Chapter 1165 Waiting for a Long Time

The little fire baby hung on Jiang Mo's body, and Jiang Mo turned around slowly. On his left palm, a black flame was beating, releasing an astonishing temperature.

"Do you want to die?" Jianxiong snorted coldly. These two guys, provoking again and again, really think that he dare not kill?

However, before Jiang Mo and Jianxiong could make a move, the fire baby turned into a stream of light and swept towards the black-robed monk.

Huoying carried a white lotus that was taller than its body. The petals closed, like a weapon, and smashed towards the black-robed monk.

"Little thing, come here!" A hoarse voice came from the black-robed monk's throat.

He stabbed with his spear, trying to swing the white lotus away.

However, a terrifying power emanated from that white lotus.

An ear-splitting roar of gold and iron sounded, and the spear in the black-robed monk's hand was directly thrown flying by the fire baby.

" is it possible?!" The black-robed cultivator suddenly felt a huge wave in his heart. He really didn't expect that the little fire baby could knock his spear away with one blow.

What's more, in this fight just now, the black-robed monk actually found that the vitality in his chest seemed to be burning, extremely hot.

But there was a chill feeling all over his body.

Huoying's two faint eyebrows were furrowed together, and his mouth was pouted, as if he was very angry.

It moved again, and the black-robed cultivator couldn't see its movement at all. He could only reach out with his hands, and traces of black energy gathered and turned into a defensive shield in front of him.

However, just as the defensive shield was formed, Huoying's white lotus weapon fell down again, and the shield broke in an instant. The black-robed cultivator had no time to react, and was immediately smashed on his chest by that terrifying force.


The black-robed monk spat out a big mouthful of blood, his figure was like a cannonball, and shot fiercely at a stone wall.

If you look carefully, his sternum has been smashed, and a large piece of his chest collapsed. This blow from Huoying can be described as powerful!
After the two moves destroyed the fighting power of the black-robed monk, Huo Ying turned to look at Murong Feng.

For some reason, its hostility towards Murong Feng seemed to be stronger.

Just when Huo Ying attacked Murong Feng, Jiang Mo manipulated a sword energy, which directly penetrated the black-robed monk's Tianling Gai.

The strength of the fire baby exceeded Jiang Mo's expectations. If the fire baby was known to some hidden old men, I'm afraid they would disregard their shame and come out to snatch it!
At that time, it will only add trouble to Zhentian Pavilion.

In the land of returning to the ruins, although on the surface, the major forces have already divided up the resources of the territory, but in Jiang Mo's view, there must be monks hiding in the deep mountains and old forests.

These hidden old immortals are even more terrifying than those gold-level forces on the surface.

Therefore, Jiang Mo had to cut the weeds and get rid of the roots, otherwise, if the news got out, it would cause endless troubles.

"The underground palace will not forgive you!"

At the last moment of dying, the black-robed monk roared bitterly.

Afterwards, Jiang Mo saw the person's body, which turned into black dust in an instant, and drifted away at random.

Even Yuanshen didn't stay behind.

Jiang Mo was slightly startled. Just before he died, the black-robed monk seemed to have mentioned the word 'underground palace'.

Jiang Mo had never heard of this underground palace before.

"Could it be that it's the hidden power of the Land of Return?" Jiang Mo murmured in his heart, and then ignored it.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, if there are people from the underground palace who come to take revenge, they will be killed.

In the end, Murong Feng didn't block the desire in his heart, he still made a move on Huo Ying.

Before he made the move, he was still harboring illusions that if he could defeat Huo Ying's intelligence with lightning means, then such treasures of heaven and earth would still belong to him.

However, when Huo Ying was less than ten feet away from him, Murong Feng's expression suddenly changed!

"Damn it!" Murong Feng's scolding hadn't finished yet, when the white lotus in Huo Ying's hand suddenly bloomed!
A ray of black light, like the fist of a demon god, instantly pierced through the air and came in front of Murong Feng.

Murong Feng turned pale with shock, he crossed his fists, trying to block the black beam of light.

However, his ending is destined to be a tragic ending!
Because, when the black light burst out from the white lotus, even Jianxiong who was watching not far away, his eyelids twitched violently.

Jianxiong felt extremely terrifying power from the black light beam.

If it was him who made the attack himself, he might not be able to block it, let alone Murong Feng who has not stepped into the realm of false emperor.

A terrifying shock wave raged, and the black light beam shattered through Murong Feng's defense. His arm and his entire chest were blasted with a big hole by the black light beam.

But, strangely, not a single drop of blood flowed out.

Because Murong Feng's blood vessels and meridians were all scorched away by the black light beam.

That black light beam is the original power of the Heavenly Gu to refine the Void Fire, its power is so powerful that Murong Feng can hardly imagine it!
With the illusion of becoming the head of the Murong Patriarch, Murong Feng fell directly on the spot, and he couldn't even utter a scream.

One of the candidates for the head of the Murong family eventually died of his own greed.

If he could wake up after seeing the black-robed monk being severely injured in an instant, and escape from this place immediately, maybe there would not be such a tragic ending.

But how can there be so many assumptions in the world?

It is not very uncommon in this practice world to lose one's life due to a mistake in one thought.

After killing Murong Feng, Huo Ying returned to Jiang Mo's side and stuck out his tongue towards Jiang Mo.

"This little guy is quite greedy." Jiang Mo shook his head helplessly, and could only separate out another ray of fire and feed it to this gluttonous fire baby.

Jiang Mo saw the scene just now, and he was shocked by Huo Ying's strength.

However, this little guy doesn't seem to be able to speak, and it is even more impossible to know what state it is in.

However, Jiang Mo felt that he should not be weaker than Jianxiong.

"At first, I thought that I could devour the fire root and improve my strength, but now it seems that I don't need to lose my money." Jiang Mo said with a wry smile. The fire baby is too greedy, and he has been thinking about Jiang Mo. kindling.


The little guy seemed to understand Jiang Mo's words, pouted his mouth, and turned his little face away angrily.

"You have already been born with wisdom, and I will definitely not devour you again. But if I encounter enemies in the future, you are so powerful, you must help me." Jiang Mo said with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Mo praise himself, Huo Ying laughed, jumped onto Jiang Mo's body, and rubbed Jiang Mo's chest affectionately.

"Let's go, we've got the most important thing, now it's time to leave."

Holding Huoying in their arms, Jiang Mo and Jianxiong moved towards the exit of the Black Flame Treasure.

However, they didn't know that the members of the Fenghe family were already at the exit, waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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