Chapter 1168 Obstruction
"You are not worthy of my full strength."


Jianxiong shouted domineeringly, and the long sword pierced through the air, and a huge hole was torn in the void in an instant.

The extremely domineering sword light unreservedly poured on the Fenghe patriarch and the Qinghe.


When the fierce attack fell, the Fenghe patriarch couldn't resist at all, and immediately spurted out a big mouthful of blood.

Even with the help of the Qinghe Martial Vessel, he barely reached the level of a False Emperor, so how could he be Jianxiong's opponent?
The blue crane also let out a long cry, extremely miserable, Jianxiong's move almost defeated the phantom of the blue crane.


The body of the Fenghe patriarch was violently impacted, and he was directly smashed into the gravel below, his breath was extremely sluggish.

At this time, the first elder, second elder and others of the Fenghe family quickly took the opportunity to say: "Feng Herui has indulged his son for many years, and now someone has provoked such a powerful enemy for the Fenghe family, almost leading our family to a desperate situation .”

"Today, on behalf of the elders' house, I announce that Feng Herui's patriarch status will be abolished. Our elders' house will temporarily manage all the affairs of the family!"

The Great Elder's face was very smug.

In the past, he was afraid of Feng Herui's terrifying power, now that Feng Herui was seriously injured by Jianxiong, if he doesn't abolish his patriarch status, when will he wait?
"Agreed! I support the decision of the Great Elder!"

"I support it too."

"Fenghewu has been bullying men and women for many years, someone should have punished him long ago."

"Now he is receiving retribution, and his father who indulged him is also receiving retribution. The heavens really have eyes!"

"Expelling Feng Herui, he caused our family to lose the lives of so many children and elders, he is not worthy to be the patriarch of the family at all."

"If he leads the family, the family will inevitably go to ruin."


The members of the Fenghe family said with righteous indignation.

There was almost no one who did not criticize Feng Herui.

Jiang Mo was on the sidelines, feeling a little sad.

The wall fell and everyone pushed, maybe it was Feng Herui's situation?

However, Jiang Mo had no sympathy for him.

If he hadn't doted on Feng Hewu, how could such a disaster have happened?

If he hadn't met Jiang Mo, there would be many kind-hearted people who would be harmed by that Fenghewu.

Therefore, Jiang Mo felt that he was trying to get rid of violence!

There is no fault.

If Feng Herui still wants to continue to take revenge, Jiang Mo will not give him any more chances!

The gravel on the ground was pushed away, and Feng Herui roared with disheveled hair: "I am the patriarch of the Fenghe family. I order you to kill that kid now and avenge my son!"

Feng Herui's eyes were red. In just a few days, his son was killed, he was pushed from the position of patriarch, and he was expelled from the family. His life situation can be described as miserable!

"Hmph, if you want to die, go by yourself, don't try to involve all the family members!" The elder snorted coldly, not getting involved in this matter at all.

"Well, you great elder, come to think of it, you have been plotting to be the patriarch for a long time, right? Today, I will clean up the family for the family and kill you, a scum!"

Feng Herui seemed to have his brain stimulated, and rushed towards the Great Elder.

Although the Great Elder's strength is not as good as Feng Herui's, to be able to sit in this position, his strength must not be much different from Feng Herui's.

What's more, Feng Herui had been severely injured by Jianxiong before, and at this time, he couldn't even defeat the Great Elder.

The Great Elder gave an order, and the members of the Fenghe Clan aimed their butcher knives and spears at Feng Herui, the former patriarch.

Feng Herui let out a mournful cry, and immediately fought with the Great Elder.

The rest of the people also shot one after another. Soon, Feng Herui fell into the disadvantaged, and the Great Elder seized the opportunity, and pierced Feng Herui's heart with a single shot.

"Do your own fault, don't live!"

The Great Elder waved his hand, and the two came over and carried Feng Herui's body down, until he died he could not rest in peace.

Everyone was watching this farce of the Fenghe family, and was filled with emotion for a while.

This kind of thing doesn't just happen to the Fenghe family. Many forces have fought for power, and most of the losers have a dead end.

"We should be able to go now."

Jiang Mo and Jianxiong glanced around, and when they were about to leave, they heard the three major families say: "Your Excellency is in the Black Flame Treasure Land, what have you obtained? Why don't you take it out and let us have a look."

After seeing the strength of Jianxiong and Jiang Mo, the members of the three major families did not dare to speak too presumptuously to him.

"Look? What qualifications do you have to watch?" Jiang Mo glanced at these people and snorted coldly.

Jiang Mo's words made the faces of the three major families darken immediately.

To put it bluntly, the three major families of the three of them join hands, and in the Eastern Region, they are equivalent to the existence of heaven.

Usually, who would dare to provoke them?
However, Jiang Mo said this to them with confidence.

Many people around were shocked in their hearts.

Many people have lived for so many years, but they have never seen anyone dare to be so rude to the three major families.

"Hey, this is a good show to watch."

"This white-haired young man is quite arrogant. He not only killed Feng Herui and his son, but also forced the Fenghe family to admit defeat. Now, even the three major families are ignored."

"Tsk tsk, I don't know how the three major families will deal with it later."

When everyone was discussing, they all turned their attention to Jiang Mo.

"So, are you not cooperating?"

"Your Excellency, you know that this Black Flame Treasure Land is owned by my three major families. You should be content to let you go in and hunt for treasure."

"Ordinary treasures, our three major families will not want them. As for the heavy treasures, I hope you will hand them over."

An old man from the Murong family said.

"The land of Black Flame Treasure belongs to you?" Jiang Mo suddenly felt very funny, and said, "Why are the names of your three major families written on it?"

Treasures of heaven and earth are available to those who are capable. The actions of these three major families are arrogant and domineering, and they directly want to take it for themselves.

"My three major families have sent people to guard this place for three years, so they will naturally belong to us." The old man Murong raised his brows and said.

"What kind of bullshit logic are you talking about? According to you, if I send someone to supervise the Eastern Territory for a period of time, then the Eastern Territory should belong to me?"

Jiang Mo's words made the old man Murong startled, and for a while, he didn't know how to refute.

There were bursts of laughter from people around.

Obviously they all agreed with Jiang Mo's statement.

They still admire Jiang Mo's courage.

In the past, no one dared to say this to the three major families.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't hand over the treasure, you will never want to leave here today." A middle-aged monk from the Bai family showed his weapon and looked a little cold.

People from the three major families released killing intent one after another.

They could ignore Jiang Mo's attack on the Fenghe family just now, but now that their own interests are involved, they cannot let Jiang Mo leave easily.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Jianxiong slashed out with a domineering sword, and suddenly a huge gully appeared between the two sides, separating them.

"Those who cross this gully, die!"

Jiang Mo pointed to the line and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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