Chapter 1333 The Law of Cruelty
Ye Tong and the others trusted Jiang Mo almost unconditionally.

Since he said no problem, then no problem.

The four of them walked towards the magic circle, and if they observed carefully, they could see that the very slender threads of Yuanli formed a criss-cross network structure in a space not far away.

Those monks who broke into here before were injured by this net of origin force.

"Are these guys looking for death?"

"They didn't see that someone paid the price just now?"

"Since they are looking for death, why should we discourage them?"

"Anyway, one more death means one less competitor."

Those monks sneered from behind.

As for He Xing, who claimed to know the Dao of Formation, he said sarcastically: "In these days, some people can even sacrifice their lives for just two Sacred Path Stones."

"Also, he dragged his companion into the water. I've lived for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen him." He Xing said angrily.

"Master He, tell me, among these few people, who can survive?"

A good person said.

His eyes fell on Yetong's hot and delicate body.

Although Yetong looks very glamorous, but her figure is uneven, any man who sees her will probably be aroused by the fire of desire.

Most of the people here are male monks, and they naturally don't want to see such a beauty buried in that magic circle with Jiang Mo.

"Hehe, how many survived? It depends on God's will." He Xing folded his arms in front of him, showing an inscrutable look.

Jiang Mo and the others ignored He Xing and the others.

He walked in front of the magic circle, and the power of divine sense gushed out. At the same time, blue flames gushed out from his hands, like spider webs, spreading towards the magic circle.


After a few breaths, Jiang Mo let out a deep drink.

Immediately, the magic circle seemed to be opened a door, and the criss-crossing threads of Yuanli were quickly pushed away.

"Go in!"

Jiang Mo shouted to Gu Linfeng and the others.

Hearing this, the three of them didn't dare to waste time, and with one dodge, they entered the magic circle.

Jiang Mo tried his best to stretch the magic circle a little, and his body also merged into it, and soon disappeared.

Seeing this lightning-like scene, the monks who were waiting to see the joke beside He Xing were all stunned, as if their necks were pinched, unable to speak a word.

Their faces became very exciting.

Just now, they were still ridiculing Jiang Mo and the others, they were overthinking their abilities and would fall under that magic circle.

But in the blink of an eye, Jiang Mo and the others entered the magic circle.

Such a contrast, how can you slap your face?

"I am not wrong, right?"

"That guy actually opened the magic circle in less than ten breaths?"

"What the hell, today's assessment of the Holy Dao Palace is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"I was really blind just now. I don't know how to hug such a big thick leg. I actually watched a joke with this idiot here." A monk glared at He Xing. Obviously, in this monk's opinion, He Xing Xing is a fool who only knows how to brag.

"Very good, I will open the magic circle later."

"Each of you only needs to hand over one Sacred Way Stone." Seeing these people, He Xing seemed to be angry with himself, and he himself was extremely embarrassed.

After all, just now he was prophesying that Jiang Mo and the others would perish under that magic circle.

Being slapped in the face so quickly made He Xing very uncomfortable.

Afterwards, He Xing's eyes fell on the monk who scolded him before, and he said: "Even if you give me ten holy stones, I will not allow you to enter the magic circle."

"Fuck you!"

"That magic circle has already been torn open by that white-haired young man, who still needs you?" The monk spewed out terrifying power from his palm, and slapped the short He Xing with his palm.

This palm was so powerful that it sent He Xing flying hundreds of feet away.

He Xing couldn't resist at all. Although he knew some formation methods, in terms of cultivation, he was weaker than many people present.

The monks present were all people with amazing talents. They seized the gap in the magic circle and bombarded it together, and quickly expanded the gap, and many people rushed in.

At this time, Jiang Mo was already standing beside Shitan.

Inside, the golden light shone, and circles of holy path ripples emanated, looking extremely sacred.

"I'll try going down first, and if there's no danger, you guys will come down later." Jiang Mo said.

Because he has cultivated the Divine Sense of the Emperor Realm, he has a sharper perception of danger than ordinary people.

"Hahahaha, you didn't think of it, did you? We also broke in!"

"How can you be the only treasure like the Sacred Path Stone?" The monk who arrived first slapped Jiang Mo across the air.

The strength was surging, like a huge wave rolling, and it pressed towards Jiang Mo and the others.

"Get out of the way."

Jiang Mo played tricks on Gu Linfeng and the others.

The four immediately retreated to the surroundings, dodging the monk's attack.

In fact, Jiang Mo felt that this stone pool was a bit strange from the very beginning.

Since the monk wants to test the danger, let him go.

Seeing that Jiang Mo and the others were blown away by his palm, the monk looked very excited.

He swept his figure quickly and fell directly into the stone pool.

"Hahaha, the sacred path stones in the pond are all mine! Hahahaha!"

The man let out a loud roar, but when his body came into contact with the cold water in the stone pool, his expression instantly became very ugly.

"What's going on? There are strange things in this rock pond!"

"No, it seems that my Yuanli has been swallowed up!"

"help me……"

"Who can save me!"

The monk began to struggle violently in the stone pool, but his cultivation seemed to have lost its effect, and his body kept falling to the bottom of the stone pool.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mo gasped.

Originally, he only expected that this stone pool was a little weird, but he didn't expect that this stone pool could actually devour a person's vitality.

Fortunately, I didn't rush in just now, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

The monks who had just entered the circle turned pale after seeing this scene.

There are too many dangers in the Devil's Burial Canyon.

It was less than half an hour later, and at least twenty monks had already fallen.

"I won't take part in this assessment!"

"It's too dangerous here!"

"I want to go back!"

After seeing the monk who fell into the rock pool, even the bones were melted, some monks immediately let out a terrified cry.

In mid-air, the three envoys of Tianming Waterway looked at the scene below calmly.

There was no intention of rescue.

Every time the assessment of Tiansheng Dao Palace, some disciples will fall.

It is very difficult for a monk whose mind and martial strength are not up to standard, let alone become a disciple of Tiansheng Dao Palace, even if he wants to survive the assessment.

The scene just now happened not only in Tianming Waterway, but also in other ancient paths for assessment, disciples fell from time to time.

The cruel laws of the practice world are constantly displayed in this assessment...

(End of this chapter)

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