Chapter 1172 Lost the wife and lost the army





The desperate voices of monks before they died, resounded endlessly over this black flame treasure land.

What Jiang Mo has done is almost invincible.

Except for the three masters, no one is his opponent.

The difference is that if you meet the Nine-Star Martial Saint and Eight-Star Martial Saint from the three major families, you may be able to tangle with Jiang Mo for a while. After all, to be able to cultivate to this level must have extraordinary experiences and encounters.

However, the Seven Star Martial Saints, and even the monks under the Seven Star Martial Saints, were not Jiang Mo's all-in-one generals at all.

Therefore, the three major families who were originally aggressive, now ran wild, and were defeated by Jiang Mo for a while.

"Xiaoying, go help Jianxiong."

When Jiang Mo was chasing and killing the monks of the three major families, he still didn't forget to say this to Huo Ying.

It was a bit difficult for Jianxiong to deal with the two powerful pseudo-emperors alone.

If Huo Ying joins them, he will soon be able to move back to the disadvantaged position, or even seriously injure or even kill Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Murong.

Huoying nodded obediently, then carried the white lotus on his shoulders, and swept towards Jianxiong, leaving behind a string of black flame tails.

"It came just right!"

When Jianxiong saw Huoying, there was a trace of relief on his face.

It is indeed difficult for one person to face the two powerful pseudo-emperors alone.

After Huo Ying joined the battle, the situation quickly reversed. Patriarch Murong was injured by the white lotus, and his breath was extremely disordered.

Seeing the opportunity, Jianxiong immediately suppressed it crazily, making Patriarch Lin and Patriarch Murong immediately at a disadvantage.

Puff, puff...

Not long after, the two spat out two big mouthfuls of blood, and their bodies were hit heavily on the ground. It was obvious that they had already lost.

"Master, how to deal with these two people?" Jianxiong asked.

At this time, Jiang Mo was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, and had already killed a lot.

This time, on the side of the three major families, a total of more than a dozen eight-star martial saints fell, and no less than forty seven-star martial saints fell. As for the six-star martial saints and below, there are countless.

The three major families joined forces to besiege Jiang Mo. This time, it can be said that they suffered heavy losses. They lost their wives and lost their soldiers.

There are many casual cultivators around, their faces full of horror.

They couldn't believe it at all, with the profound background of the three major families in the central region, it was actually in the hands of these people.

"If this matter gets out, it may cause a major earthquake in the entire Eastern Region!"

"Who would dare to believe that the three major families dispatched a large number of people, even figures at the level of the three masters, but the result is still inevitable defeat."

"Where did those people come from, and why do they have such terrifying strength?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they sighed.

"Your Excellency, let us go. You have also seen that this time, our three major families have suffered such serious injuries, and we have paid the price!" said the Patriarch of the Lin family.

"Seriously injured? Didn't you ask for this?" Jiang Mo stood behind Jianxiong, and Huoying was next to him, carrying a white lotus, looking very cute.

If it hadn't been for the fact that it was able to ravage even monks who had turned to the pseudo-emperor realm just now, many people would have thought it was a harmless little guy.

The Patriarch of the Bai family was also brought here by Jianxiong, the three patriarchs didn't have the slightest prestige at this moment, they just looked like bereaved dogs.

They were all seriously injured, and since Jianxiong and Huoying were here, they couldn't resist at all.

"If you want to blame, blame you for being too greedy and domineering!"

Jiang Mo shook his head, then said to Jianxiong, "Kill them all!"

As the words fell, Jianxiong's eyes flashed fiercely, and then the long sword suddenly slashed down, and a terrifying sword energy descended towards the three masters as if piercing through the heavens and the earth!

Such a grand and magnificent scene made everyone hold their breath.

"Bastard, we are all so humble, don't tell me you still want to kill them all?"

Patriarch Murong immediately yelled, "If you two still have means, use them. Otherwise, we're afraid that we will be completely lost here today."

Hearing Patriarch Murong's words, Patriarch Bai and Patriarch Lin didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and immediately took out the means to suppress the bottom of the box.

Patriarch Bai flipped his palm, and a silver boat appeared in his palm.

When he poured vitality into it, the silver boat immediately swelled against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, its volume increased hundreds of times.

Patriarch Lin slapped his right palm on his chest, and immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

He put his two fingers together, then grabbed the ball of blood, and drew a scarlet spell.

After the Scarlet Talisman was formed, it turned into a ferocious ghost and rushed towards Jiang Mo and the others.

At the same time, Patriarch Murong sacrificed a piece of bronze, turning it into a defense, trying to block the power of Jianxiong's sword.

The two attacks collided together, and the bronze piece persisted for a moment before cracks appeared.

However, the bloody ghost condensed by Patriarch Lin's blood essence roared endlessly, blocking Jiang Mo and the others.

At the same time, the Patriarch of the Bai family urged the silver flying boat to flee with the three of them at high speed.

They didn't dare to stay and fight Jiang Mo and the others, so they could only use their own methods to create opportunities to escape.

The fire baby released the sky gu to refine the virtual fire, the bloody ghost was melted directly, and the bronze piece was chopped to pieces by the sword energy. However, the silver flying boat had smashed into the space and fled to the distance.

"My lord, are we still chasing him?" Jianxiong asked.

"They won't be able to achieve anything. After today's battle, it is estimated that the three major families will decline soon." Jiang Mo shook his head and said.

In fact, what Jiang Mo said was not wrong.

In this battle, the three major families not only lost their majesty, but more importantly, the three masters were severely injured, and it was difficult to recover their strength in a short while.

Moreover, most of the mainstays of the three major families were beheaded by Jiang Mo.

They have dominated the Eastern Region for so many years, and they must have a lot of cultivation resources.

At that time, upon hearing the news that the three major families have been severely injured, there will definitely be many forces coveting their territory and cultivation resources.

Therefore, even if Jiang Mo didn't make a move, a powerful sect would step forward and swallow up the three major families.

"So, what about these people?"

Sanxiu glanced around Jianxiong.

What he meant was that the fire baby's secret could not be passed on, and whether it was necessary to silence all these casual practitioners.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo was silent for a moment.

If the fire baby's secret is spread out, it will definitely cause a big shock.

Especially when the three masters have escaped.

"It's meaningless to kill them or not." Jiang Mo finally shook his head and did not order to attack these casual cultivators.

"Go back, I don't know how the situation in the Northern Territory is now."

Glancing at the casual cultivators, Jiang Mo didn't stay any longer, and went straight through the air.

Jianxiong and Huoying also followed closely.

After they left, these casual cultivators felt that their backs were already wet with sweat.

 Tang Tang just started school today, and there are too many things to do, so the update in the morning was delayed.Please forgive me
(End of this chapter)

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