Chapter 1184 Talk about conditions

Wu Nu naturally knew what it meant to leave this matter to her.

The northern region has not been peaceful recently. If there is still turmoil in the area under the jurisdiction of Zhentian Pavilion, it will be troublesome.

This Gu Shenzong came to seek revenge at this juncture, and Jiang Mo's attitude was to suppress it directly.

He is well versed in the principle of using heavy codes in troubled times.

After Wu Nu returned to the main hall of the Zongmen, she issued orders one by one from the Zhentian Pavilion headquarters in an orderly manner.

The Zhentian Pavilion monks who received the order left the headquarters one by one in light clothes, preparing to secretly hunt Gu Shenzong.

Those dark chess pieces hidden in various places began to send out information one after another at this time, providing help for the hunters in Zhentian Pavilion.

Cang Yue City.

A city under the jurisdiction of Zhentian Pavilion.

"Why did you arrest us?"

A monk wearing the robe of Gu Shenzong roared angrily.

However, none of the three people who surrounded him answered. In the silence, the sword had been cut out, and the dazzling cold light blocked all the escape routes of that Gu Shenzong monk. If he dared to make the slightest move, he would be beheaded immediately on the spot.

The members of the Law Enforcement Hall of Zhentian Pavilion, who received orders, were naturally members of Gu Shenzong, which would cause turmoil.

However, they don't need to explain anything to the Gu Shenzong monks.

Such a scene also happened in other cities at the same time.

There are nearly a thousand members of Gu Shenzong who came here from southern Xinjiang, but under the suppression of the Zhentian Pavilion Law Enforcement Hall, it is difficult for them to cause any big waves.

However, some monks of Gu Shenzong still resisted extremely fiercely.

Even the members of the law enforcement hall were seriously injured or even fell.

After all, people from the Northern Territory who have never been in contact with Gu Shenzong, they all know how to use Gu techniques, and before they know it, their bodies are planted with Gu poison.

Three days later, all the Gu Shenzong monks who fled to the area under the jurisdiction of Zhentian Pavilion were captured, and some who resisted fiercely were directly beheaded on the spot.

These arrested Gu Shenzong people were naturally brought back and handed over to Miss Wu to deal with.

Wu Nu's solution is also very simple. All these people will be imprisoned in the water prison of Zhentian Pavilion.

Outside the water dungeon, there is also a cage made of black iron, no matter how powerful they are, it is difficult to escape.


At this moment, the land of the moon well is hundreds of miles away.

"Old Peng, we have been observing for such a long time. There are no strong men in this Moonwell, why not just charge over there?"

A monk from Miluo Tiangong said.

In front of this cultivator, was the hunchbacked old Peng Lao.

This time, he personally led the team to the Moon Well, from which it can be seen that Miluo Tiangong attaches great importance to this place.

"less talking, more working."

Old Peng glared at him, making the man dare not say any more.

"Master Lin, go and cut off the teleportation formation of ten thousand people, and don't let the reinforcements from Zhentian Pavilion rush here."

Elder Peng said to a formation master.

"Yes, Mr. Peng."

As soon as that Master Lin moved, he flew towards the Moon Well.

The portal is in the Moonwell, so Master Lin needs to sneak into it to destroy it.

However, Master Lin is well versed in the art of transformation, so he sneaked in front of the portal very easily.

At the same time, Boss Peng waved his hand and said: "The people who set up this teleportation array must have a lot of cultivation. Once Master Lin destroys the teleportation array, the other party may notice it. Let's do it now. Remember, the speed must be be quick!"

"Old Peng, since the other party may notice, isn't Master Lin in danger then?" A monk asked.

"Isn't it just right for him to stop the reinforcements from Zhentian Pavilion? This guy has always relied on himself as a master of formations, and he has always been obedient to this old man. Take this opportunity and let him teach him a lesson."

Old Peng said with a cold snort.

After hearing Mr. Peng's words, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

If the other party really came to reinforce the army, it must be Master Lin who will bear the brunt of it.

Under the wrath of the other party, Master Lin must be in danger.

The lesson that Mr. Peng said was to let Master Lin die.

With such a ruthless heart, killing people invisible, Peng Lao's scheming makes people shudder!
"Who dares to trespass the forbidden area!"

A guard who patrolled here suddenly saw Peng Lao and others, and suddenly turned pale with fright.

"Who? Someone who wants to kill you!"

A cultivator from Miluo Tiangong moved towards the soldier of the Shadow Wolf Army like a ghost.

"No, enemy attack!"

Seeing the other party attack directly, the shadow wolf soldier let out a loud cry and fled towards the camp.

However, just as his body was about to move, a bloody hand passed through his back.

"If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

The monk from Miluo Tiangong crushed the heart of the shadow wolf soldier, and said with a grinning face.

Immediately afterwards, many strong men from Miluo Tiangong poured into the camp of the Shadow Wolf Army like a tide.

Qin Feiyue is sitting in charge to direct the mining of void magic stones. These days, mining is getting more and more difficult.

Sometimes, even digging down to a depth of several tens of feet may not be able to excavate a complete void magic stone.

In fact, the void magic stones in the Moonwell have almost been mined by the Shadow Wolf Legion.

Qin Feiyue, who was directing, suddenly sensed an aura that made his heart palpitate descending on the Moonwell.

"Song Gui, hurry up and open the space teleportation array. Go and invite the reinforcements from the headquarters!"

Qin Feiyue roared, he has always been very keen on his intuition.

After he finished yelling, a fair-faced soldier rushed up from the ground veins.

"General Qin, what happened?"

Song Gui asked.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up! If you can't find reinforcements, no matter what, you must hand over this ring to the master of the pavilion."

Qin Feiyue took out a storage ring from his bosom, which contained more than 3000 void magic stones.

"General Qin, don't worry, I, Song Gui, promise to complete the task!"

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Song Gui didn't ask any more questions, and ran towards the space teleportation formation with the storage ring in hand.

Not long after Song Gui left, Elder Peng arrived here with the crowd.

"Are you the guardian of the Moonwell?" Elder Peng looked at Qin Feiyue and asked.

"What are you doing, Your Excellency?" Qin Feiyue took a deep breath, and tried his best to hold off Peng Lao and others, buying time for Song Gui.

"This place is so valued by Zhentian Pavilion, there must be some great treasure?" Peng Lao smiled and said.

In this Moonwell Land, he did not feel a stronger breath, so he relaxed.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Feiyue looked at Old Peng coldly and said.

Although he knew that the old man on the opposite side was very strong, but Qin Feiyue, as the commander of the Shadow Wolf Army, could not back down no matter what.

"Nothing. What the old man wants to tell you is that as long as you are willing to hand over those things, the old man can protect your life without any worries, and even serve as a general in Miluo Tiangong."

Mr. Peng said slowly, in his opinion, this condition is already tempting enough...

(End of this chapter)

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