Chapter 1178

The black Heavenly Gu refining fire swept over, Qiu Wusheng's complexion suddenly changed!
"Damn it, this flame is so weird, it makes this old man feel afraid!"

However, Qiu Wusheng gritted his teeth violently, and a dense black light spewed out from his palm, trying to extinguish the Heavenly Gu refining fire.

Boom, boom, boom...

What he didn't expect was that the black light he unleashed actually made the momentum of the Heavenly Gu Refining Void Fire even stronger, like a ferocious beast opened its mouth and swept towards Qiu Wusheng.

"No, back!"

He didn't dare to collide with the original fire of the heavenly gu's refining virtual fire, he quickly retreated more than a hundred feet back in a jerk.

Seeing that Qiu Wusheng was forced to retreat, Xiao Huoying was delighted, it grabbed the chain with a wave of its small hand, and made a rattling sound as it shook.

Its body is only as big as a piece of chain, and the hundreds of feet of huge black chain is held and waved by the fire baby, like a hot wheel. Looking from a distance, it gives people a sense of extreme visual shock.

"Old man, do you feel that your old face is burning hot and painful?"

Jiang Mo said sarcastically.

It was fine if he didn't say anything, but after he finished speaking, Qiu Wusheng's old face under the cloak suddenly became very ugly.

He had never experienced such a shame and humiliation.

He was unexpectedly deprived of his weapon by a little guy. If this is reported back to the underground palace, I don't know how those elders will laugh at him.


"Ge Lao, save us!"

"These people are so unruly, they came up to besiege us together! Damn it!"


Just as Qiu Wusheng was thinking about how to destroy the terrifying black flame, Jianxiong had already attacked the three masters.

At the same time, many strong men in Zhentian Pavilion launched an attack.

Jianxiong is in control of the overall situation, and can open the defense of the three masters every time, so that the monks of Zhentian Pavilion can get a chance to attack.

Moreover, the previous injuries of the three masters have not fully recovered.

In this way, they simply cannot bear it for too long.

In just a quarter of an hour, the three masters had been completely suppressed. They kept retreating, spewing out several mouthfuls of blood one after another, and most of their aura was wilted.

Under Jianxiong's control, the battle circle they were in was completely enveloped by endless sword energy, and it was only a matter of time before they were defeated or even killed.

"The old man is too busy to take care of himself, so there is no time to care about your life and death! You can ask for blessings!"

Qiu Wusheng drank coldly, and there seemed to be a little anger in his voice.

Upon hearing this, Patriarch Bai and the other three immediately turned pale.

"What should we do? That old guy doesn't care about our life or death. If this continues, we will definitely be killed!"

The three Patriarch Bai discussed while retreating in defeat.

In fact, there is not much time left for them.

"How about we surrender to Zhentian Pavilion? This may give us a chance of survival!" Patriarch Lin said.

While the three of them were discussing, a terrifying sword aura had already been cut down, and a thick gully opened on the ground.

"Hehe, surrender? We just surrendered to the underground palace, and now we surrendered to Zhentian Pavilion. When the underground palace is free, do you think it will let us go? No matter what, we can't surrender. After all, the strength of the underground palace is far greater It is more terrifying than Zhentian Pavilion!"

"Therefore, we must fight Zhentian Pavilion to the end!"

"This may be a test given to us by the old man!"

"Only the more people you kill, the more you will be valued by his old man!"

The Patriarch of the Bai family thought for a while, then said with flickering eyes.

"That's all it takes."

Patriarch Murong and Patriarch Lin both nodded their heads, releasing their mastery of martial arts to the extreme. In a short time, many Zhentian Pavilion monks were bombarded and killed by them.

"Stubborn resistance is a dead end after all! Get out of the way!"

Jianxiong saw that there were more and more injured Zhentian Pavilion monks, and immediately tapped his fingers on his wrists several times.

In an instant, a terrifying aura suddenly bloomed from his body.

When he was summoned to the Tianwu Continent, he was already in the realm of consummation of the False Emperor at the second turn.

After practicing and fighting for a period of time, he touched the threshold of a breakthrough.

Now, finally, he has entered the realm of the three-turn pseudo-emperor.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the huge training resources provided by Zhentian Pavilion.

"Three bastards, die!"

"Sword into the wild!"

Jianxiong held a wide long sword in his hand, and suddenly released a ferocious aura like the ancient prehistoric.

He slashed down with a sword, as if the entire sky had lost its color.

This sword energy was originally huge, giving people a feeling of incomparable vastness.

However, Jianxiong used the supreme swordsmanship, which made the huge sword energy directly compressed to the size of a hundred feet!
Although the volume of the sword energy has shrunk hundreds of times, the power contained in it has increased by more than a hundred times!
Jiang Mo saw this move from a distance - the sword into the wild, as if he had realized something, and felt a sense of enlightenment.

"Damn it, this sword energy feels like it can cut even the soul!"

The three Patriarchs of the Bai family suddenly shuddered, and an indescribable sense of fear pervaded their entire bodies.

All the hairs on their bodies stood on end.

The hundred-foot-yellow earth-yellow sword energy broke through the distance in space in an instant, and fell on the three of them in the blink of an eye.

After the Baizhang sword energy fell, Jiang Mo's eyes suddenly focused, because he saw that the bodies of the three masters disappeared directly on the spot!

"This sword energy actually made them disappear from this world!"

"And even the primordial spirit is erased together, it's really scary!"

Jiang Mo took a deep breath and said with his chest heaving.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that Jianxiong's hundred-foot sword energy just now was so fast that the three masters had no time to escape.

Therefore, the only explanation is that under that sword, those three people were killed instantly, and they were accompanied by their souls.

The sword qi killed the three masters, and the terrifying power rushed into the ground, causing a gully of hundreds of feet to appear in the Zhentian Pavilion, and this ravine was bottomless, no one knew how deep it was!

The impact of today's incident is that the sword cultivator disciples who enter Zhentian Pavilion in the future will come to this Baizhang sword energy gully to feel the sword intent.

"After this incident, I can also try to use that style - a sword to level the immortal!"

Jiang Mo said with some joy in his heart.

Just after Jianxiong broke through, this move brought Jiang Mo a great understanding.

"Fire Baby, I'll help you!"

After killing the three masters with one sword, a sense of heroism suddenly appeared in Jianxiong's chest, the long sword was in the air, and he slashed towards that hill silently and fiercely...

(End of this chapter)

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