Chapter 1188 Colorful Giant
"Rhubarb, let's do it!"

Jiang Mo opened his mouth lightly. After his words fell, the golden sword dragon suddenly tore through the void and fell towards the hundreds of strong men in Miluo Tiangong.

The strength of these people is not considered the top in Miluo Tiangong, but they are definitely not weak, otherwise, they would not have been brought here by Mr. Peng.

"Damn it, since you won't let me go, you should go to hell too!"

When Lu Bing heard Jiang Mo's order, his expression changed immediately, and a spear of Yuanli suddenly appeared in his hand, and stabbed frantically towards where Jiang Mo was.

The other people here also burst out with tyrannical energy one after another, planning to fight to the death.

The golden stegosaurus swooped down and wiped out everyone's attacks directly.

The terrifying golden sword energy tore apart everything, and those hundreds of monks couldn't resist it at all.

Puff, puff...

After the sword qi crushed, those strong men in Miluo Tiangong were all severely injured, and nearly seven floors fell on the spot.

"My lord, please leave these guys to us and kill them yourself. I want to avenge the dead brothers!"

Qin Feiyue's eyes were red with extreme hatred.

Those shadow wolf soldiers who died, they were usually like brothers, but now they have become cold corpses lying on the ground.

"Okay, it's up to you to kill these people!"

Jiang Mo nodded in agreement.

Those Miluo Tiangong powerhouses who did not fall on the spot have been directly destroyed by the big yellow cat's defense and combat effectiveness, and now they are lambs at the mercy of others.

Therefore, Jiang Mo didn't have to worry at all, Qin Feiyue and the others couldn't kill their enemies with their own hands.


"Revenge for the brothers who died in battle!"

Qin Feiyue took the lead and went out. Behind him, the shadow wolf warriors who were still wounded, armed with swords, quickly beheaded all the strong men of Miluo Tiangong.

"Take all the corpses of the brothers back and bury them in the hero cemetery in Zhentian Pavilion." Jiang Mo said.

He planned to build a hero cemetery, so that these soldiers who died for Zhentian Pavilion would have a home after death.

"The thirty thousand brothers who will replace Shadow Wolf at the end, thank you, Lord Pavilion Master."

Qin Feiyue knelt on the ground with one knee, his eyes were flushed, and his heart was moved.

"Thank you, Lord Pavilion Master."

The remaining 1000 people roared at the same time.

At this moment, the big yellow cat flew down, and Jiang Mo asked, "Is that old guy really good?"

"Pseudo-emperor rank six, I guess, even in Miluo Tiangong, he is quite a powerful figure. If it weren't for the wall of ice and snow he cast at the end, I am sure that Miluo Tiangong will break an arm." Huang Da The cat nodded.

"There will definitely be opportunities to fight each other in the future," Jiang Mo said.

Afterwards, he looked at the ruins of the Moonwell Land, feeling a little regretful.

"My lord, the void magic stone in the Moonwell has almost been mined. Even if it has not been destroyed, it is estimated that it will be difficult to harvest any more." Qin Feiyue said.

Hearing what Qin Feiyue said, Jiang Mo felt a little better.

Otherwise, it would be a huge loss to Zhentian Pavilion.

"It is estimated that the people of Miluo Tiangong will not let it go. Since there is nothing important in the Moonwell, there is no need to rebuild this teleportation formation."

"Brothers, return to Zhentian Pavilion and take a good rest." Jiang Mo said with a wave.

Qin Feiyue and the thousand monks behind him all nodded, and the group flew towards the place where Zhentian Pavilion was located.

After returning to Zhentian Pavilion, Jiang Mo took out the storage ring given by Qin Feiyue.

There are more than 3000 void magic stones remaining in it.

Since it is no longer possible to mine new void magic stones, Jiang Mo plans to use these to summon the strong one last time.

On a towering green peak, Jiang Mo was wearing black clothes, and the black clothes fluttered when the mountain wind blew.

The Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao floated in front of him, releasing bursts of strange power.

Jiang Mo raised his hand and slapped the storage ring, and immediately more than 3000 void magic stones turned into a torrent, surrounding the Ancient Magic Book of Heaven and Dao.


At this moment, all the monstrous magic power of the void poured into the Ancient Magic Book of Heavenly Dao.

The leaves of the ancient magic book of Heaven and Dao flipped with a clatter, and indistinctly, seven-colored brilliance shone from it.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo was a little puzzled. He had never encountered such a situation when summoning the strong in the past.

Could it be that this time, due to the use of too many void magic stones, strange changes have been caused?
Just when Jiang Mo was puzzled, a very vast aura, as if coming from ancient time and space, was refracted into this world through the ancient magic book of that day.

A huge phantom of about nine feet suddenly projected down from the void, and finally shone on Qingfeng.


The dull loud noise resounded loudly, and on the green peak, a colorful shadow nine feet high was actually printed.

"how come?"

There was a huge wave in Jiang Mo's heart, which had never happened before.

The Qingfeng, which stretches for thousands of miles, is deeply sunken, and the face of the colorful shadow is very majestic, as if it came from ancient times.

After a long while, the rattling Ancient Magic Book of Heaven and Dao finally quieted down.

Jiang Mo felt that the nine-foot-high shadow printed on Qingfeng should correspond to some kind of power from beyond the sky.

Because he released the power of his divine sense, he could feel the mutual pull between the powers.

"Who summoned me here?"

At this moment, an extremely majestic and heavy voice suddenly came from the sky.

Jiang Mo raised his head and looked into the sky, only to see a rainbow of light piercing the sky and descending towards this side.

That aura was so vast that Jiang Mo even felt a sense of coercion coming down, unstoppable.

After the words fell, this rainbow light descended on the Qingfeng, and in an instant, the entire Qingfeng trembled.

The big yellow cat came through the sky. It looked at the colorful light, and there was a rare look of fear in its eyes.

How could such a strong person come to this void?

Jiang Mo raised his head and looked up at the colorful giant.

With a big wave of his hand, the nine-foot phantom imprinted on the green peak flew over with a bang and merged with it.

"I summoned you here."

Jiang Mo said.

He didn't know the origin of the colorful giant, but Jiang Mo believed that since the ancient magic book of Heaven and Dao could summon the colorful giant, there must be a way to command it.


Jiang Mo didn't see that circles of invisible ripples were released, and the giant's body was full of brilliance, trying to resist the invisible ripples.

However, at the end, the colorful brilliance gradually dimmed, and the giant knelt down on one knee and said to Jiang Mo.

"Just now, what does that nine-foot phantom have to do with you?"

Hearing the colorful giant's lord, Jiang Mo felt relieved and asked.

"It's just a shadow of mine."

"If the shadow didn't come here, I wouldn't be able to come to the lord accurately."

The colorful giant said.

(End of this chapter)

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