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

"Emperor Seal!"

The sky's sword energy enveloped the black-robed monk's retreat, Jiang Mo raised his hand and blasted a golden palm print, trying to suppress the black-robed monk.

However, the black-robed cultivator also threw a punch, colliding with the golden palm print.

The energy shock spreads out like a wave.

The water in the black pool was blown up one after another into the sky.

Although Jianxiong couldn't use all his strength, he wasn't too helpless against a shadow of the black-robed monk.

Soon, that shadow already had many sword wounds on his body.

If an ordinary monk is injured, he will inevitably bleed.

However, the shadow was injured, but it didn't bleed. Instead, every part of its body that was slashed disappeared directly.

It was as if that part of the body had been erased.

"These treasures of heaven and earth belong to me, Murong Feng!"

When Jiang Mo and the others were fighting together, Murong Feng suddenly rushed out from the middle of the road, and rushed straight towards the white lotus.

Murong Feng is a strong member of the Murong family, and this person is now in his 50s, and he is one of the candidates for the next head of the family.

If he can get this fire spirit root, the position of Patriarch of the Murong family must belong to him, Murong Feng.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to take risks and go deep into the depths of this treasure land.

"Oops, that guy took advantage of the loophole!"

Seeing Murong Feng darting towards the white lotus, the black-robed monk was startled, and hurriedly retreated, trying to stop him.

Jiang Mo also didn't want to see the Huo Linggen fall into other people's hands, so he raised his hand and blasted out a tyrannical beam of Yuanli, trying to force Murong Feng back.

However, Murong Feng seemed to be prepared, even if he forcibly took a blow, he would still get this ball of black flames.

He grabbed it directly with his thugs, but just when he was about to succeed, suddenly the ball of black flame seemed to come alive, and flew out of the white lotus with a whoosh sound.

"It actually gave birth to wisdom?" Seeing the flying black flames, Murong Feng was stunned.

Jiang Mo, Jianxiong, and the black-robed monk also looked at this scene in surprise.

The black-robed monk has withdrawn his shadow.

Although he can make the shadow fight, it will weaken the fighting power of his true self.

Under the gaze of the four people, the ball of black flames squirmed for a while, and finally turned into a human form!
It is as big as a human baby, just like a fire baby!
The fire baby opened its eyes wide, looking at Jiang Mo and the others curiously.

Then, it took a step forward and walked towards the four of them.

"Everyone, this fire baby should be intelligent. If we continue to fight like this, there will be no results. Why don't we count whoever it goes to as its property?"

Murong Feng said, because he was seeing Huo Ying walking towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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