Chapter 1335
On the edge of the stone pool, a man and a woman were all staring at the movement in the stone pool.

They were very close to the stone pool, and it seemed that they were not very afraid of the corrosive liquid in the stone pool.

"Frost Spirit, that kid, hasn't come out yet, he probably found the Holy Way Stone."

"You and I will go down and investigate." Qin Qiu wrapped his voice with vitality and transmitted it to the ear of the woman in white.

The woman in white was named Shuang Ling, she nodded slightly, and immediately held a snow-white bead in her hand, and suddenly a cold force spread from her delicate body.

This bead, named Yuxue Yuanzhu, is a low-grade fairy artifact.

If all the power in it was mobilized, even the mighty Emperor Wu would have to retreat.

Shua, Shua.

The two of them moved and rushed into the stone pool.

Qin Qiu also had the means to save his life. His body was covered by a red flame leopard, which made his whole body emit an extremely fiery wave.

Qin Qiu's body jumped into the rock pool, and the corrosive liquid inside wrapped around him.

"Go away!" Qin Qiu yelled coldly, and the flaming fire leopard released a terrifyingly high temperature, which actually completely evaporated the corrosive liquid around it.

The woman in white named Shuang Ling aroused the power of Yuxue Yuanzhu, and the corrosive liquid around her froze instantly, making it impossible to get close to her.

"That guy is just ahead." Qin Qiu's gaze was like lightning, and after seeing Jiang Mo, his speed suddenly increased, causing a vacuum to appear in the stone pool.

At this moment, Jiang Mo was digging the Sacred Path Stones on both sides of the stone pool. He blasted away the hard stone walls and found nearly ten Sacred Path Stones.

Moreover, according to Jiang Mo's premonition, there are at least hundreds of Sacred Path Stones in this small rock pool.

It can be said to be a treasure, if you can get all of it, it will definitely not be a problem to enter the Tianshengdao Palace.

"Take the Holy Path Stone you got, and leave."

"This place doesn't belong to you!"

Qin Qiu's body was covered with a fiery huge body. When the sound came, the stone pool echoed round after round.

At this time, Shuang Ling also arrived, and she and Qin Qiu stood in two directions, surrounding Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo stopped, turned around and glanced at Qin Qiu, and said, "Are you sure you have the right to say that?"

The other party hasn't even reached the 'Fourty-nine Little Heavenly Tribulation', where is the confidence to drive Jiang Mo away?
Is your brain broken?

"If you didn't rely on the guy outside, who do you think is your opponent among the monks present?"

"A mere seven-turn pseudo-emperor level of cultivation dares to trespass into the dragon's pool and tiger's lair."

"If you didn't have some treasures on your body, I'm afraid you would have fallen here long ago."

"I'll give you another chance, get out!" Qin Qiu snorted coldly, and the phantom of the Fire Leopard on his body became a little bigger again.

In his opinion, the reason why Jiang Mo was able to enter Shitan smoothly must be because he has a magic weapon for body protection.

After all, Jiang Mo's aura is only at the pseudo-emperor level at rank seven.

"It turned out that they regarded me as a soft persimmon."

"There is a saying, I don't know if you have heard of it?"

"There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Mo shook his big hand, and suddenly, the corrosive liquid in the stone pond turned into a huge red sword as if it had been manipulated.

The fierce and domineering sword intent was released from the red giant sword.

Shitan started to vibrate crazily, as if it was about to boil.

Now, Jiang Mo's understanding of kendo has reached a terrifying level.

With a raised hand, everything can be turned into a sword.


Qin Qiu snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and charged towards the huge red sword.

When the two collided, terrifying power was released immediately, and circles of energy rippled and oscillated continuously.

"Break it for me!"

Jiang Mo spat out a few faint syllables, and the sword intent was released immediately, and Qin Qiu's punch shattered away.

"I really don't know who gave you the courage to be so rampant!"

Jiang Mo's thoughts moved again, mobilized the red giant sword, and slashed at Qin Qiu head-on.


Shuang Lingjiao let out a cry, and then grabbed the Yuxue Yuanzhu with her slender hands. A terrifying force of ice and snow directly blasted out, blocking Jiang Mo's sword intent.

"It's not a bad magic weapon." Jiang Mo stared at Shuang Ling and realized that the Yuxue Yuanzhu was definitely worth a lot.

"Shuang Ling, you and I will join hands to kill this guy here." Qin Qiu said a little angrily.

With his cultivation at the pinnacle of rank nine pseudo-emperor, it is too humiliating for him to be unable to deal with a rank seven false emperor.

"Yeah." Shuang Ling nodded, then moved her delicate body, and flew towards Jiang Mo.

At the same time, a pair of frost and snow armor covered her delicate body, making her slim figure look concave and convex, very attractive.

Frost Spirit pressed the Yuxue Yuanzhu on a groove of the close-fitting soft armor, and suddenly incomparably majestic power was injected into the Frost Snow Armor, causing the light around her to suddenly shine.

"The Extreme of Frost - Winter!"

Shuang Ling snorted softly and shook her hand, in an instant, this place seemed to turn into a world of ice and snow.

Between heaven and earth, it was as if a bow of frost, snow and cold was aimed at Jiang Mo, locking his Qi.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The sound of thousands of arrows piercing through the air suddenly swept over, and Jiang Mo knew that it was definitely not an illusion.

If you let it bombard you, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Based on the two of you, there is still a long way to go!"

With a roar, Jiang Mo immediately unleashed the Nine Dragon Wind and Thunder Palm.

A frightening force like a prehistoric roared wildly in Jiang Mo's body.

"Shenxiao Thunder!"

Jiang Mo blasted out with both fists, and the space here turned into a world of thunder, completely breaking away the power of frost and snow around him.

Bang, bang, bang...

A series of dull voices resounded in this space.

Shuang Ling snorted, and the light of the frost and snow armor on her delicate body dimmed a bit.

"Frost Spirit!"

Qin Qiu saw the blood on the corner of Shuang Ling's mouth, roared loudly, mobilized the power of Yan Huo Leopard's blood, and rushed towards Jiang Mo fiercely.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Jiang Mo's eyes were cold. In this kind of place, it is normal for people to scramble for cultivation resources and suffer casualties.

He believed that if he met a strong man who was reincarnated and nirvana today, he would definitely be the one who suffered.

After the words fell, the Ancient Heavenly Punishment Sword came out of its sheath, and slashed towards Qin Qiu with a ray of destructive light.

The corrosive liquid in the stone pool dispersed towards both sides, and a wide vacuum zone appeared in this place instantly.

The flaming fire leopard on Qin Qiu's body was trembling crazily, as if he was afraid of something...

(End of this chapter)

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