Chapter 1186 The Demon Tower

"you are?"

Jiang Mo and the big yellow cat flew away in the space transmission channel.

After a few breaths, a figure of a monk suddenly appeared in front of them.

The monk's aura was very weak, like a candle in the wind, ready to go out at any moment.

"Yes... I am the personal guard under General Qin's tent of the Shadow Wolf Army..."

"Are you... Lord Pavilion Master?"

Song Gui's vision was already blurred, but he could hear it from Jiang Mo's voice.

Because when Jiang Mo met Qin Feiyue, Song Gui was by his side.

"I'm Jiang Mo, what happened?"

Jiang Mo took out the precious healing elixir and gave it to Song Gui.

When he approached Song Gui, he saw that Song Gui's back was covered in blood and flesh, even the flesh was torn away.

"Who is so cruel!!!"

Seeing Song Gui's back injury, Jiang Mo's eyes ignited monstrous anger!

Such a cruel method is simply inhumane!
He unleashed his cultivation, and quickly repaired Song Gui's injury with a very gentle force.

"My lord, someone has broken into the Moon Well, and someone wants to destroy the space teleportation array you built."

"This is... General Qin wants me to give it to you even if I die."

While speaking, Song Gui handed out a storage ring.

After taking the elixir and adding Jiang Mo to heal his wounds, Song Gui has recovered a lot, and there is no danger of his life for the time being.

Jiang Mo took the ring, and his divine sense entered it. After a glance, he saw more than 3000 void magic stones piled up like a mountain.

"Come with me, let's see who is so bold! Dare to mess around under my nose!"

After the words fell, the two of them, a cat, turned into streamers and headed towards the Moon Well.


Master Lin sensed that terrifying aura, which was getting closer and closer, and immediately didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly wanted to escape from this place.


Just as he was about to leave, a cold snort suddenly came from behind.

Immediately afterwards, Master Lin discovered that his body was out of control and was imprisoned there tightly.

"who is it?"

Master Lin roared in horror.

Anyone will feel fear when the body is imprisoned. This fear is second only to suffocation.

"Where did you come from?" Jiang Mo's cold voice sounded from above Master Lin's head.

"Miluo Heavenly Palace."

"My lord, I'm just following orders, please forgive me!" Master Lin told the whole story without the slightest hesitation.

However, Master Lin's words did not save his life.

Jiang Mo clenched his palm, releasing the terrifying squeezing force, and Master Lin's body exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"What a Miluo Heavenly Palace!"

Jiang Mo almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

From the air, he smelled an incomparably rich bloody smell.

I don't know how many people's blood is needed to create such a strong blood!
"This time, don't hold back, as long as they are from Miluo Tiangong, you can kill them all! It's best to make their death more painful!"

Jiang Mo opened his mouth, his body moved, turned into a streamer, and rushed into the strong men of Miluo Tiangong.

Swish, swish, swish...

The ancient Tianxing sword erupted with terrifying sword energy, and the entire Moonwell land was filled with sword light. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen strong men from Miluo Tiangong died under Jiang Mo's sword.

"My lord, is that you? We are finally waiting for you!"

When they saw the white-haired young man, there were less than [-] shadow wolf soldiers left in the [-], all of them showed expressions of relief.

They finally persevered until the arrival of the Pavilion Master.

Qin Feiyue was also in the crowd. Facing the fierce bombardment of Miluo Tiangong, Qin Feiyue's injuries were extremely serious.

If it weren't for the soldiers around him who had been desperately protecting him, he might have died long ago.

"Who is that person?"

"Could it be that the reinforcements from Zhentian Pavilion have arrived?"

"Hasn't Master Lin already destroyed the space transmission channel?"

"How did he get here?"

"Didn't you realize that Master Lin hasn't appeared until now?"

"So, Master Lin is dead?"

After Jiang Mo rushed to kill, the powerhouses in Miluo Tiangong were all shocked.

"Okay, Pavilion Master of Zhentian Pavilion, you are very courageous!"

Mr. Peng's eyes were like lightning, and he recognized Jiang Mo at a glance.

At this time, Jiang Mo raised his head, looked at Mr. Peng, and said, "It's you, an old dog, who killed so many people in Zhentian Pavilion?!"

"Bastard, how dare you scold the old man!"

Elder Peng, who usually has a high status, has never been scolded like this before, even His Majesty the Empress has never scolded him like this.

"Rhubarb, kill this old dog, it's best to tear him into pieces!"

Jiang Mo spoke coldly.

"it is good."

A flash of golden light suddenly tore through the space and swept towards Mr. Peng.

The big yellow cat's seven-turn Pseudo-Emperor Realm cultivation is estimated to be one of the best in the entire Guixu Land, and Jiang Mo is not worried that it will encounter any danger.

The golden claws tore through the space and blasted towards Old Peng with a monstrous momentum.

Sensing the power of this claw, Old Peng's complexion couldn't help but change.

"How strong is this war beast? It actually makes me feel a little palpitating!"

Mr. Peng was greatly shocked. A black tower appeared in his hand, and the vitality poured into it, and the black tower immediately swelled against the wind.

The golden claws slammed over and hit the black tower, making an ear-splitting metallic roar.

"Suppress this old man!"

Seeing the black tower being blown away, Mr. Peng was startled. He quickly mobilized the vitality of the surrounding world, poured it into the tower, and ruthlessly suppressed it towards the big yellow cat.

When the power of the black tower erupted, this space couldn't bear the terrifying force at all, and immediately collapsed inch by inch.

"This low-grade fairy artifact fell into your hands, but it was buried!"

The big yellow cat snorted coldly, and saw it raised its sharp claws, and drew a spell in the void.

Afterwards, the talisman flew out and stuck to the black tower.

Immediately, the fierce offensive of the Black Tower was reduced a lot.

Seeing this scene, Elder Peng's expression suddenly changed.

This black pagoda is a precious fairy artifact he obtained from the ancient ruins in Tiangong almost at the cost of his life.

With the help of this black tower, he could face the seventh-rank false emperor without falling behind, but now he was weakened by a spell from the big yellow cat.

How could this not surprise him?
However, what shocked him was still behind. He saw the big yellow cat continuously drawing spells, like snowflakes, flying towards the black tower, making the black tower's power weaker and weaker.

"How is this possible? My Town Demon Tower!"

At this moment, Mr. Peng only felt that the connection between the black tower and him was getting weaker and weaker, and he could no longer control it.

"You don't deserve to have this kind of fairy artifact, so let me keep it for you!"

The big yellow cat stretched out its claws, and the Demon Suppressing Tower flew towards it.

Seeing that the Black Tower was taken, Mr. Peng was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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