Chapter 1196 The Traitor Must Die

"You like him so much?"

Jiang Mo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The holy magister is already equivalent to the existence of Emperor Wudi among monks, and as for the god of magic, he is even more terrifying than Emperor Wudi.

Qin Haotian actually said that Zhang Dongling has a chance to step into the realm of the God of Law?
This is a bit appalling.

If this is the case, then the only supreme overlord will appear in Tianwu Continent!
"My lord, in the Magic Continent, dark magic elements are very rare and powerful!"

"Among tens of millions of people, it is difficult to give birth to a single dark magician."

"And, as far as I know, millions of years ago, in the Magic Continent, there was one who became the God of Darkness. In the end, the entire Magic Continent, and even continents from other planes, came to surrender!"

"That Dharma God can destroy hundreds of millions of living beings in a fit of anger!"

Qin Haotian said with some enthusiasm in his eyes.

In his eyes, the God of Darkness is like a god.

"It's so powerful!"

Jiang Mo gasped, and in a fit of rage, hundreds of millions of living beings were destroyed, even the mighty Emperor Wu couldn't easily do it.

In this way, this great world is indeed too vast.

900 years ago, Jiang Mo believed that Emperor Wu was the world's top power, and his concept is slowly being subverted.

Moreover, from the mouth of the big yellow cat, Jiang Mo also knew that in the 33rd heaven, there was a tomb of the fairy king.

Fufeng, one of the Immortal King's disciples, is a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm, able to force Empress Xingshuang to give up.

It can be seen from this that Emperor Yun Fufeng's master must be stronger than Emperor Wu.

In addition, when Jiang Mo got the Taixu God Battle back then, he knew that the reincarnated Martial Emperor had gone to the Great Heavens.

Are there stronger creatures there?

Jiang Mo didn't know, but since Emperor Wu of Samsara crossed the plane, there must be something that attracted him to go there.

Even if you don't use your brain, you can know that something that can attract Emperor Wu of Samsara is definitely not a mortal thing!

"Exactly, therefore, I would like to ask Lord Pavilion Master to entrust this little guy to me to train. Within a hundred years, Lord Pavilion Master will definitely be given a world-renowned powerhouse!"

Qin Haotian said confidently.

"By the way, the Yu Qinghan you mentioned back then, how is his strength now?"

Jiang Mo recalled that Qin Haotian recommended several magicians with rare physiques.

Yu Qinghan is the special physique of the Ice Spirit Saint Physique.

"A year ago, I found an extremely cold place, and she was sent there to practice."

"Before she left, she already possessed a cultivation level not weaker than Wu Zong's realm."

Qin Haotian said proudly.

A senior magician is equivalent to Wu Zong's cultivation base. Qin Haotian is also proud of being able to train Yu Qinghan to be a senior magician in just over two years.

Hearing this, Jiang Mo nodded. This speed of cultivation is indeed unmatched by monks.

Although the cultivation base of Wu Zongjing is nothing in Zhentian Pavilion.

However, the talent shown by Yu Qinghan is very worthy of attention.

Who can guarantee that in another two years, she will not be able to reach the realm of a great magister?

"Okay, since that's the case, it's up to you to train these magicians with good potential. If you need any training resources, just ask me directly."

Jiang Mo said.

"Thank you, Lord Pavilion Master!"

Qin Haotian said happily.

Then, he took a round magic crystal ball and asked Zhang Dongling to test the dark magic element.

Although he was already very tired, when Zhang Dongling pressed his hands on the magic crystal ball, in an instant, huge dark elements poured into it crazily.

Click, click...

Such a powerful dark element directly caused the crystal ball to burst away.

Qin Haotian's face was even more joyful, this time, he picked up a treasure!

"From now on, you will join my Night Devil Knights and practice magic with me, are you willing?" Qin Haotian asked.

"Can you become stronger?" Zhang Dongling stood up with difficulty and asked.

"Won't be weaker than others of your generation!"

"It will only be stronger than them!" Qin Haotian said.

"Well, I will join the Night Devil Knights. From now on, I will dedicate my life to the Night Devil Knights, and to Zhentian Pavilion!"

Zhang Dongling nodded and said.

His father died fighting to defend the city and died for Zhentian Pavilion.

It was Zhentian Pavilion that gave Zhang Dongling the opportunity to kill his father and enemy with his own hands. From then on, the two generations of father and son all served in Zhentian Pavilion!

Zhang Dongling's mother will also value her mother by her son in the future.

Qin Haotian is very clear that it doesn't take a hundred years, only a few decades, for Zhang Dongling to shine.

"Next, we should clean up some traitors!"

After Qin Haotian received Zhang Dongling from the Night Devil Knights, Jiang Mo said calmly.

Everyone who was swept by his eyes lowered their heads.

Especially the masters of those forces in Yanzhou and Guangling Road.

They followed Tianwu Bank to Zhentian Pavilion, trying to overthrow it and replace it.

However, the development of things was completely beyond their expectations.

"My lord, please forgive me, we are also forced to do so!"

Yanzhou Zhou Mu immediately knelt down, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and said in horror, with blood flowing.

These forces in Yanzhou rebelled collectively, can he get away with it?

A vassal king of Guangling Dao was trembling all over and couldn't speak fluently.

Jiang Mo is going to clean up the house now, so what will happen to him, the feudal lord?
The masters of more than a dozen powers were all as sieved as chaff, and said: "My lord, please spare me, I will swear allegiance to the Zhentian Pavilion in the future, and I will never dare to have another heart."

Jiang Mo smiled faintly and said, "You said you were forced to do so, who put the pressure on you? Is it me?"

"Or Tianwu Bank?"

"The Lord of Qingcang City died in battle, and the people in the city would rather die than submit. Their sincerity will be forever remembered by Zhentian Pavilion."

"Compared to them, do you still have the face to say that you are forced to do so?"

"Where's the face?"

After Jiang Mo asked a few words, those powerful masters fell silent immediately.

They couldn't find a word to refute.

If Jiang Mo defeated Tianwu Bank's massive attack, he could take it for his own use.

Then, these forces in Yanzhou and Guangling Road are all traitors. If you let them go once, who can guarantee that they will not rebel next time?
Besides, if they were let go, what would Zhang Dongling's mother and son think?
If these traitors are let go, countless forces loyal to Zhentian Pavilion will be chilled.

Jiang Mo must make an example to others!
Therefore, the governor of Yanzhou, the vassal king of Guangling Road, and the lords of those forces are all going to die.

As for their subordinates, there is no need to execute them all.

This is a test of Jiang Mo's ability.

If it is not handled properly, it will cause people's hearts to fluctuate.

"Take them down and behead them!"

Jiang Mo waved his hand and said.

As soon as these words came out, those people's faces were ashamed...

(End of this chapter)

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