Chapter 1174 Miro Heavenly Palace Infiltrates (Part [-])
"Well, it may hurt a little later. You have to bear it."

Jiang Mo reminded.

Ling'er nodded, and then Jiang Mo communicated with Huoying in his heart.

The Heavenly Gu refines the void poison, which was originally born from its body, and now it is the most suitable for it to expel it.


The little fire baby moved towards Ling'er, and then opened its small hand, strands of black flames gushed out from its palm, like tiny fire snakes.

Huo Ying's small hands met Ling'er, and the black flames poured into her body.


That terrifying temperature immediately made Ling'er snort, and beads of sweat immediately appeared on her pretty face.

Hei Yan entered her body and wandered around. The fire poison that had been lurking in Ling'er's body before, after being inspired by this black inflammation, they all came out to greet her like a courtier meeting a king.

However, that black flame was very domineering, directly devouring these latent fire poisons without any reservation.

An hour later, Ling'er opened her mouth and spit out a big mouthful of black blood.

Seeing this, Jiang Mo hurried over to help, Huo Ying spread out his palm, the fire poison had already been refined by it, and there was no trace left in Ling'er's body anymore.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Mo asked with concern.

"Brother Mo, the fire poison in Linger's body seems to be gone." The mouthful of black blood just now completely took away the last ray of poison in her body.

As long as the next time, it is not difficult to take a good rest for a period of time and restore the foundation of cultivation.

"Well, that's good. In a few days, I will refine some elixirs that have the effect of replenishing blood and replenishing energy for you. Then, you can rest well. You don't need to worry about the affairs of the sect for the time being." Jiang Jiang Mo said.

Ling'er leaned on his shoulder and nodded.

As the night darkened, Ling'er was already very tired after going through the detoxification process just now.

Jiang Mo gently placed Ling'er on the bed, covered her with a quilt, and then sat down cross-legged to start his own practice.


There was nothing to say all night, and in the early morning of the next day, Wu Nu came to Jiang Mo's place in a hurry.

"What happened?" Seeing Wu Nu's face, Jiang Mo seemed to have a bad premonition.

"My lord, something big happened at the Heiyuan Gate." On Wu Nu's pretty face, there was a rare expression of nervousness.

"Sit down and talk slowly," Jiang Mo said.

"It's like this. A spies just came back with news that Heiyuanmen has changed hands and been replaced by a force called Miluo Tiangong!"

"At that time, the head of the Heiyuan Sect objected, and was directly beheaded by the strong men of Miluotian Palace! Those elders with high prestige in the Heiyuan Sect, whoever objected, were directly executed!"

Wu Nu said with a pretty face.

When Jiang Mo heard the words 'Miluo Tiangong', his heart skipped a beat.

"Could it be that Empress Xingshuang has already stretched her hand into the land of returning to the ruins?"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath and said in shock.

It cannot be said that he is not calm enough, you must know that the land of returning to the ruins has always been isolated from the outside world.

Now, the strong man sent by the Empress Xingshuang can destroy the Heiyuanmen with a flick of a finger. It is not difficult to imagine that the lineup sent by Miluo Tiangong must not be weak.

"My lord, who is Empress Xingshuang?" Seeing Jiang Mo's expression, Wu Nu knew that the person he was talking about must be extraordinary.

However, Miss Wu might not be able to guess that this Empress Xingshuang is the genuine Emperor Wu.

Today, the titular strongest person in Tianwu Continent!
"Empress Xingshuang...that's the one I want to kill, but I can't kill her now!"

Jiang Mo clenched his fists, and a icy look flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that she would not give up and chased him to the land of returning to the ruins.

"Heiyuanmen no longer exists. The power of Miluo Tiangong, unless the major gold-level forces unite, otherwise, relying on the strength of one party alone will not be able to compete with them at all!"

After a while, Jiang Mo exhaled deeply and said.

The intrusion of Miluo Tiangong put an unprecedented pressure on Jiang Mo.

However, this is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

As the saying goes, there is pressure to be motivated.

"Did anything else happen at Miluo Tiangong?" Jiang Mo asked again.

If you talk about Tianwu Bank, the three major families, and Heiyuanmen, these forces, Jiang Mo can ignore them.

However, Miluo Tiangong is definitely a hurdle that he cannot get around.

Only by crushing it head-on can the serious problem in my heart be completely resolved.

"A high-ranking member of Miluo Tiangong said that all regions must surrender, otherwise, Heiyuanmen will be a lesson for the past!"

"However, this kind of words demanding surrender is only their internal voice and has not been made public."

"I planted a group of eyeliners in the former Heiyuan Gate. Although the Heiyuan Gate is no longer there, those eyeliners have not been discovered yet." Wu Nu said.

"Well done." Jiang Mo nodded. Wu Nu was thoughtful, and it was very wise for Jiang Mo to let her manage the sect.

Being praised by Jiang Mo, Wu Nu was naturally happy in her heart, and then said: "Although the voices demanding surrender have not been announced, they have already launched some sporadic wars on the border. It is estimated that the war will escalate soon. Maybe According to that sentence, if you don’t surrender, you will die!”

"Oh? Is it a war against my Zhentian Pavilion?"

Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows and asked.

"There are some, and there are also some wars against other forces." Wu Nu said.

The current situation is becoming more and more treacherous, even Wu Nu is somewhat unpredictable.

Therefore, she had to discuss it with Jiang Mo.

"In a short period of time, Miluo Tiangong should not have the strength to launch a large-scale war. After all, the passage to the ruins will not be opened endlessly."

"However, if Miluo Tiangong takes action against my Zhentian Pavilion, there is no need to show mercy. Let them bleed a little, knowing that it hurts, they will not dare to attack us rashly." Jiang Mo tapped the back of the chair with his fingers, slowly Said.

In fact, he also knew that with the strength of Zhentian Pavilion, it would be difficult to compete against Miluo Tiangong in the Land of Return.

However, the attitude that should be there is still there.

Firstly, it can deter Miluo Tiangong, and secondly, it can boost the morale of Zhentian Pavilion.

However, the most important thing is the top-level combat power.

Now, by Jiang Mo's side, there is already a fire baby who is above the second-turn pseudo-emperor realm.

There is Jianxiong who has turned to the pseudo-emperor realm for the second time.

A five-turn pseudo-emperor immemorial blood spirit dragon.

A big yellow cat that turned seven to the pseudo-emperor realm.

With such a lineup, if there is a direct war with Miluo Tiangong, it will be difficult for the opponent to take down Zhentian Pavilion.

However, Jiang Mo knew that this was not enough.

If one day Empress Xingshuang opened up the passage between the outside world and the land of return, and the real army of Miluo Tiangong poured in, it would be difficult for Zhentian Pavilion to resist anyway.

What's more, Empress Xingshuang is a real strong Emperor Wu.

"There is still a long way to go!"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath, and even more fighting spirit ignited in his chest!

(End of this chapter)

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